The Birthmark of the Genuine Believer (Outline)

Title: The Birthmark of the Genuine Believer (Outline)

Bible Book: 1 John 2 : 7-11

Author: Billy E. Dickerson, Jr.

Subject: Christian, Genuine; Believer; True



The book of 1 John is heaven’s “Test Kit” given to help us to discover whether or not we have had a genuine salvation experience. The first test given is the Lifestyle Test (2:3-6); the second test given is the Love Test (2:7-11). Read 1 John 2:9; 3:15, and 4:7-8. I want us to note 3 Observations About  Love.

I. The Commandment Given About Love

Note verses 7-8.

Loving others is not optional for the Christian – It is a command! Note 1 John 4:10-11; Mark 12:31; and John 13:34-35. God is love – and those who know Him and, thereby, have His nature in them, cannot help but act in love. And, Who Are We Commanded To Love?

A. Our Lord

Read Luke 10:25-28

B. Our Neighbor

Luke 10:29–37

C. Our Brothers And Sisters In Christ

1 John 2:10

D. Our Enemies

Matthew 5:43-48

II. The Capacity To Love

Read Galatians 5:22-23

I cannot love others like I should, but Jesus can love them through me! Look at John 15:4, 17 here. Our capacity to love is in direct correlation to how submitted we are to the indwelling nature of Christ.

III. The Characteristics Of Genuine Love

Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. In this passage God reveals to us the real characteristics of love. We cannot define love our own way. We must judge our love quotient by defining love God’s way.

You will not that is a Verb! It is defined by what we do – not just what we say or feel!

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