Down In The Valley

Title: Down In The Valley

Bible Book: Psalms 23

Author: Mike Stone

Subject: Valleys of Life; Depression; Death; Jesus, Presence of



A little girl had memorized the 23rd Psalm for recitation in the children’s program at church. And even thought she had it completely memorized, in the excitement and nervousness of the event she simply stated, “The Lord is my shepherd…and that’s all I know!”

1. The Valley is a Place of Provision.

A. God provides resources in the valley. (v. 1)

Bottom line – If you don’t have it, you don’t need it.

In the valley we can often wonder “where is God?”

He is at the same place He has always been.

He is at the dinner table. He is on the job. He is the breath in your lungs.

He is the gift of your children.

Job 2:10 – “You talk like a foolish woman. Shall I indeed accept good from God and not accept adversity?”

We think of a valley as a low place. But it is also a lush place. It is a place where the Shepherd has led us in order to provide exactly what we need.

B. God provides rest in the valley. (v. 2-3)

If it seems like nothing is going on in your life right now, enjoy it and rest.

The valley is not only a place of struggle, but of sleep. (He makes me lie down)

It’s not only a place of questions but of quietness. (He leads me beside quiet waters)

By definition, a valley is between 2 mountains.

You need to rest from a mountain or for a mountain.

Recently, I was overworked and overstressed. In the midst of that I got very sick with a virus. While all sickness is not a result of sin, I believe God allowed me to get sick because He knew it was the only way I would rest.

I think God often allows or sends difficulty into our lives because He knows it’s about the only way we will slow down our busy lives and rest in Him.

2. The Valley is a Place of Protection.

A. From emotions (4a)

Emotions will lie to you. Emotions are the most unreliable source you can have.

Emotions are often lies. Fight them with truth!

See 2 Timothy 1:7

In the spiritual realm, the opposite of fear is not courage, but faith.

You see fear and faith BOTH operate in the realm of the unknown.

Fear says, “I don’t know exactly what will happen but it will probably be bad.”

Faith says, “I don’t know exactly what will happen, but it will be okay…for Thou art with me!”

B. From evil (4)

Alan Redpath – “There is nothing can come against me that has not first gone past the Father, past the Son, and past the Holy Spirit. If it has come that far, I can rest assured it has come with great purpose.”

Illustrate: A parent takes a child to the doctor. What the child sees as bad, the parent knows is beneficial.

Nothing can come against you which if properly responded to will not be for your good and for His glory.

3. The Valley is a Place of Preparation. (5-6)

The lessons learned in today’s valley will be necessary for tomorrow’s mountain…or tomorrow’s valley.

When a butterfly struggles to come out of a cocoon, the struggle is preparation for flight.

Sometimes the things God allows to happen to us are because of what He is trying to accomplish in us.

Faith, like film, is developed in the darkness.

Difficulty produces the greatest growth.


Years ago, a popular movie came out called “The Karate Kid.” In one of the best-known scenes, young Daniel is required to paint the fence, scrub the floor, and wax the car. Most of us remember, “Wax on, wax off.” After many days of frustration, the instructor, Mr. Myogi finally let Daniel know that the days of frustration, aggravation, and perspiration were really days of preparation.

As you walk through a valley, don’t forget that God may just be teaching you to “wax on” and to “wax off.” The kind Shepherd knows what lies ahead. If you will follow His leadership, you will find this valley to be a place of provision, protection, and preparation.

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