The Angels

Title: The Angels

Bible Book: Matthew 1 : 20

Author: Bill Cannon

Subject: Angels; Christmas



There are many items or situations that are mysterious to us. We wonder what leads one to enter a mall and kill others, and oneself. We wonder why persons are hurt and why the stock market falls. We wonder how one can type into a computer information and share it with others in many places at once. There are a lot of mysteries that we wonder about in our world. God is mysterious to the point of His revelation. The Advent of Jesus is mysterious in all of its details. Angels are also mysterious to us. We see paints of them. We read stories about them. We even watched television program about them for years. What and who are angels? What role did they play in the Advent of Jesus?

Joseph, after becoming aware that Mary was pregnant, simply wanted to put her away or divorce her. In their day when one betrothed or became engaged was as serious matter as marriage is for us today. In the text we read that while Joseph was contemplating what to do with his pregnant fiancé that an angel of the Lord appeared to him. What is revealed to us in the Scriptures about angels?

Angels are created spiritual beings. They are "ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvations. They are described as 'of the Lord.'" They are described physically in a few places in the Bible having wings. They praise God, guard the Garden of Eden, guard the throne of God, and battle in great cosmic battles. Angels play a major role in many events in the Bible including the Advent of Jesus.

I. Angels Appear In Different Ways

A. Angel  Helped  Hagar

An angel helped Hagar after she was sent away by Sarah. Hagar and Ishmael were in need of food and water and the Angel of the Lord provided water and a message of promise regarding Ishmael. Genesis 16

B. Angel Appeared To Moses

The Angel of the Lord appeared to Moses in the flame of the Burning Bush that was not consumed. The Angel of the Lord got his attention and then the Lord called him to the mission of going to Pharaoh. Exodus 3

C. Angel Came To Gideon

The Angel of the Lord appeared to Gideon under a tree and called him to save Israel from the hand of the Midianites. Judges 6

II. Angels Protect And Provide

A. An Angel Goes Before

At the crossing of the Red Sea the Egyptian Army was pursuing the people of Israel. From all appearance the people of Israel were going to be defeated and have to return to Egypt. After Moses called on the people look for the salvation of the Lord. Suddenly an Angel of God went before the people and provided a pillar of smoke to hinder the Egyptian Army while the waters were parted. Exodus 14

B. An Angel Comes Alongside

After Elijah's great battle to defeat the prophets of Baal he was alone in a wilderness after being pursued by Jezebel. Elijah cried to the Lord to take his life. While he slept an angel touched him and told him to get up and eat. After eating and drinking the Lord revealed his plans. I Kings 19

II. Two Named Angels

A. Michael - A Warrior Angel

When one reads about Michael he is fighting a battle.

1. The Prince Of Israel

He is called the Prince of Israel and contends with the Prince of Persia in the book of Daniel. Daniel 12

2. The Archangel

He is the Archangel who fights the Devil over Moses' body. Jude 9

3. The Warrior

He fights against the Dragon, Satan, and his angels in one of the final battles of history. Revelation 12

B. Gabriel - A Communicator Angel
1. He Interprets A Vision For Daniel - Daniel 8
2. He Announced John's Birth To Zachariah – Luke 1
3. He Announced Jesus' Birth To Mary - Luke 1

Why So Few Angels Speaking Now?

In both cases Gabriel not only announces the births of John and Jesus, he also shares a work of encouragement. He tells Zachariah that he is bringing "glad tidings." He tells Mary to "not be afraid." Do you hear the message of these two angelic announcements this year at Christmas?

There was also an angel who announced the resurrection of Jesus from the grave. As Mary Magdalene approached Jesus' tomb a thunderous noise sounded, a great light shown, and the tomb was opened. The angel told Mary that the Lord was not there because He had risen. He told her that Jesus would see them all in Galilee. What a great word from the angels, that Jesus would be born and that he was alive after going to the grave. We have a great victory in the word of angels.

Why are there no angels appearing to us in large numbers today to share with us the Word or protection of God? Because we now have something greater than angels to communicate and protect. Now that Jesus ascended up in to heaven, we have the Holy Spirit with us. Truly we now live in a time of Emmanuel, God with us. He is with us to teach His Word and to protect and guide us on the journey he has placed us on.

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