The Power of Jesus to Deliver

Title: The Power of Jesus to Deliver

Bible Book: Mark 5 : 1-20

Author: William R. Shively

Subject: Power of Jesus; Victory; Deliverance; Testimony; Witness



Mark 5:1-20

These verses describe something every strange to most of us living in 21st century America. In other parts of the world, this kind of behavior is known. People are possessed by demons. Many believe there is an increase in demonic activity in America and around the world. We know from Scripture that there will be an increase of satanic attacks as we near the return of the Lord Jesus. We are reminded that Jesus is our only answer.

Sin opens the door for Satan’s entrance into a person life. Sin may bring pleasure for a season, but it will bring its torments and destruction. The “wages of sin” is still death.

I. Torments of The Man

A. His Demons. (v. 2, 9)

This man was possessed by a legion of demons. A legion in the Roman army could number as many as 6,000 soldiers.

B. His Dwelling. (v. 3)

This man was an outcast from his family and friends. He did not know the joy and comfort of a life lived for God. He could not dwell among the living so he had to live among the dead.

C. His Desperation. (v. 4-7)

This demon possessed man had no one to help him. The best that society could do was to try to bind him with fetters and chains. Tormented by the demons, he would cry and cut himself with stones.

II. Transformation of The Man

A. Demons in The Man.

Demons can not possess the saved but they can and do harass the children of God. Demons are Satan’s foot soldiers in battle against God. They are aiding Satan in trying to destroy people. Jesus said in John 10:10: “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.” Jesus came that He “might destroy him that had the power of death, that is, the devil.” (Heb. 2:14)

1. Their faith in Jesus. (v. 7;  James 2:19) “Jesus, thou Son of the Most High God”

Demons believe in and know who Jesus is. While they recognize and acknowledge Jesus, they are still demons. The Bible describes them as unclean spirits.

2. Their fear of Jesus. (v. 7) “Art thou come here to torment us before the time?” Matt. 8:29

The devil and his demons know their time is short. They know there is a time coming when the Lord Jesus will cast them into the abyss where they will be tormented forever.

B. Deliverance of The Man.

1. Lord’s command to the demons. (v. 8-9)

Jesus exercised His authority over the demons in just a few words. Satan nor demons can refuse the commands of the Lord.

2. Lord’s compassion for the man. (v. 19)

Jesus demonstrated His compassion for this man by freeing Him from demon bondage.

C. Difference In The Man.

1. Lord changed the man.

Salvation is a miracle of God. This man was helpless and hopeless. He was under the power and control of the devil. When a person encounters Jesus and is saved, that person will be changed.

2. Lord clothed the man.

The Lord clothed this man in His rob of righteousness. When there is a change on the inside, it will appear on the outside. A clean heart will produce a moral life that dresses modestly.

3. Lord calmed the man.

This man was wild and out of control. He had no peace and a lot of misery. He was a different man after Jesus made him whole.  The Lord Jesus said: “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace.” (John 16:33)

III. Testimony of The Man

According to verse 15, the people were afraid when they saw the change in this man. Indeed a miracle had been performed. The power of Jesus had been displayed.

A. Personal Request of The Man. (v. 18)

This man had tasted that the Lord is good. (1 Pet. 2:2-3) He asked the Lord to let him remain with Him but, the Lord had greater plans for this man’s life.

B. Purpose Revealed to The Man. (v. 19-20)

1. What he was to do. (v. 19)

2. What he did. (v. 20) He departed and publish what the Lord had done for him. Decapolis refers to an area of ten cities southeast of the Sea of Galilee. This man shared his testimony in these areas regarding what the Lord had done for him. As the Master and Savior of our souls, we should gladly share with everyone what the Lord has done for us.

Lessons For Life:

Do you have a testimony to tell others what the Lord has done in your life? Do you live a life of faith in what Christ has done for you or do you fear what men may say or do to you? The testimony of a changed life is a powerful witness to the grace of Jesus. Lost people need to hear the gospel and the power of God to change their lives.  Are they hearing it from you? Jesus has the power to set the captive free!

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