The Proper Greeting

Title: The Proper Greeting

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 2

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Manners



Have you ever stopped to think about how we greet people? Greetings are important; especially when someone respects you or looks up to you. I've noticed in my own life as I go to conference or meet with others in the ministry that so often wives are left standing in the shadow of their husband and their children are ignored altogether. Paul wanted to avoid this mistake; especially now that he needed the support of all of Philemon's family. Notice how Paul addresses this issue.

I. He Acknowledges the Family of Philemon, vs. 2.

A. He Makes Mention of his Bride, vs. 2.

...Apphia... vs. 2.

What a smart move on Paul's behalf! He called out the name of Apphia, Philemon's wife. Men, we need to face up to the fact that our wives play a vital part in our lives and the decisions we make. Paul wanted to be sure the whole team was on board with whatever decision was made concerning Onesimus. We not only see that he makes mention of his bride he also makes mention of his boy.

B. Makes Mention of his Boy, vs. 2.

...Archippus our fellowsoldier... vs. 2.

Archippus was Philemon's son. Its plain that Philemon either had, or was still holding church service in his home and Archippus had helped in the ministry. As Paul gets ready to make his appeal for Onesimus he reminds the whole family "what a good team we have when we work together". I believe that is God's intent. We need to be reminded of what a good team we make when we work together. And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfil it. Colossians 4:17 tells us that Archippus was possibly an ordained minister or at least a high official in the church. Paul wanted him involved in the decision about Onesimus. Its always good to get the leaders whom God has called involved in serious decisions. Too often a pastor or deacon or ministry director will make a decision that they can make on their own only to find out later they wished they'd involved other leaders. Paul could have insisted based on his apostleship that Philemon do this but he knew without the team it would lead to future problems for Onesimus. Not only did he acknowledge the family of Philemon also he acknowledged the family of God.

II. He Acknowledged the Family of God, vs. 2.

A. The People that were Involved, vs. 2.

...the church... vs. 2.

Paul is saying, maybe you'd want to bring this matter before the church. Paul realizes that Christian people when faced with moral and political issues, when joined together make the right decision. Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety. Proverbs 11:14. This was a serious decision for that day and time. A hasty or wrong decision could have serious consequences. Get you main leadership together then get your church together. Notice not only the people that were involved but also the place that was involved.

B. The Place that was Involved, vs. 2. thy house: vs. 2.

I don't think this is just a phrase or description. I think its careful orders. Issues like this shouldn't be settled on the streets or in private groups. Get the people together. Let them all hear you. All make a decision. Then let it go. The major problem is the church today is outside the church; telephone committees, email committees, gossip committees. Christian people meet and listen to the leadership of the church. Then they decide the issue and are done with it. Its in God's hands then. Paul knew this would be absolutely necessary for Onesimus to be completely restored. Its true for our church today! Lets follow God's leading, unite ourselves to do the ministry and let it go! God will bless an effort like that!

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