Three Ways To Handle Anxiety

Anxiety is something every pastor’s wife faces at one time or another. We often feel pressure to measure up to other’s unending expectations, as we juggle home responsibilities, family life, work schedules, and church demands. Add to that the current state of our world, with its wars, inflation, health crises, social disruptions, and political divisiveness. All of this together can feel overwhelming.

Here are three practical things we can do when we experience anxiety:

1. Call on the name of Jesus.

There is power in Jesus' name. The Scriptures remind us frequently that the Lord is mighty and above all. In Luke 10, Jesus had sent out disciples, two by two, to go into the towns to share the Good News. Jesus prepared the disciples in advance, reminding them that their message would not always be well received. When the disciples returned to give him a report, they had this to say, in verse 17:  "...Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name."  When anxieties overtake us, we can experience relief by calling on Jesus and audibly speaking his name, because all things are under his authority.

2.  Write down ways God has taken care of you in the past.

There is something remarkable about writing things down on paper. Seeing the truth in black and white is tangible. When we recall God's provision in our minds, that's great. But writing it down in a journal or on a tablet helps us to visualize God's faithfulness. There are several places in Scripture where God gave the command for things to be written down, such as here in Exodus 17: 14, "Then the Lord said to Moses, 'Write this as a memorial in a book.'"  This exercise of recording what God has done in the past should serve to remind us that the Lord has never let us down. And he never will.

3. Sing.

Whenever I mention singing, someone inevitably says, "You've never heard me sing," or, "I can't carry a tune in a bucket." But that isn't important at all. The important part is that we simply make a joyful noise to the Lord. Music soothes the spirit. It is a form of worship to God. We can sing with our voices, our spirits, and even our minds, where so often anxiety takes root. 1 Corinthians 14: 15 says, "What am I to do? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray with my mind also; I will sing praise with my spirit, but I will sing with my mind also."  Godly music modifies our minds. It roots out anxiety, doubt, and discouragement and replaces them with the Lord's peace.

While this is not an exhaustive list of the ways we can deal with runaway anxiety, it's a great start to experiencing God's perfect peace in a crazy world.

Love in Christ,


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Sherry Hefner

Sherry Hefner

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