The Spirit of Jezebel

Title: The Spirit of Jezebel

Bible Book: Revelation 2 : 18-29

Author: Bobby F. Atkins

Subject: Jezebel, Spirit of; Church Life; New Year, Faithfulness in the



Revelations 2, you will discover our text for today. Our message today is the message that is addressing the church at Thyatira in Chapter 2:18-29. The church in this New Year has to understand the demonic element and influence upon the body of Christ. The church in this New Year has to recognize the different influences of the different spirit if we are going to be the overcoming church that Christ has called us to be.

We have already looked at the message to the church at Ephesus. The church at Ephesus had to overcome the spirit of coldness. The church of Ephesus was growing in its hatred of evil, but it was declining in its love for God. It had to overcome the spirit of coldness. It was lukewarm. Also, the church at Smyrna had to overcome the spirit of poverty. The spirit of poverty. It didn't see itself as being rich as the inheritance that Christ had given to them. The church at Pergamos had to overcome the spirit of compromise. What about the church at Thyatira? What is the address given by John through the Holy Spirit to the church at Thyatira? The church at Thyatira has to overcome what we call in the title of this message, The Spirit of Jezebel. I want you to notice with me in Revelation Chapter 2, verses 18 and following, three observations that will help us to understand some of this message to the church at Thyatira.

I. The PICTURE that was REAL

First of all we'll notice the PICTURE that was REAL. The church that I pastored in Texas in seminary, as I was standing in the pulpit, over my left shoulder on a wall there was the Baptist Board. You know the Baptist Board. It tells you how many you had in attendance today, and how many you had in attendance a year ago today. How much you had in Sunday School today, and how much you had a year ago today. How much you had in offerings today, and how much you had a year ago in offerings today. That was either a sign of encouragement or discouragement, depending on the status of the church.

But over on the right hand side in the same position on the wall there was a picture that they said was Jesus. I used to look at that and say, pitiful, pitiful. I hope that's not what Jesus looks like. I don't know if I would have wanted to bend my knee and humble my heart to something that looked like that. That was a picture, but it wasn't very real by way of New Testament standards.

What we have come to find in Revelation, Chapter 1 and Revelation, Chapters 2 and 3, is a picture of Jesus that is real. It is a picture that of what Jesus really looked like. You just begin to put these attributes together on paper or in the mind of your heart and you can begin to see what Jesus looked like. The human pictures that we have today are not very real, but I want to tell you the word of God pictures him as something totally, totally awesome. There are three attributes of Jesus in this picture that are so real that I want to share them with you.


First of all as we look at Chapter 2, verse 18, we see in this picture the FIERCENESS of His EYES. You picture Jesus with eyes of omniscience looking at your right now, and you would see how fierce those eyes would be. Look at verse 18, "And unto the angel in Thyatira write; These things says the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire." You know there are certain individuals that you run across, or that I run across, that have dominating eyes. When you look at them or they look at you they can almost make you melt, they can almost bring you down to your knees. They have fiery eyes. There's nobody that has eyes like Jesus. When Jesus puts those eyes upon you, it will bring comfort to you or it'll bring conviction to you.

I remember reading in John's gospel, Chapter 2, verses 23 and 24, that after he turned that water into wine inaugurating his first public ministry with his first miracle as it was purported in scripture, it says that many people got on the Jesus bandwagon. Many people began to follow him at that point because of the miraculous things that they saw him do. John records for us in Chapter 2, verses 23 and 24, Jesus did not commit himself to them, because he saw or knew what was in them. Those fiery eyes of omniscience looked right in and saw - these are just miracle worshipers, not the master worshiper. These are just people that want Jesus to be a magician for them, not Jesus to be their master and Lord for them.

I wonder what Jesus sees when He looks at you and when He looks at me? What does Jesus see when he looks at Rehoboth Baptist Church? I want to tell you the picture that's real of Jesus in the Word of God is the fierceness of his eyes. One day we're going to see those eyes as they look at us, and it's going to burn away all the wood, the hay and the stubble that we built and allowed in our lives. The only thing that's going to stand are those things that have truly been built on the one foundation of Jesus Christ himself with gold, silver and precious stones. There's coming a time when those eyes of Jesus will look at us.

