What Are The Signs Of The End Time And How Can I Be Ready?

Title: What Are The Signs Of The End Time And How Can I Be Ready?

Bible Book: 2 Timothy 3 : 1-17

Author: David Cook

Subject: End Times; Ready to Meet God; Return of Christ; Rapture



2 Timothy 3:1-17

Does anyone really know what time it is? I’m not talking about the hour of the day; I’m talking about the time of the Lord Jesus Christ’s rapture of the church! Do you know what time it is spiritually speaking? Are you ready to see Jesus face to face?

Let’s dig into God’s Word and find some answers about the signs of the times and also become ready to meet with Jesus at any time.

I. These Are Difficult Times

“But know this, that in the last days perilous times will come…” (1)

You ought to underline or circle that word “perilous.” The word perilous means “hard to bear” or “hard to deal with.” How many of you faced some “perilous times” even this week?

This week as Jon David practiced T-Ball, I overheard some of the kid’s moms talk about the difficulties of being a mom. They were so entertaining as they discussed the frustrations of: getting the kids to eat right, going to sleep on time, making sure they were eating a proper diet, learn how to potty train, etc. I smiled as they talked because they were going through exactly what Amy and I are going through. Somehow it brought me great comfort just knowing that others are facing some difficult days of their own!

Life Is Not Easy. Standing for God and standing for the truths of His Word is not easy. One of the least claimed Bible promises of all time is 2 Timothy 3.12, “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”

Perilous times are upon us like I’ve never seen. With the passing of the “Hate Crimes Bill” pastors most likely will be persecuted or even arrested for preaching the truth of the Word of God on a subject like homosexuality. The world is tolerant of every religious denomination – except for the those who proclaim that the Lord Jesus Christ alone can bring salvation to a sinner’s heart – the Lord Jesus exclusively.

A recent article (April 30,2009) from World Net Daily opened by stating, “The U.S. House today approved a federal "hate crimes" bill that would provide special protections to homosexuals but leave Christian ministers open to prosecution should their teachings be linked to any subsequent offense, by anyone, against a "gay." I’m accountable to God for what I preach, and I will only preach what the Word of God says.

The Bible promises that life will be hard sometimes. Just remember in these perilous times – God’s presence and power are available as we rely daily on the Lord. We still have a mission to fulfill and a God to glorify! We’ve got to keep lifting up Jesus Christ and the Holy Word of God! 2 Timothy 4:1, “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: Preach the Word!”

Yes, these are depressing, discouraging and disturbing days, but Jesus said I am with you always. Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation – but be of good cheer – I have overcome!”

Remember you are not the only one with problems! You are not the only one who had perilous times! David had his Goliath. Moses had his Pharaoh. Daniel had his lion’s den. Joseph had his whole family against him. The Apostle Paul had the legalists. Even our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross that we might have everlasting life.

I don’t know what difficulties you are going through just now, but I know some of the feelings you have, because I have been on some bumpy roads myself. You feel like quitting, like giving up. You can’t understand why God doesn’t remove the stone and straighten the path. If God did that, you might never get to the top, because the bumps are what you climb on.” (Wiersbe, W. The Bumps Are What You Climb On).

II. These Are Deceptive Times

2 Timothy 3:2-9, “For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God, 5 having a form of godliness but denying its power. And from such people turn away! 6 For of this sort are those who creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts, 7 always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. 8 Now as Jannes and Jambres resisted Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, disapproved concerning the faith; 9 but they will progress no further, for their folly will be manifest to all, as theirs also was.”

Does this list of characteristics of the last days sound like it’s coming from a nightly news broadcast? CNN? Fox News? While we aren’t going to go over the descriptions of each type person listed here, please understand these times are marked by:

Pleasure over purity - Materialism over ministry - Greed over godliness – Covetousness over contentment – Convenience over Commitment – Sensational over Spiritual - Deception over Discernment

Today is the day of the new age movement, cults, the rise of Islam and Mormonism, fake healers and false prophets. These are deceitful days. * Calvin Wittman said, “In a society that will go to Oprah    for marital advice, it should come as no surprise if people seek theological advice from a murder mystery.”

The Apostle Paul mentions, “Jannes” and “Jambres.” They were magicians in Pharaoh’s court who imitated the miracles that Moses performed. (Ex.7:8-13)…rod to a snake; Water to Blood; Frogs; but not the lice. Read Ex.8:18,19

Deceptive teachers of today oppose the truth of the Word of God in a similar manner as these magicians opposed Moses and Aaron. Just because someone comes to your door with a Bible in hand and mentions the name of Jesus doesn’t meant they worship the Jesus of the Bible. 2 Timothy 3:8-9 teaches the folly and foolishness of false teachers.

