What Will They Think Of Next

Title: What Will They Think Of Next

Bible Book: Acts 17

Author: Vince Hefner

Subject: Witness; Evangelism; Rejection of God



How do you tell others about Jesus? Is it done simply by how you live your life? Do you think you can share a witness merely by where you live your life? Or, do we witness by what we say?

To answer this let’s look at the Apostle Paul and determine how he became an effective witness for our Lord. Certainly we should have a biblical witness. Paul is a great example of what an effective, biblical-based witness should be.

I. You Need to Know Your Mission In This World

Paul arrived in Athens by himself. He was alone, physically, in the great city of the ancient world. What would he do there? Without help or assistance, he had to decide. Note his important decision.

A. Waiting Or Wasting

Paul knew the difference between waiting for others and wasting time. A lack of support did not silence Paul. Paul’s strength was not in numbers, friends or companions. Paul’s strength to stand for the Lord was the Lord Himself! Paul knew that he would not lack opportunities in a city of need of Gospel.

B. Helpful And Harmful

Paul knew the difference between what was helpful and harmful to others. An idol cannot help you at anytime – not in the past, present or future. Paul was not frightened by the idols of Athens. The truth can always stand in the presence of falsehood.

C. Provoking and Pleasing

Paul knew the difference between what provoked God and what pleased God. Misplaced religious activities will not please God; it should not please you either! Paul meant to stand for Christ. It might not please everyone around him; in fact Paul had learned that the message of the Cross was a stumbling block to many. He knew that he would not be loved by everyone. But, who was Paul to please? Was he to gain the applause of men or the smile of heaven? Paul wanted to please God – so, he spoke up for the Lord.

Dear Christian, you must know you mission in this world. Don’t waste time of frivolities. Do that which is helpful in bringing people to Christ. It is harmful to be silent! Please the Lord and forget what others think of you. That is what Paul did. Please understand that Paul did not try to provoke people. He spoke in loving and kind terms. He was gentle and thoughtful of others, but he intended to present Christ wherever he went. We should do the same.

II. You Need to Know Your Audience

Paul always knew where he was standing! Whether Paul was in Jerusalem, Rome, on the sea, or in Athens, he always sought to understand people around him. The Epicureans believed that happiness and pleasure was the key to life! The Stoics believed in personal discipline, and that life was merely to be endured! Paul knew that the great philosophy of life was not Please Thyself or Know Thyself. Paul knew that the right way of thinking was to Deny Thyself – the life and teaching of Jesus and Paul was not ashamed to share it! The Greeks and Romans placed mind over the heart. Jesus taught that man needed a new life – a re-birth! You can know this. Whoever your audience is when you are sharing Christ, you are speaking to people who have sinned. All have come short of the glory of God. Everyone has gone his own way. All are lost without a Savior until they come to faith in Christ. That we can always know about our audience. Such were we until we came in repentance and faith an accepted the claims of Christ.

III. You Need to Know Your Message

A, God Is Creator Of All

All human beings came from Adam. God created Adam and Eve. You and everyone around is a creation of God. We are not an accident.

B. God Is In Control Of All

People may think they control their own destiny, but that is not so. “I did it my way,” is the theme song of the world. But suffering, hardship and eventual death will prove that you are not in control.

C. God is Concerned for All

God’s message is that He loves us – all of us. “Red and yellow, black and white, They are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.” And he loves the adults, too!

Jesus died on the Cross for all who would believe. He is as concerned for the person living under the bridge, selling drugs on the street or worshipping at some pagan temple as he is concerned for us. Our position in Christ changes the blessings that devolve to us, but God's love was exhibited toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us!

D. God is Chief Justice over All

God is the Supreme Judge of all people. He will judge those who have lived, are living and shall live! It is appointed unto to man once to die and then to face the judgment. You may miss many appointments in your life, but the appointment of judgment is fixed by God Himself!

IV. You Need to Know What to Expect

Now, if you share God’s love in Christ. If you try to tell people that Jesus died for them at Calvary and offers them eternal life, what will happen? Will they love you for it? Let’s look at what happened when Paul shared his faith at Mars Hill.

A. Some Ridiculed

If you share your faith, some will ridicule you for it. They will laugh at you and mock you. They will hurl insults at you.

B. Some Procrastinated

Some people will merely try to get rid of you. They will procrastinate. They will put off a decision. They will not confront you. They will claim to be too busy to discuss it. They will shrug their shoulders and walk away.

C. Some Believed

When we share lovingly and sincerely what Jesus did for us and means to us, some will believe. It is sad, but far too many Christians just don’t think that they can lead another person to Christ. The fact  is the power unto salvation is not in us. The power is in God’s Spirit dwelling in us. The power is in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. If you share, some will believe.

D. All Heard

Whatever the response when Paul shared the Gospel in Athens, all the people there heard the Gospel. The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. They have to hear to believe. He can’t just share with a good life. You must speak up before anyone will step up to accept Jesus.

Now comes the great question. What will you do with your next opportunity to share Jesus with someone else? Will you try to pass off the responsibility?

What will you think of next? Whatever you think, God desires for you to speak up for Jesus. Whatever you think about witnessing, the Bible clearly states that we have been commissioned to be His witnesses.

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