Can you imagine how it was for Simon Peter? When the Lord told him that Satan had asked for permission to sift him like wheat. With permission given to sift him like wheat he says, "Fear not, I have prayed for you." Peter had to get humble a little bit. He said, "Lord, I know what you're saying, and I know you always talk the truth, but you're wrong on this. You have me mixed up with James or John. They would deny you, but I would never deny you. I would never do that. I'll go to the grave for you." He said, "Peter, before the rooster crows you will deny me three times." After that third time when God's alarm clock went off that little rooster began to crow. All of a sudden when Peter began to weep bitterly when Jesus was coming by carrying the old cross, when they were whipping him, those eyes of omniscience looked at him. Can you imagine the conviction that came upon Peter then?

Right now in Rehoboth Baptist Church the eyes of Jesus are going to and fro to look upon you. He'll bring comfort to you if that is what you need, but He'll bring conviction to you if that's what you need this day. The picture that was real, the fierceness of his eyes.


There's a second thing we see here about Jesus. We notice the FIRMNESS of His FEET. Look at the FIRMNESS of His FEET. In verse 18, "... who has eyes like a flame of fire, and his feet are like fine brass." What is that we know from the word of God about brass? Well in the Bible from the brazen altar in the tabernacle, to the serpent on the pole in the wilderness, to the picture of Jesus in Revelation 1 and 2, we see that brass was always a symbol or a sign for judgment. Judgment came upon that church as Jesus Christ with the fiery eyes of omniscience looking at everything in that church, and now He has come with the firmness in his feet, someone who can bring judgment, someone who will bring judgment, someone who is bringing judgment.

Guess what? There's coming a time when Jesus Christ comes back on 7-7-7 and He's going to set one foot down on the left hand side and one on the right hand side of this world, and He is going to bring judgment on 6-6-6 and everything giving loyalty to 6-6-6. Jesus Christ in the firmness of His feet has come not to take sides, but to take charge. That's what He's telling that church. Compromise if you want to. Grow cold and weary if you want to. Become stricken with poverty if you want to. I have come to take charge of this church today. We see the firmness of his feet and the fierceness of his eyes.


There is a third thing that we see. The FULLNESS of His KNOWLEDGE. Look at verse 19, Jesus, the one with the fierceness in His eyes, and the feet like brass, says, I know your works, I know your love, I know your service, I know your patience; and as far as your works go the last are even more than the first. What he is saying is, I see your love and others see your love, because the love of God is     being shed abroad in your heart.

You know there's just something about that first love experience with Jesus Christ. You can't explain it. You don't know how to describe it, but you know a change has come about in you. Whenever Jesus Christ comes to meet you person to person and meets you face to face; whenever you confess yourself as a sinner, whenever you receive Him as your savior -- all of a sudden God comes in with the light of the gospel; He changes what was dead and dark on the inside, He brings it alive and places the Holy Spirit in there, and Brother you can't help but have the love of God shed abroad from your heart with that! He said, I see your love and others can see your love.

The second thing he commends them for in the FULLNESS of his KNOWLEDGE, I know your service. I know your service. This is the same word we get for Deacon or Ministry. He sees your service. He sees your ministry, because ministry like love is a verb. It's truth in action. It's what you do with the love of God because it's shed abroad in your heart, and you can't help but meet the needs of others in the name of Jesus Christ. He said I see your love. I see your service.

Look at the third thing he says he sees. I see your faith. This word is more the word for faithfulness. When he looked at that church at Thyatira. He said this is a loving church. This is a serving church, but this is also a faithful church. This is a church that if somebody says, I've taken Jesus by the hand and I have Jesus in my heart, then Jesus will be the Lord of their life. This was somebody that said I'm going to teach a Sunday School class. Brother, they would teach a Sunday School class. If somebody said they were going to sing in the choir, or play in the orchestra, they would sing in the choir or they would play in the orchestra. Somebody said that I raise my hand to the King of Kings and I'll not steal the tithe from Him. They wouldn't steal the tithe from Him. They would give that to Him. He knew their faithfulness.

