The Invitation to Salvation

Title: The Invitation to Salvation

Bible Book: Romans 10 : 13-21

Author: Jerry N. Watts

Subject: Salvation; Eternal Life; God's Call; God's Invitation



Romans 10:13-21

This morning we witnessed the baptism for some of our new believers. Today we made available to these believers pre-printed invitations to send out inviting friends and family to attend the most significant event in life, their Baptism. Have you ever received an invitation to something? It could be a wedding, a shower, a graduation, or a celebration of some kind, but you received this personal invitation to attend and be a part of it.

Although a theologian would take our text today and draw some historical lesson from it, I would like to suggest to you the thought that this text offers to every one of us – God’s “Invitation to Salvation.” This is your personal invitation to be saved. I see three types of invitation. Let’s begin with verse 21.

I. It Is A Comprehensive Invitation

The first time I came to really understand the word ‘comprehensive’ was in the 4th grade. Our teacher, Mrs. Thomas, used the word ‘comprehensive’ to refer to an upcoming test on a Friday. Being the ‘dummy’ in our class (and not being afraid to show my ignorance), I asked, “What does that mean?” In short, she said, “It means that it will cover everything from the beginning of the year.” Well, I knew I was in trouble. Our comprehensive invitation gives us benefits. Note what they are.

A. It Is Consistent

In verse 21, when Isaiah writes to Israel, he is quoting God and says, “All Day Long….” Simply put, this refers to God’s care for and watching over Israel. When I read about the Children of Israel’s ongoing rebellion, I wondered why God didn’t write them off. But He never did and the same holds true for each one of us. God’s love and invitation consistently extends to you. It is an “all day long” fact of life.

B. It Is Compassionate

It is compassionate. From the next words, can you paint a picture of out-stretched hands? As a child, did you ever get hurt or get into trouble and have a little apprehension about facing dad because you were unsure as to how he would respond? When you saw him, he had his powerful hand out- stretched, to say, “I love you.” Whether you had to receive discipline or comfort was the question at that moment, only that you were loved.

C. It Is Complete

It is complete. Look at the last phrase of verse 21. God doesn’t just love the lovely – He loves us all. In fact, it was when we didn’t deserved it that Jesus was sent to earth to pay for our sins. It was while we were sinners that He died for us!

Yes, this salvation is comprehensive as through Jesus, God reaches out to us consistently, compassionately, and completely.

II. It Is A Challenging Invitation

God’s invitation carries with it some heavy requirements. Even though Jesus died for us, our salvation is challenging.

A. It Is A Challenge To Receive The Message

When we read verses 14 and 15 it becomes very apparent that to call on the Lord requires each of us to be in the KNOW. If we are to “call” on Him, we must “believe” in Him. If we “believe” in Him, we

have to “hear” about Him. To “hear” about Him there must be a messenger to “tell” us about Him and to “tell” us about Him one must be Ssnt by Him. Don’t be confused but challenged by this process and re-read verse 17, “Faith comes through what is heard and what is heard comes through the message about Christ.

B. It Is A Challenge To Respect The Messenger

The last part of verse 15 says, “How welcome (beautiful, timely) are the feet of those who announce the gospel of good things!” Notice the punctuation mark. This is not a question, but rather an exclamation. The one who is sent is the one who tells and allows you to hear those wonderful words of life. Have you ever noticed that about the time you are at your worst there is someone there to give you a word from God? Sadly, at our worst a word from God is seemingly the last thing we want to hear (It kind of gets on your nerves.) Yet the beauty, timeliness, or the welcome of the one who shares a Word from God with us comes from the fact that God put this messenger there at the very time you need it most!

C. It Is A Challenge To Respond To The Message

Every time you hear a message from God it requires a response. Sadly, many fail to heed God’s call. Verse 16 reminds us that not everyone believes and obeys God. Why? Because it’s a challenge. His invitation is a challenging adventure.

III. It Is A Clear Invitation

It is a clear invitation. Let’s end with the verse we began with and answer three important questions.

A. Who Has This Personal Invitation

Everyone! Whoever! Whosoever!

That means you! Right now God is confirming in your heart this truth.

B. What Must You Do

The Bible says, “Call on the name of the Lord.” Look in verse 9 and 10 to understand what this call is all about.

C. Why Must You Do It

The answer is, “to be saved.” In trusting Jesus Christ with our lives we are saved From a place called hell, we are saved FOR the purpose of being Jesus to this world, and we are saved TO an eternal and everlasting life in Heaven with God himself. This super Sunday can be super for you, if you’ll begin your super new life in Jesus right NOW!

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