When You’re Feeling Down, Look UP!

Title: When You're Feeling Down, Look UP!

Bible Book: Psalms 43 : 1-11

Author: William R. Shively

Subject: Trust in God; Faith; Faithfulness; Provision, God's



Someone has said that depression strikes about 10 million Americans within any six-month period. Christians are not excluded from depression. The Psalmist was in a state of depression as he cried out, “Why art thou cast down, oh my soul?” Someone has said, “The cure for depression is neither to look inward to our source of grief, nor back to our past, nor outward to our problems, but to look upward to the living God.”

We do not know the person who wrote Psalms 42 and 43. We do know that he was discouraged and depressed. Within the 16 verses of these two Psalms, the writer asked “why” 10 times. God was silent to him. Maybe you feel alone and abandoned. Maybe you are asking questions like the Psalmist, “Why hast thou forgotten me?” or “Why doest thou cast me off?”

I. Thirsty Soul

A. For the Person of God (v. 1-2a)

The Psalmist was thirsty for God like a deer thirsting for water during a time of drought. We can have times of spiritual dryness in our lives. A thirst for God is a sign of spiritual life.

B. For the Presence of God (v. 2b)

The Psalmist longed to come into the presence of God. At times we may feel empty, alone, or even abandoned by God.

II. Troubled Soul

A. Troubled by Mockers “Where is thy God?”

His soul was troubled by mockers. The Psalmist mentioned in Ps. 42:9 and in Ps. 43:2 about being oppressed by his enemies. In Ps. 42:3 and 42:10, he spoke of his enemies mocking him by saying, “Where is thy God?”

B. Troubled by Memory (v. 4)

His soul was troubled when he remembered the joy of going with the multitude to the house of God. He reflected upon those days when he praised the Lord.

III. Trusting Soul

A. Honest Before God

1. Honest question of himself: “Why art thou cast down, O my soul?”

2. Honest question to God: “Why hast thou forgotten me?”

B. Hope in God

In the midst of his depression, the psalmist still had hope. Three times the psalmist wrote of his hope in God (42:5, 11 & 43:5).His hope rested upon the control, care, and character of God.

1. Control of God. (v. 7)

2. Care of God. (v. 8) “His loving-kindness”

3. Character of God. (v. 9) “I will say unto God, my rock.”

Moses: “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.” (Deut. 32:4)

David: “He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defense; I shall not be moved. In God is my salvation and my glory: the rock of my strength, and my refuge, is in God.” (Ps. 62:6-7)

C. Helped by God (v. 5; 43:2)

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” (Ps. 46:1)

Yesterday God helped me;

Today He’ll do the same.

How long will this continue?

FOREVER, praise His name!


1. In times of depression or spiritual dryness, you must continue to trust, pray (42: 8) and praise the Lord (43:4). Offer Him the sacrifice of praise.

2. You must not allow your feelings and emotions to affect your faith and trust in the Lord. He is in control and He cares for you. Reaffirm your faith in Him.

3. Remember God’s past faithfulness and claim God’s promises for the future.

4. If you are not saved, come to Him this morning by faith. Ask the Lord Jesus to forgive your sins and trust in Him to save you today.

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