The Wrong Fellowship

Title: The Wrong Fellowship

Bible Book: 2 John 1 : 11

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: False Prophets; Christian Living



Fellowship is a good word usually. We especially like it when it pertains to family. God has said there are some people we're not to fellowship with. Now let me warn you, we must be careful here. The bible doesn't ever excuse us from witnessing but does warn us against going to the point of fellowship. Sometimes we've been lead to believe that if we don't act cordial or hang out with certain people they might say or think you're better than they are. At the risk of sounding egotistic, you're a child of God and they aren't.

I. Christians Are To Demonstrate Candor, Vs. 11

A. Why We Use Candor, Vs. 11

...he... vs. 11.

He is a very important person. The he that John is referring to here is the Christian. Listen! The word candor means to be frank, honest and sincere. I think too many Christians today aren't sincere or frank enough about who they are. Remember that when John gave such advice false prophets had tried to take the truth out of the church. When men of God refused to let them into their pulpits they thought, we'll just visit them at home. We belong to Christ! Christians, be candor when they arrive. Not only do we see why we use candor but also when we're to be candor.

B. When We Use Candor, Vs. 11

...biddeth him God speed... vs. 11.

John says that's a bad choice of words for the Christian. When a false prophet or false religionist comes to your door be very candor with them. Use witnessing words. When anyone comes to your door you need to take charge of the conversation. You do the talking and don't let them disarm you with churchy words. Be sure you know where they stand before you wish them God speed. The word God speed means to wish them success and blessings! Don't do that! Ask to pray for their soul! Not only do we see that Christians are to demonstrate candor but also Christians are to demonstrate caution.

II. Christians Are To Demonstrate Caution, Vs. 11

A. Use Caution With Whom We Partake, Vs. 11

...partaker... vs. 11.

The word partaker actually means to take in or absorb. In other words, to stand in agreement with a false prophet will allow his task to be absorbed by your mind. We need to use extreme caution as to whom we'll allow ourselves to be taught by. It often comes in the guise of progressive learning or expanding our horizons. Be careful as to how much of that you listen to! You'll find yourself repeating some of it, and worse yet believing some of it! Not only do we see that we are to use caution with whom we partake but also we are to use caution with what we produce.

B. Use Caution With What We Produce, Vs. 11

...evil deeds., vs. 11. It's almost a given! Evil teaching will lead to evil works. What do you think has corrupted our society today? Liberal teachers not only in our colleges and seminaries but more tragically in our churches! A good learner is a good laborer. Be careful what you learn!

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