The Wonderful Word of God

Title: The Wonderful Word of God

Bible Book: 2 Peter 1 : 12-21

Author: David Cook

Subject: Word of God; Bible, The; Truth; Men



Today, we are going to talk about the wonderful Word of God. Perhaps some of you remember singing as a child, “The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me. I stand alone on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E.” (Read 2 Peter 1:12-21)

Peter knew that he was not going to be around in the world much longer – the Lord Jesus Christ had shown him this personally. Men would take his life and he would die a martyr’s death. In his last message to believers (those who have personally come to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior) this seasoned, wise Apostle wanted the church to keep the main things the main things – he wanted to warn them of the truth decay all around them - so they could grow up in their faith and stand strong against all the opposition the world, the flesh, and the devil. His great desire was that they put their full confidence in the Word of God and not give in to false teaching that would gradually lure them away from their secure position in Christ.

This morning, I want to remind you of three vital truths from the Word of God to remember in fighting the “truth decay” battle.

I. The Word of God Enforces Christian Character (2 Peter 1:5-15)

T or F - It requires no little to no effort to walk in the way of the world.

T or F – Walking faithfully with Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior requires constant diligence and determination.

Both are True! The Christian life is not a once a week hobby – but a lifetime of following Jesus as Lord.

God’s desire is that every child of God has a hunger for the Word of God – and to take time to fill their lives up with the Word of God.

How long could you last physically if you didn’t eat for a week?

How can you expect to be strong spiritually if you feed on the Word only once a week?

If you want that hunger for the Word – you’ve got to read the Word diligently – pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all truth.

How do you know it it’s God or just your own voice? The Holy Spirit will always be in line with the Word of God!

The world is doing all it can - with all the power, advertising, – to make Christians lose confidence in the Word of God. How many believing lies and deceptions based on “Thus sayeth man,” over “Thus sayeth the Lord.”

Where does your worldview come from? Winfrey or the Word. The world is saying,

“Sex outside of marriage is ok.”

“Having a baby and then deciding to takes its life is ok.” Pam Tebow, the mother of Tim Tebow (QB for Gators) was told to have an abortion. Six months into pregnancy, her doctors said Tim was just a mass of fetal tissue. Today, Tebow is 6’3, 235 pounds and is the most respected player in all of college football. It’s ironic to thank that those who favor abortion are the ones who were not aborted!

“God’s way of marriage is old fashioned - who still believes in one man and one woman in a committed, covenant, God honoring relationship– homosexuality is now in style.

“Internet Pornography” is harmless.

The sad truth is how many Christians believe the lies of the world – instead of the truth of the Word of God. The truth of the Word of God is that it does take effort on your part to stand strong – resist the enemy- and be an overcomer in Christ Jesus.

Everything you do in life that matters takes effort:

Great Family – Effort from all involved

Great Job at work – Effort – show up on time, treat people right, attitude

Stay healthy – Effort to eat healthy and exercise

Strong Church – Effort from God’s people to be faithful; come to church when you don’t feel like it – speak positively (instead of complaining and criticizing);

If Apostle Peter were here today, he would be preaching, “Church – where are you putting your effort? Church – where are you putting your attention? Church – let’s remember what Jesus has called us to be – and let’s put all our effort into living for Him and pressing for the upward prize in Christ Jesus!

The Word of God enforces Christian character: 3 areas of reflection

A. Our Testimony

(these things) – Am I growing in “these things?” 2 Peter 1:5-7

Every Christian is a walking advertisement for the Lord Jesus Christ. If we permit ourselves to become sloppy in living for the Lord Jesus Christ – we are not helping – but hindering the work of the Lord. The only way to improve is to practice these things daily!

No Christian is perfect – Peter had failures in his walk with Jesus – yet the Lord had been so faithful to forgive him, encourage him, restore Him – that Peter knew his life was to be lived for God’s glory, preaching the gospel, building strong believers. "But I have prayed for you, that your faith should not fail; and when you have returned to Me, strengthen your brethren" (Luke 22:32).

B. Our Time

(departure) – “As long as I am in this tent.” The Christian can look at life and death in a more positive light than anyone else. While he is here on earth – he has a ministry for the Lord. His life has purpose and meaning. As Paul said in Philippians 1:21, “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.”

While here on earth we live in an “earth suit” – when death occurs this earth suit is laid in the grave – yet the Lord Jesus Christ will give the believer a new body – a resurrected body. For the unbeliever, death is to be feared – for him there will be eternal separation from God. Yet every believer can joyfully look forward to eternal life with God -no suffering, no pain, no tears.

In light of eternity – Moses prayed, “So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” Psalm 90:12.

One of the saddest scriptures in the Bible is 2 Timothy 4:10, “Demas has forsaken me, having loved this present world…” How painful it is when a believer loses sight of why he is here on earth and gets entangled in sin and deception.

C. Our Treasure

I have presided over many funerals, but have yet to see a U-Haul following the hearse! The joy and contentment comes in your life when you realize the greatest investment you can ever make is in God’s kingdom. Everything we prize and value so much here on earth will one day be burned up –but what we give to God now through kingdom service, through finances – is reserved forever.

II. The Word of God Exalts Our Lord Jesus Christ 2 Peter 1:16-18

I know we are living in dark times – economically, morally, spiritually - yet there is no darkness so great the Light of the World, the Lord Jesus Christ can’t dispel.

