The Divine Atmosphere of Unity

Title: The Divine Atmosphere of Unity

Bible Book: Matthew 5 : 9

Author: J. Mike Minnix

Subject: Peace; Peacemakers; Beatitudes; Sermon on the Mount


The Divine Atmosphere of Unity

Dr. J. Mike MInnix, Editor,

This is sermon 7 is a series of 8 sermons on the Beatitudes.

Matthew 5:9

We come now to Beatitude number seven.

Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called the sons of God."

What is one of the greatest human needs in our world today? Some would say more money. Some would say better schools. Some would say better health care. Of course many would say the need to destroy the COVID virus.

The greatest need is peace. In France last week a Islamic fanatic decapitated a school teacher for showing cartoons concerning Islam. Recently we have seen portions of American cities on fire as Antifa and other radicals have sought to raise an army to destroy our capitalistic and constitutional form of government. Racial bitterness and anger have exploded as well, and some nefarious characters have turned legal and righteous protests into an occasion to attack people and destroy property.

Where are the peacemakers? You know, of course, that a peacemaker is someone who seeks to bring peace with others or between others. It goes without saying that no generation has been more divided than the one we live in today. Perhaps that is because our generation can say anything we want to say to anyone else in the world through emails, online chats, Twitter, Facebook and so many other ways. Needless to say, not many people are seeking to be peacemakers, and that goes for most people in our churches as well.

I read about a pastor who came home one day to find his daughter arguing with her friends in the bedroom. From the front hallway he could hear them yelling and calling each other names, so he quickly made his way up the stairs. "What's going on in here?" he asked as he entered the room. His five-year-old looked up at him and smiled. "It's okay, Daddy. We're just playing church!" (From War in the Pews by Frank Martin. InterVarsity Press, 1995. Page 24.)

Jesus said, "Blessed are the peacemakers." Truly peacemakers are a blessing, but they are also blessed by the Lord, but we can add that peacemakers are a blessing to the Lord and others as well.

Think with me now about our calling from Jesus to be peacemakers. First note ...

I. The Serious Nature of this Beatitude

We know that each Beatitude builds upon and grows out of the previous Beatitudes. It is very important to notice a subtly here which can easily be overlooked. This Beatitude is the last one to point out a characteristic in the believer's life. The next Beatitude speaks of the way the world will treat those who live according to the Beatitudes and tells us what our reaction should be. But this seventh Beatitude is the last one and it reveals the nature or characteristic of God, which we are told ought to be in our lives.

The point needs to be made that this is a very serious Beatitude. Jesus saved it for last in the order, no doubt, to place emphasis upon it. This points out to us that we have arrived at a kind of apex, a summit, a high point in our understanding of who we are to be before the Lord and the world. We need to be aware of this so that we give due respect to what the Lord is saying in this Beatitude.

We have learned that we must see our bankruptcy before a holy God - we must be poor in spirit. Secondly, we learned that we should mourn for our terrible deficiency in this matter of sin. Thirdly, we saw that we should bring our lives under the authority of the Lord with meekness and submission. Fourth, we learned that we should then have a hunger and a thirst for righteousness - we should have a passion for the presence of Christ. Fifthly, we saw our need for expressing mercy. Then, sixthly, we observed that we must seek to develop a pure heart and, thus, to see the manifest presence of the Lord shown through our lives.


Now we come to Beatitude number seven. This Beatitude grows out of all the others and is a kind of pinnacle. We learn here that we must be peacemakers. Friend, you will either be a troublemaker or a peacemaker. Unless you get the six previous Beatitudes in the right place in your life, you will not be able to attain the seventh. With the other six in their proper place, you are ready for the seventh all-important Beatitude to be expressed in you and through you.

Let me point out that being a peacemaker does not mean appeasement. It does not mean peace at any price. How do I know that? Because Jesus Himself said, "I did not come to bring peace upon the earth but a sword." What did Jesus mean? You cannot please everyone. We will see that more clearly in the next message - the eight Beatitude. But you must seek with all diligence to be a peacemaker, especially among those to whom you relate the closest. For example, in your home, in your church, among your friends, you should be a true peacemaker and not a troublemaker.

So we begin by realizing that Jesus put this Beatitude in a strategic place among all the Beatitudes. He placed it here to reveal to us just how serious this matter really is.
Now note ...

II. The Sin Related to this Beatitude

Look at James 4:1. Here James asks from whence the fighting and wars come among people. He goes on to answer the question. Look at what he said causes these problems.

James 4:1b, "Don't they come from your lusts (desires) that battle (war) within you?"

James got right to the point. The lack of peace does not come from without, but from within. He went on to say that this attitude leads us to quarrels, fights, coveting and finally it causes us to kill! How many times do we read a story in the newspaper, see it online news or watch a television newscast in which a tiff between people escalated into a fight and someone ended up dead? It happens all the time. This happens because people don't put the Lord first.

Look at the Three Wars James mentioned in the book that bears his name:

  1. At war with one another
  2. At war with ourselves
  3. At war with God

There you go! It is an inner war, an outer war and an upward war that causes the lack of peace.

I heard Adrian Rogers say a conference on once occasion that most people are a fight looking for a place to happen. That is about as cogent as you can say it. Till we are right with God, we will be a troublemaker instead of peacemaker.

