Will Somebody Touch Heaven For Me?
Title: Will Somebody Touch Heaven For Me? Bible Book: Exodus 17 : 8-16 Author: Sammy Burgess Subject: Prayer; Intercession Objective: […]
The Tyranny of the Urgent
Title: The Tyranny of the Urgent Bible Book: Matthew 6 : 33 Author: Frank Page Subject: Time; Priorities Objective: Introduction […]
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Title: Thou Shalt Not Kill Bible Book: Exodus 20 : 13 Author: Kenneth Hendricks Subject: Murder; Ten Commandments Objective: Introduction […]
Parents and their Children
Title: Parents and their Children Bible Book: Ephesians 6 : 1-4 Author: Calvin Wittman Subject: Parenting; Child Rearing Objective: Introduction […]
The Blessed Man
Title: The Blessed Man Bible Book: Psalms 1 : 1-3 Author: J. Gerald Harris Subject: Men; Fathers; Father’s Day Objective: […]
The Lordship of Jesus Christ
Title: The Lordship of Jesus Christ Bible Book: Romans 14 : 8-9 Author: Roger D. Willmore Subject: Lordship; Jesus, Lordship […]
The Crisis of Prayer
Title: The Crisis of Prayer Bible Book: Acts 4 : 23-35 Author: Stephen F. Olford Subject: Prayer; Praying Objective: Introduction […]
How Great Thou Art!
Title: How Great Thou Art! Bible Book: 2 Samuel 7 : 18-29 Author: J. Mike Minnix Subject: God, Greatness of; […]
The Holy Spirit and Prayer
Title: The Holy Spirit and Prayer Bible Book: Acts 2 : 1-4 Author: Donald Cantrell Subject: Prayer; Prayer Meeting; Holy […]
The Word of God and Prayer Must be a Priority
Title: The Word of God and Prayer Must be a Priority Bible Book: Acts 6 : 1-7 Author: Donald Cantrell […]