Where Do You Stand With Him?

Title: Where Do You Stand With Him?

Bible Book: Luke 23 : 44-49

Author: Rex Johnson

Subject: Evangelism; Witnessing; The Cross; Courage



Luke 23: 44-49

As we look at our scripture today, I would like for our hearts to be drawn to this historical event that took place as recorded in Luke’s Gospel. It all took place up on a hill – many people could see the hill from a distance. It was about the 6th hour – darkness covered the sky for 3 hours – the vail in the Temple was torn. Only the High Priest could go behind the vail in the Temple – so the tearing of the vail was a clear message and indication from God that mankind would not be separated from Him.

I. Note the Centurion at the Cross

The Centurion was a Roman soldier, and the task of crucifying Jesus was just another day on the job for him. He had witnessed a lot of deaths and heard a lot of screams from the those dying and from their families.

He had seen many changes in weather patterns, and he had heard every excuse as to why a person should not be hanged on the cross. He heard many beg not to be killed. After witnessing and performing so many hangings on the trees – the crosses -  his heart had become hard and cold.

This was a day like none he had ever witnessed because it was different in so many ways for him. This day and this crucifixion was peculiar compared to all he had experienced before.

Note several things that happened that made this so different …

  •  Darkness came suddenly
  •  There was a rumbling in the air and from the ground
  •  Jesus called in a loud voice – “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.”
  • Then Jesus breathed His last breath.

The Centurion witnessed this event – he then praised God and said, “Surely this was a righteous man,” meaning that this Man (Jesus) was innocent – he had done nothing wrong to deserve death – he had done nothing wrong in His life.

II. Note the Crowd

The crowd that stood around the three crosses on the hill that day, not to support Jesus but to be witnesses to ensure that Jesus was really, truly dead! They were there to see shame on a man’s face – they wanted to hear the screaming and begging – they wanted the sentence pronounced on Jesus accomplished. They wanted their “justice” done.

This was the most historical event of history. No other day had the importance of this day. This day was the day the Son of God, who came into the world, to take the sin of man upon himself, was put to death. Here we see the actual event, the live action for the crowd, as they witnessed the death of the Son of God -Jesus!

As soon as Jesus breathed his last breath, the crowd at the foot of the cross began to beat their chests – this was an act of anguish – they were very upset and disturbed. They couldn’t explain what had just happened, even though they were witnesses to it and they had seen it with their own eyes, and they could not explain it. To them the event that had just taken place had somehow robbed them, as if they had just missed out on something. Of course they were right but now it was too late, and they felt the awful guilt of that moment. Yes, they felt guilty, but they could not explain what had just happened. They knew it was something great and they missed out on it.

III. Note Those who Knew Him

There was a group there who had followed Jesus for the past three years. They sat under the best ever Bible professor, for that had Jesus with them all those years to answer their most difficult questions. They got to see firsthand the work that Jesus did and all that He stood for. They had literally walked in the footprints of Jesus – the Son of God.

It’s strange that all those who knew him, who no doubt knew He was the Son of God, stood at distance as He died on the cross. Think of it – you had the cross, the Centurion, the crowd and then the actual followers of Jesus – all standing there observing the death of Christ. His followers should have been the ones who were at the foot of the cross saying to the others, “You are making a huge mistake, this is the Son of God. He has come to take your sin debt – He came to be your Savior.”

These truths were not secrets to the followers of Jesus. They knew that very day who He was and what He was doing for them. But, let’s stop for a moment. Before you judge them or become angry with them, note that have people living in our generation today who are just like them. Lifeway Research, a  group with the Southern Baptist Convention, did a study and found out that of all people who called themselves Christians, that in the past six months before the survey, had not shared the gospel with any person or led anyone to Christ.

Jesus died while being spat upon, stabbed, stoned, and having His feet and hands nailed to a Roman cross. He witnessed to the two thieves while going through all this torture. While people mocked Him and one thief mocked Him, Jesus continued to do evangelism! He even led one of the thieves to faith and salvation, saying to him, “This day you shall be with me in paradise.”

Are you afraid to be identified with Jesus? Are you afraid of being identified with Him?

Go to Luke 18: 31-34 and note the text …

Jesus took the Twelve aside and told them, “We are going up to Jerusalem, and everything that is written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled. He will be delivered over to the Gentiles. They will mock him, insult him and spit on him; they will flog him and kill him. On the third day he will rise again. The disciples did not understand any of this. Its meaning was hidden from them, and they did not know what he was talking about.”

Look at Luke 8: 38 …

“If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels.”

His followers stood back at the cross, likely seeing all that was being done to Him and thinking that they too would be treated that way if they spoke up or identified themselves with Him. Do we not do the same thing? We don’t want to be laughed at, made fun of, or have a door shut in our faces. But I must say, our embarrassments, hurt feelings or being laughed at will surely be made up for by our loving Savior. He will care for us and bless us when we stand for Him. So how do we come out from hiding?

We know the Disciples went back to the upper room – Jesus came and appeared to them. They were in disbelief when this happened – they could not believe it. What Jesus left the Disciples with that day is the same thing he has left us with today – it’s something most Christians have missed.

Look at Luke 24: 45-53 …

“Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, “This is what is written: The Messiah will suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things. I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high. When he had led them out to the vicinity of Bethany, he lifted up his hands and blessed them. While he was blessing them, he left them and was taken up into heaven. Then they worshiped him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy. And they stayed continually at the temple, praising God.”

Now here we see Jesus is talking to the followers who were standing out at a distance, telling them they were witnesses of the event. It’s time to go and tell everyone. He gives them what they need physically, and in word. This is the same thing you and I need today – we need to stand in the crowd, up front, and not be ashamed of Jesus. It’s what makes you and I stand out in any crowd. Jesus told them to stay in the city until they had received the Holy Spirit.

Note from verse 49 …

 “I am going to send you what my father has promised.” In John 14: 26 we read, “But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send is my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.”


Clothed with power from on high!

The power they needed and that you and I need as well is the “Power of the Holy Ghost.”

This power was needed to be effective witnesses to the entire world. He said go and stay in the city until He, “the Holy Spirit comes,” to you. It would bring them from standing in the background to standing in the foreground. They would not run or hide anymore – they were ready to even face death. The gates of Hell could not prevail against them now.

Where do you stand with our Savior? It took the Holy Spirit to bring out the best of his disciples. They all faced death, but they stood their ground from that point on.

Where do you Stand? Let him open your understanding today.







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