The peace God calls for must not come at the expense of righteousness; in fact, the peace God calls for must contain righteousness. Look, for example, at James 3:17 and Psalm 85:10.

Real peace demands righteousness and by this I mean that we must not forsake the righteousness of God in order to be at peace. If we accept sin in order to embrace peace, we are leaving off the priority issue. The Bible puts it this way in Romans 10:18:

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."

We must go as far as we can go to make peace, but we must not cross the line to deny God, His Word or His Son! That is not being a peacemaker, but is being a traitor to the Lord.

Now, let's get even more from this Beatitude by considering ...

III. The Scope Found in this Beatitude

A. This Beatitude Relates To Divinity

Look at Matthew 5:23-25. We are told that we cannot possibly relate to God properly if we do not relate to others properly. In other words, failure to obey this truth from Jesus may well cause us to miss a close walk with the Lord.

In 1 John 1:3 the disciple points out that fellowship with one another is a kind of fellowship with God. God has designed our relationship that way. It is a physical impossibility for us to draw near God without drawing near each other. For example, if I want to come near to the Lord's Supper, and one of you wishes to do the same, it is impossible for both of us to draw near to it unless we draw near to each other. If there is anything between us that causes us to reject moving closer to each other, that would in essence keep us from being near the table or near the Lord of the table. The same is true with God. God will not let you draw near him unless you are willing to draw near to your brothers and sisters in Christ. In essence, God is not looking at the physical presence we have with each other but rather at our hearts. Consider this:

  • When I preach, God is not looking just at my preaching, but He is also looking at my heart.
  • When you teach, God is not looking just at how good your teaching is, He is looking at your heart.
  • When you give to God or serve God in any way, God is not merely looking at your service; He is also looking at your heart.

You must be right with others in your heart as part of the process of being fully right with God.

This matter is so important that Jesus even prayed for it in His High Priestly prayer found in John 17:23. He prayed that we might be "one" - that His people might be united just as He and the Father are united. Now, that really means to be close in heart and mind!

The entire Godhead is involved in this matter of peace.

1. This Peacd was Planned By The Father

He planned for His people to live in peace.

2.This Peace was Purchased By The Son

Ephesians 2:13-14, He is our peace.

Colossians 1:19-20, having made peace through the blood of His cross.

3. This Peace is Provided By The Spirit

Galatians 5, the fruit of the Spirit is peace.

B. This Beatitude Relates To Humanity

Now this point has already been made in my previous statements but it must also stand alone. This Beatitude relates directly to the way we treat each other. In Psalm 133 we see this clearly. The dew of Mount Hermon is spoken of here. It means the water source for Israel, which flowed down even unto Mount Zion, the place of redemption. When we dwell in unity, the liquid love of God flows down on us as a people, bathing us in His grace and resources. We have heard and likely said at one point, "The ground is level at the cross." Indeed, it is. Therefore, we ought to be humble and at peace with each other. It is part of the divine character to be One. God the Father, God the Son and God the Spirit are One.

C. This Beatitude Relates To Eternity

Notice in Matthew 5:23-25 that Jesus points out that the judgment day is coming. He is reminding us that we will all appear before Him one day. We are to so act toward each other so that we will not be ashamed when we appear before the Lord on that day.

We should rid ourselves of all malice, all disagreements and all pride. Why do we need to do this? Because Jesus told us to do it. He told us to do this because He knew it would not come to us naturally. There is no command where there is no tendenacy to disobey. To obey in this matter requires a new commitment to Christ, and in Him we will be able to love one another, forgive one another, and live in harmony with each other.

Now let me tell you one important element of this Beatitude. The Bible tells us not to let the sun go down on our wrath. Why is that? Because anger and malice becomes worse in the night hours. As we lie on our bed and think about what someone has done to us, we get even angrier. God has told us to settle these matters in our hearts while the sun is shining. Down let a root of bitterness develop in your life.

Furthermore, we are to be peacemakers. Where we see division, bitterness and anger we are to do our part to bring peace. That is what Jesus did for us. He left heaven to die on the cross so that we might be made right with the Father. He is the ultimate Peacemaker. We are called to have His mind in us, His heart in us and His devotion in us. Get close to Him and His nature will change you.

The presence of Jesus always makes a difference:

  • Where there was death, His presence brought life and resurrection.
  • Where there was sickness, His presence brought healing and wellness.
  • Where there was a great gulf between God and man, His presence brought union and life!

Jesus' presence made a difference. I wonder if Jesus' presence makes any difference in your life. Jesus said we are to make a difference and to be different. You are the salt of the earth and the light of the world. You are to make a difference in an unsavory world and dark world.


The first thing this Beatitude does is call us to a closer walk with our Lord. He is called The Prince of Peace. He came to give Himself on the cross so that we might be at peace with the Father. He gave all He had for our peace. He now asks us to give ourselves to be peacemakers.

We must get close to Jesus. That is what these Beatitudes teach us. Get close to Jesus!  He alone can lead us to love the unlovely, to be kind to our enemies and to unite as believers for His sake.

In fact, if you are not a Christian the Bible speaks of you as an enemy of God. But, Jesus came to make a way for you to be at peace with God. Turn from your sin, place your faith in Jesus as the One who died for you and rose from the dead. Trust Him today, and you will know a peace that cannot be found anywhere else in this struggling world.

Now, let us commit ourselves to His peace.

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