Window Of Opportunity

Title: Window Of Opportunity

Bible Book: Luke 18 : 35-43

Author: David Cook

Subject: Opportunity; Time, Limited; Procrastination



This morning, let’s learn from the Word of God about being ready when your window of opportunity is right before you. Jesus is on His way to Jerusalem. He’s just a few days shy of being whipped, beaten, cursed, crucified on the cross of Calvary. He knew exactly God’s will and purpose for His life. Jesus knew that He was born to die.

While Jesus spent three years with His disciples and explained that He must suffer and die, and rise again – they just didn’t get it. They were slow to catch on. They didn’t really understand what His whole mission and purpose was truly all about. In this way, they are no different that you and I. Sometimes it takes years, even a lifetime for us to understand just a few simple things He’s trying to tell us!

Read 18:31-34

On His way to the cross, Jesus met a “Blind Bartimeus.” Bartimeus was a man of great faith in the Lord. He was physically blind – but spiritually he had 20/20 vision! Notice with me…

I. The Condition Of This Man

“Then it happened, as He was coming near Jericho, that a certain blind man…”

A. His Blindness

How many of you got up this morning and praised the Lord that you were alive and that you could see? Can you imagine just for a moment what it would be like – if everything in your world was completely unnoticeable? Couldn’t see the beautiful white snow that fell last Sunday – the colorful flowers that will be here in the spring – your wonderful smiling face in the mirror? Sunrise – sunsets? What a blessing it is to be able to see!

Perhaps some of you have friends or family that are blind. Many don’t let their blindness defeat them – rather they become determined to get all they can from the Lord and life! Someone once asked blind and deaf Helen Keller, “Isn’t it terrible to be blind?” She said, “Better to be blind and see with your heart, than to have two good eyes and see nothing.”

Fanny Crosby was blind and wrote over 8,000 hymns such as “Rescue the perishing,” “Blessed Assurance,” “Jesus keep me near the cross.” It was from this text in Luke this morning that inspired her to write, “Pass me not, O Gentle Savior.”

The greatest blindness is not physical blindness, but spiritual blindness. Speaking of the Pharisees, Jesus said, “They are blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind leads the blind, both will fall into a ditch.” Matt. 15:14.

When we went downtown this week to serve the homeless, we saw many people in bad shape spiritually, emotionally, physically. While we don’t go there daily – I wonder how many people we  walk by Daily that Outwardly appear well off – like they don’t have any needs – but Inwardly are Blind and in need of the power of Jesus Christ. Just as much as those hungry men needed food to survive much more our souls are in need of the bread of life to live forever.

Did you know there was a time in my life when I was blind? I could see physically – but I couldn’t see Jesus until God opened the eyes of my heart through the gospel. 2 Corinthians 4.3-4 – We can’t see Jesus for who He really is – We can’t see how great the Word of God is – We can’t see how to walk by faith – We can’t see the importance of worshipping and serving the Lord – We are blind to our ultimate purpose in life.

B. His Begging

“…certain blind man sat by the road begging.”

Beggars in Jesus’ day were not viewed upon as having any worth. They were about as low on the social ladder as a stray dog. This is not a picture Bartimeus is happy about. I’m sure he was not happy about having to beg money from others to live. Perhaps, he wondered if God was angry with him – or if there was truly a purpose in life for someone as bad off as him.

Are you unhappy about the circumstances you’ve been handed? There are so many people today who are unhappy. They are unhappy about their lot in life…their shape, sickness, suffering, spiritual life, social life – Instead of seeing life for the positive it can be – they choose to focus on the negative.

Bartimeus may not have been happy about his condition– but I admire him for his courage. By the way, did you know that spiritually, only beggars are happy?

Jesus said, “Blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” To be poor in spirit means that you see God for who He is and yourself as you are before Him. Once you are understand you are broken and bankrupt before God – you begin to depend on Him in a totally new way! Those who are poor in spirit are not dependent on pleasure, power, prosperity – they know the only way they can truly be happy in life is through their proper relationship with God through Jesus Christ! Happy are the spiritual beggars!

Some in the body of Christ would rather sob that serve. They would rather share the gossip over sharing the gospel. They’d rather be a faction than be in the action of doing the will of God!

