Where Hope Comes To Life
Title: Where Hope Comes To Life Bible Book: Matthew 28 : 5-7 Author: Frank Page Subject: Easter; Resurrection Objective: Introduction […]
Jesus Physically Left This World
Title: Jesus Physically Left This World Bible Book: John 14 : 25-31 Author: Jared Moore Subject: Ascension; Holy Spirit Objective: […]
Facing Our Fears in the Tomb Experiences
Title: Facing Our Fears in the Tomb Experiences Bible Book: Matthew 28 : 1-10 Author: David E. Owen Subject: Death; […]
Jesus’ Journey To Jerusalem
Title: Jesus’ Journey To Jerusalem Bible Book: Matthew 20 : 17-19 Author: David E. Owen Subject: Easter; Palm Sunday; Cross […]
Judas Iscariot
Title: Judas Iscariot Bible Book: Selected Passages Author: Mark Adams Subject: Judas; Betrayal of Jesus; Sin, Progression; Greed Objective: Introduction […]
Be Holy
Title: Be Holy Bible Book: 2 Corinthians 6 Author: Franklin L. Kirksey Subject: Holy Living; Christian Living Objective: [Editor’s Note: […]
The Hands of the Risen Christ
Title: The Hands of the Risen Christ Bible Book: John 20 : 20 Author: J. Mike Minnix Subject: Resurrection; Easter […]
Caveat Emptor: Consummate Artist or Con Artist?
Title: Caveat Emptor: Consummate Artist or Con Artist? Bible Book: 2 Corinthians 11 : 1-15 Author: Franklin L. Kirksey Subject: […]
The Funeral That Didn’t Last
Title: The Funeral That Didn’t Last Bible Book: Matthew 28 : 1-10 Author: David E. Owen Subject: Resurrection; Easter Objective: […]
Resurrection Victory
Title: Resurrection Victory Bible Book: 1 Thessalonians 1 : 10 Author: J. Mike Minnix Subject: Resurrection; Easter Objective: Resurrection Victory […]