The Steps of a Good Man

Title: The Steps of a Good Man

Bible Book: Psalms 37 : 23-28

Author: Frank Cox

Subject: Men; Godly Men; Godliness; Faithfulness; Walk with God



It should be our desire to live for the glory of God. When reading this scripture one discovers that it is God's desire that we are godly. It even says, "God establishes the steps of a man." [v23] Does that mean God establishes every man's steps? No, He establishes the steps of those who are God- controlled. The good man is the one who dies to self and allows God to have His way in every aspect of his life.

The question becomes, how does one ensure their steps are established by God? There are three simple principles to live by that I want to share with you today.

I. Our Steps Must Be Focused (v. 27)

When you read through the Psalms you will discover some gold nuggets from time to time. Do you know there is a theme that seems to run through this great book? Those who fear the Lord will be blessed and those who do their own thing will endure hardship and suffering.

In Psalm 112 for example, we find such a scenario. In verse 1 it says Blessed is the one who fears the Lord. The psalmist then gives a preview of what is to come, His descendants will be mighty. (Psalm 112:2) Wealth and riches are his. (Psalm 112:3) It will be well with Him. (Psalm 112:5) However, the phrase that stands out to me is found in v.7. The key to all the goodness of God is wrapped up in the word koon in the Hebrew. It literally means to be focused on, fixed on the God of this universe and therefore we trust Him. What are we to be focused on? The Marvelous Grace of Our Loving God!

Every person who is a Christian experiences the fresh start at life because of the grace of God.  Could you imagine being so hopeless and helpless and could do nothing about your condition?  That is every man's condition apart from the provision of Christ through Jesus--hopeless and helpless, standing in our guilt. Don't you remember what Paul says to the Romans? All have sinned and come short of the glory of God. He also reminds us there is a wage, a payoff for our sin, and that is death! If that's not bad enough, Paul quickly says but there is a free gift and the free gift is eternal life and it comes through Jesus Christ. He's talking about the marvelous grace of our living God! Did you know in the marvelous grace of our God there is power? Let me explain.

A. In His Grace We Have Saving Power

He takes our guilt and sets us free. Every person has things that stain our lives. Just name your sin. Guilty, we would all have to plead, but God's grace, when approached through repentance, sets the sinner free!

Several years ago Billy Graham was driving through a small southern town and was stopped by a policeman and charged with speeding. Graham immediately admitted his guilt, but was told by the officer that he would have to appear in court. The judge asked, "Guilty or not guilty?" When Graham pleaded guilty the judge replied, "That will be $10, a dollar for every mile you went over the limit."

Suddenly the judge recognized the famous minister. "You have violated the law" he said, "The fine must be paid, but I'm going to pay it for you." He took a ten-dollar bill from his own wallet and attached it to the ticket and then took Graham out and bought him a steak dinner. "That," said Billy Graham, "is how God treats repentant sinners."

Some of you here today feel as though God could never forgive you. All you have to do is repent, admit your guilt, agree with God, and say, "I'm sorry, forgive me!" and there is saving power that comes to your life that will set you free.

B. In His Grace We Have Sustaining Power

Every one of us is prone to sin. Call it whatever you desire, missteps, wrong action, mishaps, sin is sin! Every one of us struggle with it.

Here is what I've learned: the only thing to keep one from falling into sin is their focus on God. R. T. Kendall says it bluntly; the only thing that will ultimately keep a person from falling into sin is his love for God. It is building intimacy with Him. It is staying focused on God and when you do, you're amazed at what the sustaining power of God does in your life. (Read Psalm 37:23-26) I like the phrase that says ...because the Lord is the One who holds his hand. (v. 24)

A pastor was traveling on a bus down a bumpy road. Seated next to him was a college student who noticed the minister was reading the Bible. The minister asked, "Are you spiritually ready for the temptations you'll face in college?"

"I don't have a problem with temptation," the young man told the minister. "I have strong will power."

The minister took the pencil from his pocket and said, "I can make this pencil stand up on the cover of this Bible even though the bus ride is bumpy." The young man said, "I'll believe it when I see it. I don't think you can do it."

"Look, I'm doing it," he replied as the young man watched.

"Yeah, but you didn't tell me you would hold the pencil up with your hand."

"I didn't have to tell you," the pastor remarked; "have you ever seen a pencil stand on its own without someone holding it?"

The minister then let go of the pencil, which instantly fell over. "The only reason you stand," he continued, "is because God is holding you up with His hand."

If God were to remove His hand of protecting grace, we would all immediately fall into sin. He upholds us by His grace. Oh, the marvelous grace of God! Stay focused!

II. Our Steps Must Be Faithful

In the believer's life faithfulness is paramount. The very subject of faithfulness prompted Solomon to write the following words, (Proverbs 4:26-27). He was saying you stay faithful and all your ways will be established. Turn from evil. So many proclaim they are faithful, but few really are loyal. (Proverbs 20:6)

How do we develop faithfulness? Great question and the psalmist gives a very simple formula. (Psalm 37:27)

A. There Must Be A Departing (v. 27a)

We must turn away from evil. In the Hebrew the word is soor (su-er) which literally means to put away evil from your life.

Every Christian must understand God requires that we do right. The way to do right is to determine not to do wrong-evil. Let me tell you how to determine to depart from evil. Don't get near it and open yourself up to temptation.

Just like Superman weakens as he gets near the Kryptonite, we weaken when we get near the temptation. You are not superman - run.

A couple of boys were trying to walk through a corral when a bull saw them and began to charge. One of the boys said, "Let's stop and pray!" The other boy said, "No, let's run and pray!" They didn't need to resist the bull inside the corral; they needed to run out of the area to get away from the bull. That's what you need to do, flee from temptation!

B. There Must Be A Doing (v. 27b)

We must discipline our lives to do good. We must be in the Word following the commands of God, surrendered to His will and do what is right-no matter what!

No matter? What do you mean by, "No matter?"

I mean you read the Word no matter if you understand it all. You tithe no matter if you get wealthy or not. You share your story no matter if anyone gets saved or not. You serve the Lord no matter if anyone recognizes you or not!

Kent Crockett, in his book "Making Today Count for Eternity," made this statement, "God isn't interested in us being famous in the world's eyes but in us being faithful in His eyes."

There must be a departing. There must be a doing.

C. There Must Be A Dwelling (v. 27c)

In the Hebrew the word for abide means to reside permanently. It literally means we're to reside permanently within God's control. That will only come through abiding with the Lord.

Peter Lord once made a powerful statement. "Do you want to know how to become godly? Just hang around God a lot!"

III. Our Steps Must Be Firm (1 Corinthians 15:58)

Every believer must be firm in 3 areas.

A. We Must Be Firm In Our Conviction

It is important to know both what and why you believe. That requires you getting into the Word and the Word getting into you.

B. We Must Be Firm In Our Determination (1 Cor. 2:2)

We must put Christ first in our lives.

C. We Must Be Firm In Our Resolution

James Filmore wrote,

"I am resolved to follow the Savior
Faithful and true each day;
Heed what He saith, Do what He willeth,
He is the living way."
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