The Selection of Deacons

Title: The Selection of Deacons

Bible Book: Acts 6 : 1-7

Author: J. Mike Minnix

Subject: Deacons


[Editor's Note: This message was important to the growth my church was experiencing several years ago, and it was critical in our desire to maintain a true biblical deacon ministry. You will note that we had a training program, which our deacons were required to complete before they were allowed to serve. I hope to add the book we wrote and used for training our deacons to the PastorLife website in the near future.]

The Selection of Deacons

Dr. J. Mike Minnix

We are very blessed in this fellowship to have a biblical deacon ministry. Sadly, many churches do not have a New Testament deacon ministry; rather, they have a system that has departed from the New Testament and has become a kind of corporate, human, and unbiblical deacon process. A departure from God's plan for deacons has resulted in many sorrows for churches, pastors and the deacons themselves. I am bringing this message before you prior to our selection of deacons to be sure that we maintain the wonderful ministry, unity and growth we have known over the past few years. A failure to maintain a deacon ministry based on God's Word will certainly lead to a failure in the local church. We intend to avoid  that failure by continuing to follow God's model for the deacon ministry in this fellowship.

By way of introduction, let's look at two important areas regarding deacons ...
FIRST, let's consider what deacons are NOT MEANT TO BE.

1. The Deacons are not Overseers of the Overseer.

Deacons do not have the responsibility of policing the pastors. Nowhere in the Bible are the deacons commanded or given the task of overseeing the overseer and undershepherd of the church. Unfortunately, many churches deacons have seen themselves in this role. Actually, the New Testament pastor answers to Christ and to the congregation.

2. The Deacons are not Rulers of the Church Body.

Secondly, deacons are not the ruling body of the church. In the New Testament the churches usually had a plurality of elders, God-called pastors who gave spiritual leadership to the church. The deacons, on the otherhand we called to serve and minister to the physical needs and to assist the pastors in that role. They also were called upon to witness and share God's Word when required or needed by the pastors.

3. The Deacons are not Guardians of the Past.

Thirdly, deacons are not the defenders of church tradition. In many churches the deacons are the guardians of the past and as such they become "turf shepherds," and their most common expression is to keep operations as they have been for years by responding to any attempt at change with the statement, "We've never done it that way before." That is not a proper role for deacons in the church.

4. The Deacons are not the Old Men of the Church.

Fourthly, deacons are not the old men of the church. Over the years many churches have decided that only older men could fill the office of deacon. The Bible places no specific age requirement on being a deacon.

5. The Deacons are not Financial Managers.

Fifthly, deacons are not the controllers of the church's finances. There is no mention in the New Testament of deacons controlling money. The only possible reference is that they may have controlled benevolence funds to help widows, but budget matters were never placed in the hands of deacons.

6. The Deacons are not Decision Makers.

Sixthly, deacons do not have the final say in regard to church decisions. Every New Testament church is autonomous under Christ. Though deacons have a special role, they have no more power or authority in the decision-making process than any other member.

SECOND, let's look at what the deacon ministry IS MEANT TO BE. Our deacons have taken on the role of being a truly New Testament deacon body. What is a New Testament deacon's actual role?

1. Deacons are SERVANTS.

The word "deacon" comes from the Greek term "diakonos," which originally referred to a waiter, an attendant, one who ran errands or other menial duties. The early church used this word to describe a special servant commissioned by God to serve the church. The English word "deacon" only appears 5 times in the New Testament. It does not appear in our text. However, the word "diakoneo," the verb form of deacon, is found in the phrase "serve tables" in verse 6.

2. Deacons are ADVISORS.

Because of the strict qualifications for deacons, both here and especially in 1 Timothy 3, deacons must be godly, spirit-filled men. Therefore, they are often important advisors to pastors and congregations.
3. Deacons are EXAMPLES.

According to 1 Timothy 3:10, deacons are to be "found blameless." They are to have such character, dedication, and integrity that others in the church can look to them as examples and role models.

4. Deacons are LEADERS.

Because of the very nature of their calling and work, deacons are to lead out in the church. As pastors lead by equipping the church spiritually, deacons lead by equipping the church physically.

Now that we have seen the basics of the deacon ministry, let's consider how the deacon ministry began and what God intended for it from the beginning of the New Testament era.

I.  The NEED for Deacons (vv.1-2, 4).

A. Deacons were needed because the Church was Growing.

1. Disciples Multiplied
Verse 1 says that, "... in those days the number of the disciples was multiplying." The first church was experiencing rapid church growth. Acts 2:47 says that  " ... the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." There was "daily" growth in that church.

2. Problems Multiplied
As the church grew, so did the problems. There were more people to be taught, more people to be helped, more people to be visited, and more people to be fed. The infrastructure of the church needed change.

