Title: The Unique Jesus (Unique Worship Service)
Bible Book: Selected Passages
Author: Robert Gee Witty
Subject: Jesus; Nature of Christ
I. The Birth Of Jesus, A Virgin Birth, Has No Duplicate In Human History
Matthew 1:21-23
He had no Adamic nature taint.
(To receive is to receive God; to reject is to reject God. Heaven or Hell is the result).
Sing one verse: Silent Night
2. The Earthly Life Of Jesus, A Sinless Life, Has No Duplicate In Human History
John 8:46
Testing revealed Him as a compassionate High Priest.
(To receive is to receive God; to reject is to reject God. Heaven or Hell is the result).
Sing one verse: The Great Physician
3. The Earthly Ministry Of Jesus Has No Duplicate In Human History
John 14:11
Supernatural insight and miracle demonstration.
(To receive is to receive God; to reject is to reject God. Heaven or Hell is the result).
Sing one verse: Pass Me Not
4. The Redemptive Death Of Jesus On The Cross, Has No Duplicate In Human History
Note 1 Corinthians 15:3,4
He was God's sacrificial Lamb, John 1:29.
(To receive is to receive God; to reject is to reject God. Heaven or Hell is the result).
Sing one verse: There is a Fountain
5. The Resurrection Of Jesus Has No Duplicate In Human History
Romans 1:4
God accepted His death for our sins, 2 Corinthians 5:21; 2 Peter 2:24.
(To receive is to receive God; to reject is to reject God. Heaven or Hell is the result).
Sing one verse: Almost Persuaded
6. The Return Of Jesus Has No Duplicate In Human History
John 14:3; Acts 1:11
Jesus will return as Judge and King.
(To receive is to receive God; to reject is to reject God. Heaven or Hell is the result).
Sing Just as I am
What you do with Jesus is a decision that determines your eternal destiny.