Triumphing Over Temptation

Title: Triumphing Over Temptation

Bible Book: James 1 : 13-18

Author: Jackie Kay

Subject: Temptation; Sin; Victory in Christian Living



James may have heard that Christians were seeking to escape from the blame for their sins. Some were even blaming God for their failures. There are some things believers should know.

I. The Source Of Temptation

Verses 13-14

A. Temptations Do Not Come From God

Note verse 13.

God cannot be tempted and He tempts no one. We blame everyone but ourselves. We are experts at evasion. Some may have suggested that God was behind the temptation in a remote sense.

B. Temptations Come From Within Human Nature

See verse 14.

"Each person", a universal problem.

"Tempted", sin appeals to the fallen nature of man.

C. Temptations Take Root In The Will Of Man

Read verse 14.

Satan is the Pied Piper of sin. He sets the hook of deception in the heart of desire. We have a choice.

II. The Course Of Temptation

Verse 15

"Then" points to a sequence of events.

A. Temptation Commences With A Conception

Verse 15.

The word "conceived" (sullabousa) is a combination of "sun" (together) and "lambano" (to take). The seed of temptation joins with the unguarded heart to begin the process. Temptation is not sin. Giving it a sheltered place in our hearts and minds is.

B. Temptation Continues With A Birth

Note verse 15.

If man nourishes and encourages desire long enough, sin is born. Illustration: Eve in the Garden, Samson and Delilah, David and Bathsheba, Ahab and Naboth’s orchard .

C. Temptation Concludes With A Death

Read verse 15.

"Death" (thanaton) spiritual deterioration. When sin has run its course there is death of love, influence, joy, peace, and ultimately life itself.

III. The Resources For Overcoming Temptation

Verses 16-18

A. Heed God’s Warning

Read verse 16.

The imperative indicates "stop being deceived".

Galatians tells us, "Be not deceived..." Only a fool disregards God’s warnings.

B. Trust God’s Character

Note verse 17.

All kinds and degrees of good are from God. He is a good God who takes pleasure in blessing His children. There is no "shadow of turning", i.e., He is unchanging and will not turn (change directions) with regard to His goodness. He wants what is best for us.

C. Get In On God’s Purpose

See verse 18.

God has a plan for your life. Sin brought death but God resolutely willed not to let us perish in our sins. His dear Son died in our place. He provides for us deliverance from sin’s penalty, sin’s power, and, ultimately, sin’s presence. "Greater is He that is within us than he that is within the world".


As we trust God, walk with God, love God, worship God, serve God, guard our hearts and feed our faith (see God’s "ponder" list in Philippians 4:8), we can triumph over temptation. Just as Jesus "triumphed" over Satan (Colossians 2:15) He will enable us to triumph over temptation. There really is "Victory In Jesus"! And, when we have believed a lie and taken Satan’s bait, thank God there is forgiveness through confession and repentance. God is in the business of helping folks who have sinned and are sorry.

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