William Barlcay says, “The Christian leader will never lack his opponents. There will always be those who prefer their ideas to God’s ideas. There will always be those who wish to exercise power and influence over people and who will stoop to any means to do so…But of one thing Paul was sure – the days of the deceivers were numbered. Their falsity would be demonstrated; and they would receive their own appropriate place and reward.”

Let’s keep our eyes upon the Lord Jesus Christ. In Mark 13, Jesus speaks of some of the signs of the times. Among those signs he includes…False christs and false prophets (13:21-22); Increasing Earthquakes, famines, and troubles…Persecution of Christians worldwide by governments and people…Gospel preached to all the world. The signs are clear that then End is drawing near. (Difficult, Deceptive…)

III. These Are Deciding Times

(2 Timothy 3:10-17)Every day we make decisions. We make decisions about our attitude, faithfulness to family, working on the job. We decide where we’ll shop, what we’ll eat, what we’ll wear. We make hundreds of decisions every day – but what about life’s most important decision to have a vital relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. Are you living with the end in view?

The Apostle Paul had decided to follow Jesus with nor turning back. His purpose was set. He patiently endured persecutions, evil, and suffering of all kind. His pleasure was not living for himself but in the Presence of the Lord who delivered him not from tough times, rather through the tough times. How can we be ready any time to meet the Lord Jesus Christ?

A. No One Knows The Exact Day Christ Will Return

First, No One Knows The Exact Day Christ Will Return. “But of that day no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but my Father only.” Mt. 24.36

I heard a famous TV teacher say recently that God had given him a special date of Christ’s return in late 2012. When I hear things like this I always count that day off because no one knows except our Heavenly Father.

B. Life Is Going To Go On As Usual Till The End

Second, understand Life Is Going To Go On As Usual. Mt. 24.37-38

Most people never stop to think about their eternal destiny. They are too consumed with their daily life. Their focus in not eternal, but the temporal. Life is fine here, but it’s not home. For the follower of Christ, Heaven is home.

Jesus is not putting down eating, drinking, and marriage. He’s reminding us that just as Noah preached his heart out for 120 years and wasn’t taken seriously, so it will be in the last days. Just as the flood came the first time and the whole world was caught off guard – so will the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. Just as Noah warned those all those around him to turn from sin and turn to God, I am warning you that there is coming a day when God is going to close the door of the ark of safety.

Today is the day to come on board.

C. Our Worldview Must be Defined By The Bible

Third, my worldview will be Defined By The Bible. Is there a passion in your heart to know and study this Word? * John Bunton, Sr. (1773-1822): "Holy Bible, Book divine, / Precious treasure, thou art mine: / Mine to tell me whence I came; / Mine to teach me what I am."

I was up late feeding Bella and switched on the Tyra Banks Show this past Friday Night. They were dealing with hot topic issues and had very liberal and then some conservative guests. One of the liberal ladies said, “How can people living in the 21st century be expected to believe something as irrelevant as the Bible?” The crowd erupted with applause and approval.

D. Make Sure You Are Saved And Following Christ As Lord

Fourth, I would Make Sure I Am Truly Saved And Following Christ As Lord And Savior. Have you truly turned from your sin and placed your trust in Christ alone to rescue you? Have you confessed your sin to God and asked Jesus to come into your life as Lord? Don’t take your sin and salvation for granted. Romans 10.13, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”

E. Turn From Complacency And Apathy

Fifth, let these perilous times wean you from complacent and apathetic living. Come Back To Church, Back To Prayer Meeting, Back To Sunday School, Back To Loving God And Neighbor.

Don’t be moved by feelings be moved by what you know. Go by what God says in His Holy Word!

Dave Ramsey is a fascinating financial communicator. He’s helped many get out the bondage of debt. Even if I were to be totally debt free financial wise, there’s one debt I’m always under and that is the debt to love God and love you. “Pay all your debts, except the debt of love for others. You can never finish paying that! If you love your neighbor, you will fulfill all the requirements of the law.” Romans 13.8

F. Remain Faithful Till Jesus Returns

Sixth, I Want To Be Found Faithful To Jesus No Matter The Hour. Jesus said, “Take heed.” All Christians should be ready for His return through watching, waiting, working, witnessing. Those without Christ as Savior need to turn to Him now while there is time! Would you be ready if He came this hour? Come to Jesus today!

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