If you feel life has handed you bad circumstances – the only thing you can do is change your attitude and say, “Lord, I’ve spent enough time in the pits – it’s time for the palace of praise.”

A critical, negative atheist said, "If there is a God, may he prove himself by striking me dead right now." Nothing happened. "You see, there is not a God." Another responded, "You've only proved that He is a gracious God."

II. The Condemnation Of The Multitude

Do you spend more time listening to the voice of the Multitude or the Master? The multitude may attempt to discourage you – while the Master will direct you! The multitude will try to beat you down – the Master will lift you up!

Often, it seems like just before things get better – we’ve got to go through some rough times. Just before that marriage gets better – you go through days and nights of fighting. Before those finances get better – you go from month to month worrying about bills. Before the church gets better – you go through seasons where nothing seems to be going right. Whose voice do you listen to, the multitude or the Master?

I can just imagine Bartimeus was just about getting sick and tired of being sick and tired when he hears about a wonderful window of opportunity coming his way. Luke says, “And hearing a multitude passing by, he asked what it meant. So they told him that Jesus of Nazareth was passing by.”

Jesus of Nazareth is passing by?! He starts to get a little excited – faith starts to rise in his heart – Jesus of Nazareth is coming my way! Bartimeus is thinking, “If there is anyone that can help my desperate condition – Jesus can. He might have even started singing, “Victory in Jesus!” I’ve heard about his healing – of his cleansing power revealing – how He made the lame to walk again and caused the blind to see – and then I cried, Dear Jesus, come and heal my broken spirit – and somehow Jesus came and brought to me the victory!”

Notice that Bartimeus didn’t get victory easy in his life. The multitude tried to hold him back in a couple of ways:

A. Through Disquieting Him

“And he cried out, saying, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Then those who went before him warned him that he should be quiet...”

When Bartimeus saw his window of opportunity coming by, he got louder. This was the opportunity of a lifetime and he was desperate to get the attention of the Lord Jesus Christ. You would have thought the crowd in compassion would have done all they could to help him out – but instead of encouraging him – they discouraged him. They told him to quiet down.

Most of the time, it’s a good thing to have people around, but there are some situations that Jesus alone can bring you through! Jesus couldn’t please everyone and He is God. Jesus was criticized, opposed, ridiculed, mocked. Paul wrote, “A great door for effective service has opened to me, and there are many who oppose me.” (I Corinthians 16:9)

B. Through Deterring Him

“…he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have mercy on me!”

While the crowd did all they could to discourage and deter him, Bart refused to be intimidated. His faith was set on Jesus – He knew that his greatest need could be met only by the mercy of the Lord Jesus Christ! He knew that Jesus had all power in His hands, so he cried out all the more - louder and longer!

It seems that the world is doing all it can to silence believers from speaking the name of Jesus – silence the Bible – now is not the time to be silent – but to turn up the gospel volume!

The gospel volume needs to be raised in the church house. We need to preach that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven. We need to preach Jesus loves – but He loves you too much to let you stay in sin! We need to preach that because of Calvary – His mercy is great and His grace is free!

The gospel volume needs to be turned up louder in our homes – we need to hear the words of love, forgiveness, encouragement, and faith.

We need to understand the enemy is doing all he can to discourage, disquiet, deter, destroy Christian churches and Christian homes – Yet Our Sovereign, Savior, Spirit are doing all they can to say, “Do not be dismayed. I am with you. I am for you. I will crush Satan’s head under your feet. I am coming again soon. Keep worshipping Me. Keep witnessing for Me. Keeping praying to Me. Be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord – knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”

What builds the godly homes and churches is keeping the main thing the main thing – not majoring on the minors. What’s going to matter in 100 years from now is the eternal destiny of souls. Let’s let nothing discourage or deter us from honoring God’s Holy Name in this place! There is a battle raging – but if Jesus is Lord of our lives and Lord of our church – we are going to other side – more than conquerors through Him who loved us!

III. The Cure Of The Master

Remember, Jesus is on His way to Calvary’s cross – He’s on a divine mission from His Heavenly Father – yet He was willing to stop and listen to blind beggar’s request for sight. Verse 40 says, “So Jesus stood still and commanded him to be brought to Him.”