Our church has the same problem, as we reach more people, add more people and minister to more people, we need more leaders to help meet those needs. You can't minister to 100 the way you did to 50. You can't minister to 200 the way you did to 100. We can't minister to more than 1,000 the way we used to minister to 400, so we must have a deacon ministry that reflects the biblical requirements and a number of deacons committed to working in this process.

3. Deacons Multiplied
We need more deacons to help us facilitate more growth. So, you can see that we are asking you to add more deacons as we keep growing as a church.

B. Deacons were needed because the Church was Dividing.

1.  A Situation Developed
In this church in Jerusalem there was a "complaint" raised "against the Hebrews [Jewish believers] by the Hellenists [Greek believers] because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution." In other words, the Greeks felt the Jews were neglecting them. If it weren't for the wisdom of the apostles, this could have created the very first church split. Deacons helped solve this problem. Deacons should be problem-solvers with the pastor of the local church - they should never be part of the problem!

You can be sure that wherever the church is found to be growing, Satan will be there seeking to create division. Many churches cannot go forward today because they are not united and committed to Christ, their pastor(s) and each other.

2.  A Solution Devised
The Pastors in the first New Testament Church knew their priorities. Acts 6:2 states that the apostles or pastors of the early church said, "It is not desirable that we should leave the word of God and serve tables." Rather, they said in verse 4, "We will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word."

The pastors knew their place. They knew that they had been called, gifted and commissioned by God for a special ministry, namely "prayer" and the "ministry of the word" - the study and preaching of the Bible. If they spent all their time caring for the widows, they would be unfaithful to their calling. They knew their priorities. If the widows needed help, then let the church set aside servant men (deacons) to serve them.

One of the most difficult areas in leading a growing church is that of making sure that the pastor and staff stick to their priorities and don't become sidelined by tasks that can be assigned to others. One man can minister to only so many people. That's why we need more deacons in our church today. We are ordaining additional deacons to assist me as your Senior Pastor and our other pastoral staff so we will not neglect the needs of our members. I thank the Lord for our unprecedented unity, but we must never take this unity for granted. We intend to maintain a New Testament Deacon Ministry and to only such deacons as may be required to minister effectively to our congregation.

II. The ORDINATION of Deacons (v.6).

A. The Candidates were ...

1. Set Before the Apostles
I believe they were "set before the apostles" in some sort of public ceremony. This signified not only the approval of the church but also of the approval of the church pastoral leadership. When we select our new deacons they will be "set" before you, the church family, only after they have been set before the presbytery or ordaining counsel made up of ordained pastors and deacons.

2.  Supplication by the Apostles
The Apostles "prayed" over them. What do you think the apostles' prayed? I believe they prayed for these men to continue in their faithful service to God, that they might grow in their relationship with Christ, and that they might have an effective deacon ministry within the church. In a few weeks when we select and ordain our new deacons, the ordaining counsel will pray over all them one at time. I hope that you will pray for them too. In fact, I hope that you are praying for them even now.

B. Hands of the Apostles

The "laying on of hands" signifies the identification, affirmation and affection of the church toward the deacons. It conveys no special powers, but is a sign of blessing and love.

III. The BENEFITS of Deacons (v.7).

A. God's Word Continued to be Spread

Note that "the word of God spread" after the deacons were chosen in Jerusalem. Because the pastors (apostles) were no longer encumbered by internal church ministry problems, they were freed to give their full energy to the study, teaching and preaching of the Word of God. I know that as we increase and empower our deacons for greater ministry, we will see God's Word going out even stronger than ever. I must tell you, that our growth has been experienced because we have avoided the problems that plague so many churches today. That is due in no small part to the truly Biblical New Testament Deacon Ministry in our church. Our Yokefellow Program that requires every deacon to go through several months of training is such a blessing. The cooperation of our deacons and deacon candidates has warmed my heart and blessed my ministry as your pastor. As we continue this approach, I believe we will continue to see the Word of God increase.

B. God's Church Continued to Grow

Note that "... the number of disciples multiplied greatly in Jerusalem." Even though their numbers had previously been "multiplying," now that growth was even stronger.

I have no doubt that if we will prayerfully select, train and ordain the right new deacons in our church we will continue to grow and even grow more quickly than in the past. So, I am asking you to pray sincerely about the men you choose. Once chosen, they will be placed before the pastors and deacon leaders to begin the Yokefellow process. Those who complete the process and agree to serve will be placed before you for ordination. Great days lie ahead for us, as long as we carry out our work for Christ as He has clearly taught us in His Word.


Now, we are seeking to follow God's Word in all we do - in our deacon ministry and every other part of God's work in our church. One thing God's Word teaches is that it is not God's will that any perish, but that all might come to repentance and salvation. If there is someone here today who is willing to turn from sin and trust Jesus as Lord and Savior, I invite you now - in fact, the Holy Spirit calls you now - to come to Him. If you are a Christian looking for a church home, we are a Bible-believing, Christ-honoring church. Come today and join your heart and soul with us as we serve our Lord.

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