The Exodus From Egypt

Title: The Exodus From Egpyt

Bible Book: Exodus

Author: Calvin Wittman

Subject: Sovereignty of God; Overcoming through God's Power; Deliverance; Faith



Exodus, chapters 13 and 14

Our story opens with Moses and the children of Israel, probably about two million in strength, heading out of Egypt on their way to the Promised Land. Through a series of plagues, God not only demonstrated His sovereignty over all of creation and His superiority over the false gods of the land of Egypt, but He literally broke Pharaoh’s will and changed his heart. The tenth plague, the death of the firstborn of Egypt, was the final blow that caused Pharaoh to cave in and let the Israelites go.

For the purposes of our study this morning, there are three basic things I want you to see.

I. God is With His people

One of the great lessons we learn from the book of Exodus as a whole, and a message reiterated throughout the scripture, is that God is present with His people. God is a person who created us as persons in His image. He wants to be in relationship with us and one of the ways He makes this known is through His presence.

II. God Directs His people

One of the most obvious things we see in this text is that God is clearly in charge. Through His presence in the pillars of cloud and fire He is giving His people direction and their deliverance depended upon their following His direction.

Notice three specific things we can learn about God’s guidance as we consider His guidance of Israel out of Egypt.

A. God positions us where He wants us, not where we want to be.

He wanted to position them to where He was their only hope, to where if He did not deliver them, they would not be delivered.

God’s direction is not always the easiest way.

If we are following God’s direction, we must go where He tells us and do as He says.

B. God’s direction always requires faith.

No doubt after a reversal in directions the people began to question whether or not Moses knew what he was doing. Make no mistake about it, whenever you are trying to follow God there will always be those who are more than ready to offer their advice. There will always be those who think they know a better way than the one God has given you.

III. God Delivers His people

The central theological truth of this passage is that God is that God is the Deliverer. The God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob is a God of deliverance.

In his response to the people’s lack of faith, Moses tells encourages the Israelites to trust God. Notice five things this tells us about God.  Look at 14:13-14.

  • He does not want them to fear – He comforts us “Do not fear” 13
  • He does not leave us to die – He delivers us “”You will see the salvation of the Lord.” 13
  • He invites us to faith – He expects us to trust Him “Stand firm…keep silent.” 13-14
  • He removes danger from us – He protects us “you will never see them again forever.”
  • He fights for us – He is victorious “The Lord will fight for you.”


The finished work of Jesus demonstrates for us the same truths that our text today tells us about God’s working in the lives of His people.

  • God does not want us to fear.
  • He is our Deliverer.
  • He invites us to trust Him.
  • He removes danger from us
  • He is victorious
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