That's one thing that's been missing from a lot of churches - just good old fashioned faithfulness.

For your yes is your yes, and your no means no. We need to come back to faithfulness like this church at Thyatira was.

But also he says, I see your patience. The ability, we've talked about this in another message, to hold up under a heavy load. He said I know life has been tough and life has been cruel. When we look at the picture of Jesus that was real, we get comfort or conviction from the fierceness of His eyes. We get comfort of conviction from the firmness of His feet. We get comfort or conviction from the firmness of His knowledge.

Let me ask you this. If He knew all of that about that church, what does he know about this church right here? If he knew all about those individuals, what does he know about you as an individual? Guess what? Jesus knows where you were at last night. Jesus knows what you have been doing in the daytime. Jesus knows how you made that last deal that you made. Jesus knows what you said.

Jesus knows the reason you said it. Is that a comfort to you, or is that a conviction to you? Jesus knows what you said on the telephone line. Jesus knows who you have been talking to over the Internet. Jesus knows because of the fullness of His knowledge. He has never learned a thing in His life. He's never discovered a thing in His life, because He is God. He has always known what needs to be known.


We see the picture that was real, but that moves us now to the PROBLEM that was REVEALED. This will take some setting up for you, so let's take you back just a moment. Let's try to take you back over the course of time in history and you are at the first church of Thyatira on this Lord's Day.

That's where you're at right now. Just pretend you're at the first church of Thyatira. You have heard that the Lord has sent a message by the apostle John to Ephesus. You have heard that the Lord has sent a message by the apostle John to the church at Smyrna. You have heard that the church at Pergamos has received a letter from the Lord Jesus himself. But now all of a sudden the pastor has stood up and said, "We have called you all here today because we have a fresh word from God today. God has sent us a personal letter. It is addressed by John to us. It has our name on it." The entire church body was present that day, and they're all listening to the preacher as he delivers the message and the commendations from Jesus through John.

Then he comes now to the next verse in verse 20. All of a sudden you're appreciating what He says about you. God says He sees our love. God sees our service. God sees our faithfulness. God sees our patience, and He also knows that we're working better and more maturely now than we did when we first started as a Christian.

But then verse 20 comes and says, Nevertheless, I have a few things against you. All of a sudden everybody raises up, everybody repositions themselves in their seat, and they're listening with close attention to what the 'nevertheless' is going to be. What is the problem that Jesus has seen that He is about to reveal.


He is going to reveal first of all, the SOURCE of their PERVERSION. There's a perversion in their church, and He's going to reveal in verse 20 the SOURCE of their PERVERSION.

Everybody is listening. Everybody is watching. Look at verse 20. Nevertheless, I have a few things against you because you allow that woman Jezebel. I believe that in that church body, that everybody knew right then and there who he was talking about. I believe everybody could turn their head to whatever direction it needed to be turned to see that look on Jezebel's face.

I don't think that her literal name was Jezebel. I believe that was her Biblical characterization, Jezebel. I don't know of anybody other than that last one in First Kings has been named Jezebel. There are some names I'm glad have gone away just because of what we know they mean. We don't name our dog nor children, Judas. We don't name our dogs, pets, or children, Jezebel.

We have Jezebel alive and all too well in our churches. That's what He was saying to that church of Thyatira. The source of your perversion is that woman Jezebel. She was the one, you remember, in the Old Testament who married up with Ahab. Marrying up with Ahab, what she talked him into doing, influenced him into doing is marrying Baal worship with the children of Israel. Introducing Baal worship to Israel. From there on it says that at that point in time Ahab had done more evil in the sight of God than anybody before him ever did. The source of their perversion was Jezebel, the spirit of Jezebel.


