The Salutation

Title: The Salutation

Bible Book: 2 John

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Church; Church Affiliation; Christian Living



In the closing verse of II John, John simply says "goodbye". But here again I believe this verse supports the view that I've taken all through this short, yet concise, message. It's not a personal letter from John to some lady friend; it's a letter to the home church with a grave warning about false prophets who want to remove Christ from the church.

I. The Congregation Is Identified, Vs. 13

A. The People of the Congregation, Vs. 13

The children... vs. 13. This is the Greek word Tek-now. It means a son or a daughter or a relationship formed between men by the bonds of love. It's clear that John isn't writing a personal letter to a lady friend but rather he is writing from a sister congregation. Although this is an inspired letter from God and John, who God used to pen it, notice how John keeps his identity with a local church. I think he does this to show that no man operates on his own. Even under the inspiration of God's Spirit John is connected to the church. I think what he's also saying is, I'm not out here alone as some super saint. It's me and God and we need no other in our life. He wants them to stay connected to the church and by this salutation he reinforces that great doctrine. Notice not only the people of the congregation but also the place of the congregation.

B. The Place of the Congregation, Vs. 13

...of thy elect sister... vs. 13. This is the Greek word adel fry. It means one connected by Christian religion. The important part of this definition is "connected by Christian religion". This was a church. It was a place of worship where people who were like minded met for regular worship of Jesus Christ! Some say it's important to belong to a local church.

I believe lying beneath the words of this salutation is a strong reference to church membership. John is saying, I'm here, I'm being used of God. I'm involved in a local church and we send our love to our mother church ... the elect lady, vs. 1.

II. The Congregation Is Finalized, Vs. 13

A. The Final Word, Vs. 13

...greet thee... vs. 13. As was the custom this letter ends with a greeting but notice it's not just from John. He includes the whole church ...children... vs. 13. John is clear that there is no one-man show at church - we all make it happen. As we follow Christ in obedience His church is successful. None of us are the pillar - we are all a pillar - Christ is the Chief Cornerstone. Not only do we see the final word but also the final work.

B. The Final Work, Vs. 13

Amen., vs. 13. It's deeper than it looks. This word means not only the end - but be faithful until the end. In other words, don't give up - times will be tough, people will try to destroy God's word - but don't give up! Stay faithful until the end

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