When The Flame Becomes Embers

Title: When The Flame Becomes Embers

Bible Book: Revelation 2 : 1-7

Author: Todd Morris

Subject: Church; Ephesus Church; First Love; Loving Jesus



In Revelation 1:11, John lists seven churches by name. Beginning in chapter 2, Jesus has a word for each of these congregations. This morning I am beginning a series of messages that will deal with each of these seven churches and their members. As we begin this series, I want you to bear in mind that these churches can be seen in many ways, and there are many things that must be taken into consideration as we study them.

First, they may be viewed prophetically.

Those of us who are dispensationalists, and I count myself as one, believe that each of these churches represent a different stage in the life of Christ's church over the past 2,000 plus years. Ephesus is representative of the early church between the Day of Pentecost and about 100AD. This was a time of great expansion for the church, but it was also a time when the church began to lose some of its fervency.

The churches may also be viewed practically.

These letters were sent to literal churches in the first century. While they speak of specific churches in that day, they will also speak to every church in existence today. God has a word for Abney Baptist Church in these letters.

The churches may also be viewed personally.

These letters speak to congregations of people, but we must be mindful that there are individuals that these letters speak to as well. God has something to say to you and me about our relationship with Him.

As I preach through these letters I will allude to all of the aspects of interpretation, but I want to major on the practical application. God has a word for Abney in each of these letters.

This first letter is to the church at Ephesus.

Ephesus is an important city. It is a major commercial, political, and religious power. It was home to the temple of Dianna, the goddess of sex and fertility, and people came from all over the world to worship there. Their form of worship was elicit sex with Temple Prostitutes.

Paul had founded the church here, served it as pastor for two years, wrote I and II Corinthians while he was there, and left Timothy there as the Bishop. John spent the last years of his life there as well, writing his Gospel and three epistles there. And tradition tells us that Mary, the mother of Jesus is buried there.

It was a busy church, serving at a wicked time in history. Thirty years have passed, and the Lord inspires John to write to the church sharing where they have been and where they are. Let's take a look at the church at Ephesus, and see if we can draw parallels to the cchurch at Abney.

I. Jesus Examines Their Reputation (2-3, 6)

A. He Commends Their Service (2a)
  • Their Works Are Many
  • Their Labor Is Fervent
  • Teir Patience Was Noteworthy
B. He Commends Their Separation (2b)

They lived a separated lifestyle. They were completely different from the world.

C. He Commends Their Standards (2c, 6)

They stood for right and against wrong.

D. He Commended Their Steadfastness (3)

They did what they did for the Lord.

II. Jesus Exposes The Reality (4)

A. His Disappointment

While they look good on the surface their is a problem in the heart that must be dealt with. Jesus lets them know that He is grieved by the problems He sees in this church.

B. His Diagnosis

Jesus looks at these people whom He loves and whom He died for and tells them that they simply do not love Him like they used. He tells them that "have left their first love." They haven't stopped  loving Him, but that deep, fervent passion that once burned in them has left their hearts. They are still busy for Him, but they are no longer passionate about Him!

III. Jesus Explains The Remedy (5)

A. He Speaks About Remembering

He calls on them to look back and remember that moment when they first came to know Him. He wants them to reflect upon what He did for them. He wants them to recall the emotion of those early days of salvation. He wants them to remember what it was like when they loved Him more than anything, and when their love for Him motivated everything that they did.

B. He Speaks About Repenting

That term means a "change of mind that results in a change of action." We need to get back to our altars, reclaim that emotional extravagant first love and fall head of heals in-love with Jesus all over again! We need to repent of our coldness and fall in-love with Jesus afresh and anew.

C. He Speaks About Removing

If they refuse to get where they need to be, Jesus tells them that He is willing to extinguish their candle. And beloved, that is exactly what He did! There is no great Christian work in Ephesus today! There is nothing there but ruin and rubble.

IV. Jesus Expounds The Reward (7)

A. The Reward Is Available

Jesus speaks of an "overcomer." That word literally means to "carry off to victory." He seems to be saying that some will heed the message and return to their first love, and for them the reward will be great.

B. The Reward Is Amazing

Jesus seems to be saying that those who love Him the most now will enjoy Heaven the most then. I want all I can get!


Right now, at this moment I want you to honest with yourself and with Jesus. Have your left your first love? Are you busy out of duty and not out of love? Can you honestly say that you are filled with fervent, emotional, extravagant love for Jesus? Or would you have to say that your heart has gotten cold, that your zeal is not what it once was, and that you need to remember, repent, and repeat the first works? If He has touched your heart this morning, you need to deal with Him now. The time is now and the place is here.

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