Showing Confidence In A Christian Brother

Title: Showing Confidence In A Christian Brother

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 21

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Obedience; Christian Living; Christian Love



I believe from time-to-time every Christian needs to be encouraged. Paul has just reminded Philemon in verse 20 of his need for refreshing. Paul is now conveying the idea to Philemon that he is certain of how a Christian will act under these unusual circumstances. He has drawn a perfect picture of God. There is really nothing left for Philemon to understand as Paul has so perfectly paralleled his situation with Christ in the light of his situation with Onesimus. Notice how Paul adds one more stroke to the portrait of Christ on the cross.

I. The Reason of Paul's Letter, vs. 21

A. Because f What Paul Possessed, vs. 21

Having confidence… vs. 21

Paul could have confidence in Philemon because of the finished work of Christ! Listen closely! …if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. II Corinthians 5:17. Paul was a very good judge of character. He knew that Christ had changed Philemon. He knew that Christ had changed Onesimus. But Paul knew something deeper – something more personal. His confidence was not in Philemon's ability to forgive Onesimus; his confidence was in God's ability to change a man's heart. Notice what he wrote in Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: We know Paul had already discovered this great truth and had already penned it or was just about to within the year 61 A.D. We ought to be able to trust the finished work of God in Christ to have changed all of our lives, minds, motive and attitudes! Not only do we see Paul wrote this letter because of what he possessed but also because of what Philemon practices.

B. Because of What Philemon Practiced, vs. 21.

…in thy obedience… vs. 21

The word obedience is in the second perfect tense in the Greek. It is viewed as something that was completed in the past that need not be repeated. Paul had seen Philemon's obedience in the past and knew it was godly obedience because it was self-giving and self-sacrificing. He had probably seen Philemon cross some high and difficult hurdles. It's also in the active voice which means that Philemon himself had carried out the action being mentioned – obedience. Paul is saying I can write this letter in full confidence of the positive action of a man whose life is in Christ. That man, Philemon, is you. Not only do we see the reason for Paul's letter but also the recourse of Paul's  letter.

II. The Recourse of Paul's Letter, vs. 21

A. Paul's Conviction of Philemon's Recourse, vs. 21

…knowing… vs. 21

What did Paul think Philemon would do? He didn't think; he said he knew. It's also a perfect active participle in the Greek. Here's the point; Paul didn't say I've got a hunch or in all likelihood there's a good chance. He said knowing what Philemon would do. The reason he wrote the letter. There should be no doubt in our minds what our Christian brothers will do when given an opportunity to be Christ-like. Paul's Holy Ghost conviction was that Philemon would read this letter. The he would weigh the evidence and say "guilty but forgiven" to Onesimus. Paul says he knew something else as well. Not only do we see Paul's conviction of Philemon's recourse but also Paul's commendation of Philemon's recourse.

B. Paul's Commendation of Philemon's Recourse, vs. 21

…thou wilt also do more than I say., vs. 21

What is this last stroke of the picture of Christ? Ephesians 3:20 Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Paul is noting another characteristic of a Christian. Matthew 5:41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Christ not only did it for us. He commanded us to do it for others. Paul gives Philemon a commendation for a job he knows will be well done.

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