Get Your Act Together
Title: Get Your Act Together Bible Book: Haggai Author: Franklin L. Kirksey Subject: God, Will of; Will of God; Discipleship; […]
A Blueprint For Fathers
Title: A Blueprint For Fathers Bible Book: John 3 : 16 Author: Mark Adams Subject: Father’s Day; Father; Parenting; Home; […]
The Right Stuff
Title: The Right Stuff Bible Book: Acts 2 Author: J. Mike Minnix Subject: Church; Christian Living; Evangelism; Church Growth Objective: […]
More Than Conquerors
Title: More Than Conquerors Bible Book: Romans 8 : 29-39 Author: W.A. Criswell Subject: Victory; Security, Eternal; Peace Objective: Introduction […]
A Sermon To Die For
Title: A Sermon To Die For Bible Book: Acts 7 Author: Terry Trivette Subject: Bible; Witness Objective: Introduction One of […]
Extreme Makeover
Title: Extreme Makeover Bible Book: Ephesians 4 : 17-32 Author: Mark Adams Subject: Discipleship; Change; Progress Objective: Introduction In 2002 […]
Elisha’s Question about a Favor
Title: Elisha’s Question about a Favor Bible Book: 2 Kings 4 : 2 Author: David E. Owen Subject: Holy Spirit; […]
The Kind of Father I Should Be
Title: The Kind of Father I Should Be Bible Book: Joshua 24 : 15 Author: J. Mike Minnix Subject: Fathers; […]
Following Jesus Anywhere!
Title: Following Jesus Anywhere! Bible Book: Luke 9 : 57-58 Author: Francis Dixon Subject: Jesus, Following; Discipleship Objective: [Editor’s Note: […]
Why Are We Here?
Title: Why Are We Here? Bible Book: Exodus 19 : 1-8 Author: Calvin Wittman Subject: Purpose Objective: Introduction A quick […]