The Credible Christmas

Title: The Credible Christmas

Bible Book: Acts 13 : 16-23

Author: Vince Hefner

Subject: Christmas; Birth of Christ



What makes Christmas credible? Is it the gifts? Is it the parties? Is it the good will? Certainly these things do not make Christmas what it is meant to be. There is nothing necessarily wrong with gifts, decent parties and the goodwill that goes along with this season. But, there is much, much more to Christmas than these elements.

Christmas is credible when we believe the promise of God for a Redeemer! Christmas is a universal message to everyday people! In our text today we read that Paul was preaching to everyday people. They were in a place a time where so many of them were overrun with materialism, controlled by the flesh, questioning the purpose of life, and afraid of the future. Does this sound familiar? Sure it does! Many people are like that today. You see, man's basic needs have not changed. All of our inventions and technological advances have not take care of the sin problem, the peace problem or the purpose problem inside the hearts of mankind. The Credible Gift of Christmas answers all the needs that challenge the souls of human beings. And, that is what Paul was addressing! How does Paul get across this message?

I. The Birth of Jesus is Historical and Scriptural

Paul pointed to some things that were clearly found in the Old Testament. After all, Paul was preaching and the only Bible he had was the Old Testament, because the New Testament had not been written when he was preaching this sermon. So, Paul opened the Word of God and proclaimed the historical and scriptural truth of Jesus.

A. The Blood of the Lamb

Paul pointed out that the people had been delivered out of Egypt by the blood of a lamb. That lamb and that blood was a symbol of the Lamb of God who was to come - even Jesus Christ, the Lord. Each year the people had to sacrifice a Lamb and remember the escape from Egypt. That was done to point to the One who would come as the Lamb of God from heaven to shed His blood to forgive our sins.

B. The Bruising of the Savior

Paul pointed also to the Serpent that was placed on a pole and lifted up in the Wilderness. The people who had been bitten by the fiery serpents, because of their sin, could live if they would merely look in faith at that Serpent on the pole. Moses held up the Serpent and said, "Look and live." Those people who did so lived, and those who did not, died!

In John 3 we read that Jesus identified Himself with that Serpent. In other words, that Serpent was a picture or symbol of what He, Jesus, would do for us a the Cross. Jesus was bruised on that Cross for us. Look at Isaiah 53:5, "But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities."

Yes, Jesus took our sins upon Himself. Christmas is about a Savior who came as promised to be the Lamb slain, and to be the One bruised for our transgressions. A Christmas that leaves out the Christ of the Cross is not credible. The Babe of Bethlehem became the Bruised One at Calvary.

C. The Battles of the Lord

Paul deals, further in this sermon, with the people of God entering into Canaan. You might ask what that has to do with Christmas? A lot, actually! You see, Jesus came to be born in that manger because we had a battle we could not win. Sin was our master. We were slaves to sin. We needed someone who come overcome so we could come over! Jesus is the mighty Lord who came to fight our battles for us.

You see, salvation is not completed by trying, but by trusting! Jesus fights all our battles, even the battle of death! We read in 1 Corinthians 15:55, 57, "O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?" But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ"

Oh friends, don't you know that Jesus is Lord. You can bring every need to Him. He is the one who fights the battle. When the people were ready to go into Canaan, the Lord appeared to Joshua and told him, "The battle belongs to the Lord." Joshua didn't win the battle at Jericho - Jesus did! You can trust Him today with whatever you are facing. This truth is important for us at Christmas time and all year long. The same faith that saved you is the fact that keeps you going. As you received Him, continue to walk in Him!

D. The Birth of the King

The birth of Jesus Christ is for the salvation of mankind, for YOU! Herod was a king, but Jesus is THE KING. Remember what God does in this story. God chose, led, overthrew, and God gave! It is Scriptural that God sent Moses, David, and Jesus! Those before were forerunners to the true King. They were part of the prophecy of the coming King. That baby in Bethlehem is the King of Glory in human form. Christmas is not credible if we do not realize the truth of these facts.

II. The Birth of Jesus is Personal and Practical

A. Your Life Counts

No matter where the story of Jesus started, it leads to you! Don't you see that? Jesus was not born for time, but for eternity. He was not born for the shepherds or Magi only, but for You! For ME! For each ONE OF US! "Unto YOU ... is born a Savior." God came in a personal way to have a personal relationship with YOU. The Most Credible Christmas is one in which you realize and accept that Jesus came because He loves YOU. Your life matters to God. But He wants you to have life and that more abundantly. He wants to give you more than life here on earth - He came to give you life eternal.

B. Your Testimony Counts

People can say what they want to about Jesus, but your testimony matters - your testimony counts. You can tell what Jesus has done, is doing and will do for you. The story of Jesus is an old story, but it is a TODAY story as well, for He is with His people. He is alive forevermore. You can tell what He means to you! The shepherds left the manger to tell what they had experienced. The Magi left to go tell the story of their personal experience. We must not look at Christmas as merely something that happened many years ago. Jesus is a NOW Savior! That view and your testimony make Christmas credible.

C. Your Action Counts

No matter what other people do about Jesus, your action counts. Each person must encounter Jesus for himself or herself. Coming to know Jesus is a personal matter. I don't mean it is secret - in fact, if you trust Him as your Savior, it cannot be kept secret. There are no secret disciples of Jesus. But, it is important to know that your action counts when it comes to making Christmas credible.

This is also true in your giving. During this season, we as Baptist, give millions of dollars to missions. The Magi brought gifts to Jesus. So do we! We bring these gifts because of His love for us, and our love for Him. John Wesley preached on the love of Jesus Christ. When speaking of giving, Wesley said, "Get all you can - Save all you can - Give all you can!

Is Christmas credible in your life? It can be! But, you must know Christ in your heart. If you have never accepted Him, why do that today. He is no longer the baby in a manger. He is the Lord He died at Calvary and rose from the grave. He is ruling and reigning in heaven. Turn from you sin, and accept Him now.

Do you believe in the promise of Christmas? The promise of Christmas is this - God keeps His Word. Paul was simply telling listeners, on the day he preached the sermon recorded in Acts 13, that God plans, promises and performs! He promised to save those who would believe. He promised to never leave those who are His. He promised to fight our battles as we are willing to trust and obey. He promised to prepare a home heaven for us. He promised to comes and get one day, and take us to be with Him. The God who kept the promises of the Old Testament, will keep every promise in the New Testament as well. Come to Him now!

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