The Power Of The Bible

Title: The Power Of The Bible

Bible Book: 2 John

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Bible; God's Word, Power of



Have you ever stopped to think about why there's so much fussing about whether God's Word is true or not? I mean what difference does it make if I interpret one verse one way and you interpret it another way? Let me tell you here and now it makes all the difference in the world! If you interpret a verse to say you're saved by works or baptism or predestination; you're lost! I honestly believe that new denominations are being born from whackos and people who have not studied the word of God. God's Word is clear on this point. Look carefully at this paramount block of scripture, Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. II Peter 1:20. I found it hard to be  a Baptist when I studied God's Word but I realized that Baptist wanted the truth and would listen to it.

I. When The Bible Is Errant, Vs. 9

A. A Person Will Move On, Vs. 9

Whosoever transgresseth... vs. 9. First of all notice the word whosoever. This ought to be clear to us that John isn't talking about an honest error in searching for truth. He's talking about those who move or keep on searching for more information to disprove God's Holy Word. These people today are those who say they're progressive and advance thinkers but their purpose is to punch holes in God's book and then get others to follow them. This letter from John is a warning to the church stating they're going to try and destroy your bible! WATCH OUT! The word transgresseth means to take another route, to go beyond. Not only do we see that when the bible is errant a person will move on but also that a person will move out.

B. A Person Will Move Out, Vs. 9

...abideth not in the doctrine of Christ... vs. 9. The phrase abideth not simply means not to remain. This is interesting because not to remain means you were there but you didn't stay. How sad to know the way but follow some other road.... hath not God... vs. 9. These folks are not saved. III John 9-10 says I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not. Wherefore, if I come, I will remember his deeds which he doeth, prating against us with malicious words: and not content therewith, neither doth he himself receive the brethren, and forbiddeth them that would, and casteth them out of the church. Sadly, the doctrine they teach will not save you either. John says stick with the holy, inerrant word of God! Notice not only when the bible is errant but also when the bible is inerrant.

II. When The Bible Is Inerrant, Vs. 9

A. He Will Move Inward, Vs. 9

...He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ... vs. 9. It's plain English! It means if you "abide in" you don't depart. It's in reference to "a place" and that place is "in Christ". Eternal security! You continue to sojourn moving further and further into Christ! Not only do we see that he will move inward but also he will move upward.

B. He Will Move Upward, Vs. 9

...hath both the Father and the Son., vs. 9. This is a primary participle indicating copulative force. That means if you stick with God's Word you have all the forces of heaven working with you. Do you see the power of believing God's every word? As you believe you're reaching upward. You're trusting heaven more and more and earth less and less. You're moving closer and closer to Christ! Don't disbelieve one jot or tittle of your bible for one moment! Make sure your mentor, pastor, teacher, or friend studies God's Word. It's not enough to study commentaries on certain topics. Stick with the bible because its God's light into salvation!

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