Jesus invites you to come to Him today and He also instructs His followers to be bringing people to Him today. Folks, do you realize when you get more concerned about the things that concerns the heart of Jesus – your problems have a way of diminishing? When you make His priorities – your priorities – suddenly you see things in a new light? Start inviting people to church. Jesus is active in the lives of those who seek Him first!

What concerns you more – your job situation – your lack of finances – your retirement – the shaky economy? What about that neighbor beside you who is lost and going to hell? What about the teenager who has never had a stable family? What about your co worker that’s never heard your mention the name of Jesus? Part of the Master’s cure in your life may involve bringing another to Him!

Notice a couple of things about Bartimeus:

A. His Faith In Jesus

“And when he had come near, He asked him saying, “What do you want Me to do for you?”

This is what Jesus wants for you and I this morning. He wants us to understand that yes – He is God

yes – He is Lord of the Universe – yes – He is concerned about the big things – the gospel, the government, the homeless, the hopeless - but He is also concerned about whatever your need is, too.

By the way, what would you say to Jesus, if He looked into your eyes and said, “What do you want Me to do for you?” Would you give Him the “Christian answer?” I want world peace? Jesus wants to hear you tell Him exactly what you need. I need deliverance from this addiction – I need to feel like I really matter – I need my spiritual life to come alive once more.

Bart simply said, “Lord, that I may receive my sight.” Then Jesus said to him, “Receive your sight; your faith has made your well.”

Can you imagine that scene of joy? The first person Bart saw was the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Don’t you want to see His face one day? I love the way God instructed Moses to speak to Aaron and his sons. They were to bless the children of Israel by saying, “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.”

"Why should he fret when God smiles? What matters though all the world should censure, if Jehovah countenances his servant. A look of approval from God creates a deep, delightful calm within the soul." (Spurgeon)

What a blessing it is to know that God the Father is above you – looking down upon you and smiling upon you. God the Son is beside you – walking with you - - praying for you. God the Spirit lives is on the inside of you imparting peace and blessing. This doesn’t mean things will be easy –but that God is there and cares!

Did the Lord know what Bartimeus wanted – yes. Still, part of the purpose of praying and the joy of praying is that you know you asked God for this and He wants you to know that He and He alone did that in your life. He delights when our faith in Him grows!

Bart never forgot what Jesus did for him! Don’t you know that built his faith when he faced more seemingly impossible situations in life? If God can heal my blind eyes – He certainly can take care of my daily burdens!

Faith in Jesus can grow in your life if you admit your need – “Lord – I need your presence – I need peace – I need purpose – I need power – I need your pardon.”

B. His Following Of Jesus

“And immediately, he received his sight, and followed him, glorifying God. And all the people, when they saw it, gave praise to God.”

Can you imagine the change Jesus made in Bart’s life? Because of what Jesus Christ did for him – he wanted to follow Him. He went from being in darkness to being in the light. He went from begging on his knees to following the Lord on his feet. He went from crying out for mercy to praising the Lord with a heart of gratitude and thankfulness. He went from receiving a blessing to becoming a testimony and blessing to others.

Isn’t that a picture of what God wants to do in our lives? He wants us saved – from the power of darkness to the Lord of light. He wants us raised in his power and priorities in discipleship. He wants to take us from sitting to surrendered in worship. He wants to lead us into service – being blessed to be a blessing through sharing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ with others.

God gives each of us a window of opportunity. Some don’t receive it because our condition blinds us to it. Some let the condemnation of the multitude keep them silent and in our normal place. Some, in spite of their condition – want to move out of the comfort zone.

They see Jesus for who He is – cry out for mercy – receive His healing touch in their lives – and live to make windows of opportunities happen for others.

A few years ago, a plane began to run out of fuel over the Comoros Islands. The pilot came over the radio system and announced they he would be trying an emergency landing. Andrew Meekens – a layman – stood up and calmed everyone down. He then presented the gospel of Jesus Christ and invited people to respond. A surviving flight attendant said that 20 people responded to the salvation appeal, including a flight attendant who did not survive the crash - along with Andrew. This was his last window of opportunity. What about you?

This morning – I want to invite you to come to Jesus. I want you to seize the opportunity to know and follow Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Don’t let your condition or the condemnation of others stop you from doing what Jesus would have you do this morning. In this window of opportunity, you can become a miracle of His mercy and become a messenger to all of the greatest news of all time – Jesus Saves!

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