He was talking about a person with a personality. I don't believe her name was Jezebel, but everybody knew who he was talking about. There are three symptoms of this spirit or this personality in a church.

1. The SEAT is in the CHURCH

The SEAT of Jezebel is in the CHURCH. The seat stands for position, place of authority, or influence. Look at what it says in verse 20. "You allow that woman, Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess to teach and to seduce my servants." What does she have? She had a place of prominence, or position of influence in the church.

In the churches that I have pastored I have always seen elements I have always seen elements of the spirit of Jezebel. Sometimes the sea of Jezebel is in a Sunday School class. Boy, you get a teacher with a spirit of Jezebel on them, and you've got a mess on your hands. It doesn't have to be a female not! I'm not just picking on the ladies here. The spirit of Jezebel comes upon men, too. The spirit of Jezebel on a teacher, and you have a problem on your hands.

Also, it can come upon a department. You know, I've actually seen, and I've actually heard Jezebel play the organ. Not at this church, but I've seen her play and I've heard her play in churches. You could smell it a mile away! Also, you can have the spirit of Jezebel come upon any particular seat of prominence in a church. The seat of Jezebel is in the church. What is the spirit of Jezebel? Pastor, you said the name of this message is "The Spirit of Jezebel". What is the "Spirit of Jezebel" all about?


The SPIRIT of Jezebel is CONTROL. You see, it wasn't enough for Ahab and a particular Jezebel to have all of the kingdom of Israel except for one little vineyard. Jezebel wanted that vineyard as well. You read the story in First Kings 16, all the way up to First Kings chapter 20. It's quite amusing when you get to chapter 20. Ahab, the King of Israel at that time goes up and talks to Naboth who has the vineyard close to his palace. He wanted that little vineyard, too. Naboth said, "No, I can't do that." He said, "That's in the family lineage, and I wouldn't do it." He says, "Let me buy it from you." Naboth says, "No, it's not for sale." He says, "Let me trade you another piece of property." Naboth says, "It's not for trade or sale. I'm going to keep what I got. I don't want you to have that. It's in my family, not yours." So Ahab goes back to the palace, and he goes off and he begins to pout. He throws himself upon the King's bed and he begins to cry. He won't eat. He won't do anything. He gets into depression. Jezebel comes in and says, "What is wrong with the King today. The King won't eat?

Here he is. He's pitching a fit." He says, "Naboth won't let me have that vineyard." She says, "What? What are you talking about?" The King says, "Naboth won't let me have that vineyard." She says, "You're the King. You can have the vineyard if you want it." The King says, "No, I tried to buy it. I tried to trade it. He won't trade it." She says, "No, no, you don't have to do that. You're the King. You can control it. You just leave it to me. I'll get the vineyard for you." She begins to go out from there, because what is her spirit? Her spirit is one of control. I can control this man. I can control that man. I can control this kingdom through an Ahab. We see the seat of Jezebel is always in the church someplace. The spirit of Jezebel is always controlling the church in some way.


The STRATEGY is DOMINATION. She always tries to dominate that which she can control. The only way you can have Jezebel is to have Ahab. They go together because they are married together in some way.

The only way a Sunday School department can have Jezebel teaching is to have an Ahab department director. The only way a church can have a Jezebel is to have an Ahab preacher. They just go together, because Jezebel is trying to control the church or anything else. We see the problem that was revealed. The source of their perversion is symptoms of her personality.

C. The SCORN of this PERSON

Look at the SCORN of this PERSON. What is the scorn, what is the ridicule, what is the object of this person's hatred, and what are they sworn to do all the days of their lives? There are three things that the spirit of Jezebel hates, despises and is committed to confrontation with.

1. Prophets because she can't Control

PROPHETS. I'm not talking about the department store. PROPHETS because she can't CONTROL the man. Jezebel hates, despises, and loathes a prophet. There's a difference between a preacher and a prophet. A preacher will always say something. A prophet always has something to say. That's the difference. Jezebel can't handle that because what the prophet says is not of his own. It's from the Lord. Every single prophet that she would see she would try the best she could to control him, and to dominate him. When she could not control or dominate, she would absolutely swear to try to kill him. What is the object of her scorn? Prophets, because she cannot control the man.

