The Good Word Is – God Will Guide Us

Title: The Good Word Is - God Will Guide Us

Bible Book: Isaiah

Author: Miles Wesner

Subject: Bible; Word of God; Christian Living; Direction; God's Will



(Isa. 48:17; Isa. 49:8-10; Isa. 42:16)

Once Daniel Boone, our great pioneer-trapper, was asked, "Mr. Boone, have you ever been lost in the forest?" "Oh, of course not," He replied with a smile. "However, I must admit that I was once very bewildered for three days."

Well, all of us are bewildered at times. We live in a complex and confusing world. That's why it is reassuring to hear Isaiah's promise: "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go" (Isa.48:17).

Bishop Pike tells an imaginary story about a child being born and growing up in an airplane. At first the child feels perfectly safe, because he sees four walls around him and feels his mother's arms beneath him. But when he grows enough to stand up and look out the window, he becomes frightened, because he sees the plane is in mid air with seemingly nothing holding it up.

Finally when he reaches maturity, he realizes that the plane has a pilot, who knows what he is doing, and with the instruments at his command. he is guiding the great ship to a certain destination."

This is a parable of our lives and our times. There is much to give us the feeling that life is insecure and unsafe. But the Christian faith says, "You have a pilot who has a purpose for you, and if you will let him, He will guide you to a certain destination."

Isaiah said it so well. "Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it" (Isa. 30:21).

All of us need guidance at times; but we must learn how to use Spiritual guidance. Christians must realize three things.


There's a wonderful verse in Jeremiah that says, "I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" (Jer. 29:11).

God's plans for each person are different, because no two people are just alike. One woman said, "It was a glorious day for me when I discovered the word unique. I began to understand that I was distinctively different from Sue, Shary, Margaret and Joan.

"Yes, I am different, and that is all right; because I'm not Sue, Shary, Margaret or Joan. I am Ruth!

"Unique means ‘one-of-a-kind!' I began to understand that I would never, try as I might, have charm like Sue. I would never wear clothes with style like Shary. I would never play the piano like Margaret. I would never have a flashing humor like Joan.

"Instead, I would have the charm of Ruth. I would wear clothes with the flair of Ruth. I would play the piano with the ability of Ruth. I would glow with the humor of Ruth.

"This is such an important concept. There is no superiority among persons, and there is no inferiority among persons. Just as Sue is unique in her charm; so am I. Just as Sue is a valuable individual because of her gentleness; so am I a valuable individual because of my exuberance.

"One is no greater than the other. Both of us are unique! Both of us are of inestimable value."

In a television interview several years ago, the world-famous pianist, Artur Rubinstein was asked a routine question. He was asked what he thought when someone called him, "the greatest pianist in the world."

Rubinstein replied, "Actually, I become angry. There is no such thing as ‘the greatest.' Each person is unique. There is no such thing as ‘the best.' There is only difference."

So, when you consider potential areas of service, remember, God has a plan for you. And, if He does, there will always be a way to achieve it. He will enable you to make this plan a reality-if you work with Him and are open to His leading.

We must be faithful and give our very best to achieve the major purpose of our life. But we must understand that there are only a few majors, maybe only one, in anyone's life. All of those other interests and aptitudes are minors or "grace- notes," to be developed and used as possible. However, we are not required to "give our all in these areas." No one can do everything!

This is vital self-knowledge that will allow you to live your life to optimal fulfillment without the pressure for perfection. So when it comes to decisions, always ask: Is this God's plan for me?


David prayed, "Show me our ways, O Lord, teach me your paths" (Psa. 25:4).

We're not born with all the information and preparation we need to fill our niche in life. We must learn! We must recognize our strengths and weaknesses. We must discover our blind spots and areas of ignorance.

God's teachings strengthen us and makes us successful. His instructions are practical. Psychologists, tell employers that if they have a choice they should know that:

*Churchgoers are more efficient than non-church attenders.

*Drinkers are less efficient than those who stay away from alcoholic beverages.

