The Blessed “US” Of Ephesus (Outline Only)

Title: The Blessed "US" Of Ephesus (Outline Only)

Bible Book: Ephesians 1 : 1-14

Author: James H. Cook, Jr.

Subject: Blessings in Christ; Family of God; Joy in Jesus



Ephesians 1:1-14

The Book of Ephesians is possibly the Apostle Paul’s greatest word about the church of the Living LORD Jesus Christ. Beginning with the first chapters, the Christian (“the ‘us’ of Ephesus”) is introduced to such a wealth of blessings in Christ, that it is almost overwhelming. Gracious and merciful spiritual blessings are ours “in Christ.” Additionally, The Holy Spirit has Paul to write that each Person of the Godhead (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) has ... blessed us!

This letter is humanly penned by a great Christian: “Paul” (v.1).

This great Christian has great credentials: He is an “Apostle” (v.1).

This letter is to the greatest people on earth: “The Saints” (v.1).

This letter desires the greatest blessings: “Grace” and “Peace” (v.2) and;

This letter originates from the Greatest Source: “God The Father” and from the “The LORD Jesus Christ” (v.2).

Let us take a closer look at these blessing for God’s People, The Blessed ‘Us’ of Ephesus. They are:

I. Blessings From The Father (1:1-6)

A. He Has Chosen “Us” (v. 4)

B. He Has Adopted “Us” (v. 5)

C. He Has Accepted “Us” (v. 6) "In the Beloved!"

D. He Has Blessed “Us” "With All Spiritual Blessings" (v. 3)

II. Blessings From The Son (1:7-12)

A. He Has Redeemed “Us” (v. 7a) "By His Blood!"

B. He Has Forgiven “Us” (v. 7b) "According to the Riches of His Grace!"

C. He Has Revealed God’s Will to “Us” (vv. 8-10) "Which Before Was A Mystery!"

D. He Has Made “Us” An Inheritance (vv. 11-12) "Being predestined according to the Purpose of Him!"

III. Blessings From The Holy Spirit (1:13-14)

A. He Has Sealed “Us” (v. 13)

B. He’s Given “Us” Himself As An Earnest (v.14)

IV. Why Has He Blessed “Us?” (1:6; 12; 14) “For ‘The Praise of His Glory!’ ”


Now may the God of Peace, that brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, that Great Shepherd of the sheep, through the blood of the Everlasting Covenant, make you perfect in every good work to do His will, working in you that which is wellpleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ; to Whom be glory  for ever and ever. Amen." --Hebrews 13:20-21

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