The First Miracle of Christmas

Title: The First Miracle of Christmas

Bible Book: Luke 2 : 6-11

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christmas; Birth of Christ; New Birth



In John chapter 2 we are told that Jesus worked his first miracle at Cana. While it's hard to disagree with the great commentators of the bible I choose to do so here at Christmas time. The bible doesn't say this was the beginning of Christ's miracles. The verse literally says "Jesus, while in Cana began to exhibit signs that a miracle had already taken place". It is a Greek word that means that by which a person or thing is distinguished from others. The greatest miracle of Christ had already been performed long before Cana. Jesus was born of a virgin and He was responsible for His own conception!


I. A Mother In The Night, Vs. 6-7

A. She Was A Mother In Labor, Vs. 6

"The days were accomplished that she should be delivered." vs. 6

While the conception of Christ was indeed the greatest miracle of all time, His development and birth were normal for His mother. I'm amazed at the portrayal that we in the ecclesiastical world have conjured up of Mary on the night of Christ's birth! Mary was in labor!

Let's not bypass the fact that while Christ's conception was a miracle of God, His birth was a masterpiece of Mary. Not only was she a mother in labor she also was a mother in love.

B. She Was A Mother In Love, Vs. 7

"And she brought forth her firstborn son..." vs. 7

Lets not forget that Mary had felt life within her - the moments of fear her firstborn, the moments of pain, anxiety, the nights of lying awake and imagining her Son's future. As she rested her hands upon her stomach things were now drawing to a close, the pain of childbirth was at its peak. But so was its passion, her heart was bursting with love! Notice she ...wrapped him in swaddling clothes...

vs. 7. Commentators disagree on whether this means Mary actually did this wrapping or not. I put three things together to reach my conclusion - mother, newborn and love. There is no perseverance as strong as a mother's perseverance for her child. She diapered her child, fed her child and put Him to bed. The phrase ...because there was no room for them in the inn. vs. 7 simply means it just didn't matter about all the comforts of life. Mama was there! I don't believe there is a love on earth as strong as a mother's love!
Dad, you know how much you love your little boys and little girls? Your big boys and girls? You can only imagine a mother's love!

So it is with God - we say we know God loves us. He cares for us -you can only imagine how much God loves you! For God so loved you He gave His only Son's life for you! There isn't a mother here who wouldn't give her life for her child - but would you give your child's life for another? God did! You can only imagine! Not only do we see a mother in the night but also a man in the night.

II. A Man In The Night, Vs. 8-11

A. The Men Of The Night, Vs. 8-9

"...shepherds...keeping watch over their flock by night." vs. 8

Oh what a night! Man was looking at God coming out of the night into the light of day! A new Son had risen! His name is Jesus! Heaven's messengers were like us. They couldn't wait to tell somebody the Good News. I'm impressed that the Good News was first delivered to poor working men....and they were sore afraid. vs. 9.

If the angels represent the Holy Spirit and the shepherds represent us is this not an accurate account? You see, the deeper crux of the matter is they not only revealed the birth to the men of the night, but also they revealed the miracle! The virgin birth was true! Not only do we see the men of the night, but also the message of the night.

B. The Message Of The Night, Vs. 10-11

"...good tidings of great joy..." vs. 10

The prophetic message is true! We see this miracle affirmed in two ways! The Old Testament was true! What an encouragement to those shepherds! Next, a virgin brought forth a Saviour! He had to be God's Son! Notice vs. 10. And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. The world would never be the same! And so it is with each of us. When we hear and receive the message of Christ's birth our life is never the same! Notice vs. 20 And the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told unto them. That's how I came home from church on September 18, 1973!

What about you? Have you seen Christ's first miracle!

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