A. We know His power. Read Matthew 17:1-8

At the transfiguration, Peter, James, and John saw Christ in His glory and begin to get a glimpse of what eternity would be like with Him. While Jesus walked on earth – men mocked Him, spit on Him, denied Him, persecuted Him – yet on the Mount of Transfiguration as Jesus received honor and glory from God the Father – three disciples saw His glory – the glory He had before coming to earth – and the glory He will have when He comes to rule and reign in His Kingdom.

With all the memories Peter had with Jesus – he chose to focus on the Transfiguration. Why?

(1)It was a miniature picture of Christ’s Second Coming

(2) It was an authentication of the Person of Jesus Christ

(3) It was also a picture of the glory that Jesus Christ is going to share with every single child of God!

Paul the Apostle Paul said, “When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory,” (Col. 3:4). Jesus prayed, “Father, I want those you have given Me to be with me where I am and to see my glory,” (John 17:24). Believer in Christ – One day you will see the glory of Jesus Christ and He will share His glory with you!

Sometimes we lose sight of just how Awesome, Holy, Mighty the Lord Jesus Chris truly is! When His power is truly working in our life – we don’t talk about ourselves, we don’t talk about our goodness, we don’t focus on our accomplishments – but we boast in the Lord Jesus Christ.

In Rick Warren’s prayer at the Inaugural address he prayed, “When we focus on ourselves, when we fight each other, when we forget You, forgive us. ... May we never forget that, one day, all nations and all people will stand accountable before You.

B. We know His Person

To the Architect – He is the Chief Cornerstone

To the Builder – He is the Sure Foundation

To the Christian – He is the Son of the Living God

To the Depressed – He is the Comforter

To the Educator – HE is the Superb Teacher

To the Farmer – He is the Lord of the Harvest

To the Geologist – He is the Rock of Ages

To the Judge – He is the Righteous Judge, Judge of All

To the Newspaperman – HE is Glad Tidings

To the Outcast – He is the Friend of Sinners

To the Pastor – He is the Word to Preach

To the Sailor – He is Master of ocean and seas

To the Student – HE is Incarnate Truth

To the Soldier – He is The Commander in Chief

To the Thirsty – He is the Water of Life

To the Unclean – HE is the Fountain of Cleansing

To the Weak – He is the Power of God

C. We know His Promise (Second Coming)

(1) He is Coming Visibly – "If I had a choice, I would still choose to remain blind…for when I die, the first face I will ever see will be the face of my blessed Savior." (Fanny Crosby)

(2) He is Coming With Vengeance – to those who do not obey the Gospel; unbelief (2 Thessalonians 1:8 (Eternal Punishment – God did not send them to Hell – they choose it)

(3) He is Coming In Victory

First time Jesus came – Shame – At the Second Coming – Splendor

First time Jesus came – Ransom – At the Second Coming – Reign

First time Jesus came – Servant – At the Second Coming - Sovereign

Believer – how do you know if you are truly focused on Jesus? He will be “Majestic” to you. You will want His majesty – His splendor demonstrated through your life each and every day! "And they were all amazed at the majesty of God. But while everyone marveled at all the things which Jesus did…." (Luke 9:43).

III. The Word of God Energizes Our Confidence (2 Peter 1:19-22)

Believers who have forgotten about the greatness of Jesus Christ – Who He is- What He’s promised – What His power has already given them – often are easy prey to false teaching. Peter knows that it is not enough to point people to an “experience with God.” Even as mighty as the Transfiguration was in his life and its importance to all believers – Peter points us to the even more sure Word of God.

Our faith does not rest primarily in our feelings, experiences, “magical moments,” – our faith rests primarily in what God has already said!

When we consider the prophetic testimony to Jesus, we do well to heed it. There are at least 332 distinct Old Testament predictions regarding the Messiah that Jesus fulfilled perfectly.

Professor Peter Stoner has calculated that the probability of any one man fulfilling eight of these prophesies is one in 100,000,000,000,000,000 (10 to the 17th power). That number of silver dollars would cover the state of Texas two feet deep. Stoner says that if you consider 48 of the prophecies, the odds become one in 10 to the 157th power. (

Is your confidence in God shaken today? Have you put your hope in something or someone over the infallible, inerrant, Word of God? "The vigour of our spiritual life will be in direct proportion to the place held by the Bible in our life and thoughts." G. Mueller

Church – let’s remember “The B.I.B.L.E.” means “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth!”


If you are in darkness today – the Lord will give you light through His Word!

If you in doubt today – the Lord will give you light through His Word!

If you are in defeat today – the Lord will give you light through His Word and bring you to victory!

'Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus,

Just to take Him at His word;

Just to rest upon His promise;

Just to know, Thus saith the Lord.

Jesus, Jesus, how I trust Him,

How I've proved Him o'er and o'er,

Jesus, Jesus, Precious Jesus!

O for grace to trust Him more.

Some of you need to heed the Word of God today for salvation – “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved.” Some need to come today in ask God for a fresh love for the Word of God – it’s the only source of true comfort and hope in a dark world. Some need to commit themselves to a Bible believing church – where God’s word is preached and honored – The doors are open to you today. Come to Jesus. Trust in Him!

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