*The person who studies on his own time is preferable to the one who does not.

*The person whose credit rating is good is a better worker than the one who can't manage his money.

*The one who organizes his equipment and tools and puts them away is a better worker than the one who doesn't.

We must find our natural interests and abilities. Generally speaking, most people are unhappy with their lot in life. It is estimated that 75 % of the workers in America are misfits. In a recent survey made in small towns and rural communities in Tennessee, it was found that sixty percent were dissatisfied with their occupations. The number is much higher in more complicated urban situations.

What a tragedy that so many people live life under this heavy cloud of unhappiness. We need to fill our own niche and develop our own skills.

In March 1958, Life Magazine carried the story of Mr. Mayo Buckner. For fifty-nine years Mr. Buckner has been confined in an institution for the mentally retarded. It was discovered that Mr. Buckner was far from retarded, but because of a mistake many years earlier, his life in a normal situation was taken from him. Indeed this is a tragedy.

Yet, there are many today who fail to discover the hidden secrets and talents of their lives. This too, is a tragedy.

There is an ancient Persian proverb which says:

He who knows not, and knows not that he knows not, is a fool, Avoid him;

He who knows not, and knows that he knows not, is a child, Teach him;

He who knows and knows not that he knows, is asleep, Wake him;

He who knows, and knows that he knows, is wise, Follow him.

Isaiah said, "His God instructs him and teaches him the right way" (Isa. 28:26).

Always be willing to learn and change and grow.


The Psalmist said, "If I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me; your right hand will hold me fast" (Psa. 139:10).

Nature can teach us a lot about guidance. For instance, eels, during the breeding season, travel from all over the world into the Caribbean Sea.

There is a deep trench in the sea bed there which eels somehow prefer as a birthing place. After birth the parents leave and go back to their home areas—some to the coasts of France; some to the rivers of Canada; some go to Norway and others to England.

All the baby eels are left behind down in the Caribbean Sea. After a few weeks the babies decide that they too will follow their parents and off they go. The baby ells which have Canadian parents swim to Canada; those which have French parents swim to France.

Now, who taught these baby eels where to go and how can they tell the directions down deep in the sea? It's obvious that they are endowed with an internal guidance system.

Spiritual guidance is like that! The Psalmist said, "For this God is our God for ever and ever; He will be our guide even to the end" (Psa. 48:14).

Yes, God guides us; but how does he guide? Coincidence, high hopes, expectation and wishful thinking are easily confused with divine guidance.

A man said, "I once prayed earnestly about an important investment I was contemplating. I genuinely wanted guidance, because I didn't want to make a mistake. But, looking back, I can see that I so desperately wanted to make the investment that wishful thinking clouded my judgment.

"The partnership needed more money than I had available and so, I prayed that if I should make the investment, the additional funds would be forthcoming. In a few days, to my immense surprise the exact amount of money fell into my hands, and I took that as a sign from God and went ahead.

"Well, that investment was a disaster. Not only did I lose my entire investment, but I had to put up additional funds in a futile effort to save my original investment. Besides, it took a vast amount of time.

"I was younger, then, and have since learned that there are no simplistic rules governing divine guidance. First of all, God is not waiting for us to seek specific guidance. He broadcasts it 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. We don't have to beg or bargain with God. All that is necessary is that we get our inner life in order and learn to listen to the inner direction and common sense God gave us. This requires discipline.

Always check your decisions with these criteria:

1. Is this possible and realistic, given the circumstances?

2. Is this in line with Scriptural guidelines?

3. Is this productive for me and for others?

4. Will this help me be a better Christian?

5. Will this glorify God?

Also, we must want God's will, not only in a crisis, but in every area of life. Jesus said, "If anyone desires to do God's will, he will know—have the needed illumination to recognize (can tell for himself) —whether the teaching is from God . . ." (John 7:17, Amp Bib).

This verse says that the one who truly wants to know the will of God will know the truth. Such a one will know inwardly, with growing certainty, how to separate wishful thinking and coincidence from God's will.

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