2. Preaching because she can't Cope

PREACHING because she can't COPE with the message. She hates Biblical preaching because she cannot cope with the message. Her life, or its life and the message that's being preached are in contradiction to one another. Something has to give. A spirit of Jezebel absolutely loathes prophets because she can't control them, and preaching because she can't cope with the message.

3. Praise because she can't Compete

There's a third thing that the spirit of Jezebel hates. That's PRAISE because she can't COMPETE with its master.

Those three things get set forth in a church whenever a prophet comes on the scene, whenever preaching goes forth in boldness, and whatever praise is going up to God himself - the spirit of Jezebel goes into a frenzy. That's what happened on Mt. Carmel that day. The prophet was on the sea. He said, "How long, how long do you fault between two opinions?" How long are you going to do that? Either Baal is going to be God, or God is going to be God.

Let's put him to the test today. Don't you know that Jezebel heard about that? Then when the altar was rebuilt and when the sacrifice was presented, and the prayer was prayed by the prophet, and the fire came down from heaven and consumed up the sacrifice - then all of God's children began to praise. Thou art God. Thou art God as the one true God. Jezebel was incensed and she swore to kill the prophet. We see the picture that was real. We see the problem that was revealed. But now look at number three.


The PERSPECTIVE that was REQUIRED. What is the PERSPECTIVE that is REQUIRED in a church? There are two things. You let the Holy Spirit make application to you today.


The CAPACITY to HEAR is mentioned in the word of God. The capacity to hear what the spirit is saying to the churches is mentioned. Look at Chapter 2, verse 29. "He who has an ear." What's he talking about? He that has an ear. He says that to all seven churches. All seven churches He says, you have the capacity to hear.

Today you might need to hear about the dangers of the spirit of coldness. You might be growing cold in your love for the Lord. You might need to hear the message of the spirit of compromise. You may be compromising your faith and your conviction and your values. You might need to hear of the dangers of the spirit of poverty that will make you so focused on what you don't have that you don't enjoy and walk in the victory of what you do have in Christ Jesus. It may be that what the Spirit would be saying to you today is, be careful of the Spirit of control or the spirit of Jezebel. What does the Spirit say to you today? "He that hath an ear." You have the capacity to hear what the Spirit is saying.


The CHOICE to HEED is mandatory. The choice to heed what you hear the Spirits saying is mandatory. Chapter 2, verse 29. He who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying. He that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit is saying.

What is the Spirit saying to the churches this day? What He is saying today is, He is doing awesome and mighty things in this place. What has the Spirit said to you today? Has the Spirit told you today that you are a sinner and you are separated from God? Has the Spirit told you today that you have been saved by grace, but you haven't been living by faith? Whatever the Spirit is saying to the churches you need to say.


Would you bow your heads for just a moment please as we give you an opportunity to heed what the spirit is saying? Father, we come to you right now as you look down upon us with eyes of omnipotence and omniscience. Lord you know what's going on all around this auditorium, and you know what every single person needs. Lord if there is a medical emergency that needs intervention, you give the intervention and the help in that situation. Lord for those, there is a spiritual emergency taking place right now, you have already offered to them that which they need. Father, all of us from time to time can be influenced by the Spirit of control. There are so many times that we want to control things instead of letting you control us. Lord, speak to us about that. We've got the capacity to hear what you say. Now Lord, we exercise the choice to heed what you say. Father, in the mighty name of Lord Jesus may we not compromise and grow cold in our love relationship with you. Father, may we not live beneath our privileges because we don't understand how rich we are in Christ Jesus. Father, may we not be brought under the control of any influence other than the Holy Spirit, and may the truth that we know set us free. Lord, there are some today that need to join this church, and they have the capacity to hear you telling them they need to do that. Lord, we issue through you that invitation. In Jesus name may we heed what we have heard. Amen!

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