The Request Of A Christian

Title: The Request Of A Christian

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 12

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Living; Christian Character



Paul now makes his request. He broke the news in verse 10 that he and Onesimus had met and a wonderful thing had happened; Onesimus was saved! The first indication that this was a true conversion is that Onesimus wanted to return to Philemon and make things right between the two of them. This will usually be the first request of a new Christian!

I. The Man Paul Sent, vs. 12.

A. The Trust Paul Had In Onesimus, vs. 12.

Whom I have sent… vs. 12. This is a statement made in the aroist tense in the Greek; it means that Paul was going to send Onesimus back at some undesignated time in the future. The interesting thing here is that Paul doesn't say I'm bringing Onesimus to you. Why is this strange? Because Onesimus was a thief and a thief is usually a liar. Could he be trusted? This is how sure Paul was of Onesimus' conversion! I think if I can speculate a moment it was also a jester to show Philemon  how much Paul trusted Onesimus' act of faith. Surely if Paul trusted him to return on his own something miraculous must have happened! Not only do we see the trust Paul had in Onesimus but also the trust Paul had in Philemon.

B. The Trust Paul Had In Philemon, vs. 12.

…thou therefore receive him… vs. 12. This is also a cause to stop and take note of Paul's intentions. He didn't send him to the authorities or by escort. Paul didn't come as a mediator. His intentions are first of all to trust Onesimus to go to Philemon and then trust Philemon to accept him. No outside influence in either of their lives; just God reconciling two men. Paul knew if God had done a work in Onesimus and he had properly prepared the heart of Philemon in verses 1-10 that this would be a tearful reunion. Paul had to trust Philemon to forgive and accept this runaway thief. Notice not only the man Paul sent but also the message Paul sent.

II. The Message Paul Sent, vs. 12.

A. Paul Expresses A Personal Love For Onesimus, vs. 12.

…that is, mine… vs. 12. Paul expresses a personal love for Onesiums and an attachment to Onesiums. It's like a new convert that wins your love; you want to help them. You see an eagerness in their eyes to know more about Jesus. They want to be with you, to go with you, to learn from you. Paul says this convert is special to me and I have a personal love for him as a father would love a son. Not only do we see Paul expresses a personal love for Onesimus but also Paul expresses a permeating love for Onesimus.

B. Paul Expresses A Permeating Love For Onesimus, vs. 12.

…own bowels: vs. 12. The bowels were considered to be the heart of one's affection. Paul really wanted to be around Onesimus. I don't recall Paul being this passionate about any of his other converts. This again strengthens the fact that some people whom we may not like or get along with now just may be great friends after they're saved! Onesiums wanted to go back and make things right.Maybe that lesson is here for us!

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