Why Every Christian Should Say – I Will

Title: Why Every Christian Should Say - I Will

Bible Book: Isaiah 6 : 1-13

Author: David Platt

Subject: Submission; Missions; Faithfulness; Christian Living; Evangelism



Isaiah 6:1-13

Why should every single person say to God, “I will pray however You want me to pray, I will give whatever you want me to give, and I will go wherever and whenever You want me to go…?”

I will go to my neighbor.

And I will go to another nation.

And not just another nation, but nations like Iraq … or Syria … or Somalia.

I’ll give whatever You want me to give, and I’ll go wherever You want me to go.

Why should every single Christian say that?

Why must every single Christian say that?



Our God reigns.

During the time of Isaiah, King Uzziah had reigned over Judah 52 years. The king had been the only ruler that a generation of Judeans had ever known. But when he died, his reign came to an end. In contrast, Isaiah had a vision of “the Lord sitting upon a throne, high and lifted up” (Isaiah 6:1, ESV). Like Uzziah, kings, presidents and leaders have come and gone throughout history, but only one King remains. God’s reign knows no end.

In Isaiah’s vision, the Lord is surrounded by angelic attendants (seraphs). Their name means, “burning ones.” The angels are all consumed and ablaze with the worship of God. Myriads of heavenly beings circle the throne of God, shouting and singing praises to Him without ceasing. They’re doing that now!

What are they singing? “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord” (Isaiah 6:3). His holiness is all encompassing; the extent of His majesty is terrifying to behold.

God’s holiness doesn’t just mean He is sinless. He also is without equal (Isaiah 40:18, 25 and 45:5). And “the whole earth is full of His glory” (Isaiah 6:3). The beauty of a sunrise, the resounding echo of thunder and the vastness of a mountain range all give us a glimpse of the glory of our Creator.

We have an incomprehensibly glorious God.


In response to seeing a vision of the fullness of God’s glory, Isaiah says, “Woe is me! For I am lost; for I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips” (Isaiah 6:5).

We might think that we aren’t so bad, but we have no clue as to the seriousness of our own sin. Man-centered perspectives view sin as a small offense to be excused, not warranting full and infinite punishment. But the  magnitude of sin isn’t determined by how small or large we perceive it. The magnitude of sin is determined by the majesty of the One Who is sinned against.

One sin, the initial disobedience of Adam and Eve to the command of an infinitely holy God, brought condemnation to all mankind and continues to affect the entire world today (Romans 5:12-21). At its core, sin is a personal affront to God, and it leads to the most important question in the entire universe: How can sinful people stand before an incomprehensibly great God and not receive infinite punishment?


How can a holy God say to a guilty sinner that he is innocent? That doesn’t seem fair. But by His great grace and in His great plan, God has made a way for us to avoid the punishment we deserve. God wills to show us mercy, so much so that He chose to provide the atonement for our sin. How is this possible?

In Isaiah 6:6-7, the live coal from the altar of sacrifice is a picture of what is to come. It’s a picture given throughout the Old Testament (Leviticus 16; Isaiah 53:4-6) that points to Christ. He alone would endure the penalty for sin in our place, and He alone has made a way for sinners to stand innocent, to be made righteous, before God. This is a scandal of infinitely significant proportions: through the sacrifice of His Son on behalf of sinners, God
has made a way for our salvation!


How shall we respond to such mercy?

“Whom shall I send … and who will go for us?” God asks. And Isaiah responds: “Here am I; send me!” (Isaiah 6:8). The grace of God isn’t designed for casual acceptance. It compels us to abandon plans, dreams, possessions, priorities, treasures and pleasures in this world. Our King is worthy of so much more than nominal, casual, cultural Christianity. He is worthy of absolute submission to His person and absolute surrender to His purpose: Declaring His glory and His gospel to the ends of the earth, particularly to the unreached.

The unreached are people who have never heard the good news of the gospel and currently don’t have access to this news. This includes more than 2.8 billion people around the world. Why must we urgently pursue them? Why must we take the command of God to go to all people more seriously? Why must we stop giving only our spare time and leftover resources to this task?

Because their partial knowledge of God is enough to condemn them to hell (Romans 1:18-32).

Every unreached person in the world has some knowledge of God, whether it’s a man in an African jungle, a woman in a remote Asian village or a nomad in a vast desert. Even if they haven’t heard the gospel, they have seen evidence of God. Every person in the world stands guilty of sin before God — which is why he or she needs to hear the good news of the gospel.

This means there are more than 2.8 billion people in the world today who have enough knowledge of God to show them that He is incomprehensibly glorious. But that’s all they have! They are sinfully lost without the rest of the gospel. We must take it to them!

Because the gospel of God is powerful enough to save them from hell and admit them to heaven. This gospel of a scandalously merciful Savior is good news — for every people group on the planet. It’s great news! And it works! It saves! There is not a people group on the planet that is beyond the power of God to save.

Because the glory of God is good enough to satisfy them forever. There is coming a day when our scandalous Savior and sovereign King will return, and a throng that includes every people, nation, tribe and tongue will surround Him. We will see His face and together be glad in His glory. This is what we live for, and this is what we die for. This is why we have breath.

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