Resolutions Again

Title: Resolutions Again

Bible Book: Matthew 2 : 1-12

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: New Year Resolutions; New Year



It's that time again! Take time to thank God for the New Year because it does mean we've lived and enjoyed another year! Let's think about our resolutions for this year. Have you already sworn off drinking and smoking? And cussing? And of course, that extra weight is as good as gone! I don't know what you've resolved to do this year but just as at Christmastime we tend to forget the Lord.

Everyone gets a gift but what about God's work? Does He get a gift? How about your resolutions? Is He included somehow? Let me give you some help at including Christ in your resolutions.

I. Be Interested In God, Vs. 2

A. By The Things You're Asking About, Vs. 2
"...Where is he that is born King of the Jews?" Vs. 2.

Purpose in your heart to use Sunday School (group Bible study) as a time to ask all your questions. You may say, "I have so many questions, I'd use up all the time." or "I'm embarrassed!" Or, "They'll think I'm stupid!" Look, these were Wise Men and they had questions. It's okay to look stupid, if you look smart later.

Be interested in God, but also be adamant about God.

B. Be Adamant About God, Vs. 2
"...we have seen his star in the east, and have come to worship him." vs. 2.

Something sticks out here when you stop and think about it. They didn't have the answers either, but they knew what they were going to do. "...and have come to worship him," vs. 2.

Let your resolution be adamant this year! Resolve that you will attend Sunday School, worship, revivals and special events at your church. These are resolutions you can keep and they will help you more than any other resolutions you can make. Resolve that you are going to increase your interest in God, but also be inquisitive about God.

II. Be Inquisitive About God, Vs. 7

A. Be Determined To Move When The Time Is Right, Vs. 7

"...inquired of them diligently what time the star appeared," vs. 7.

These were wise men, they studied the heavens, but they knew something was different here. If we need to resolve to do anything, in my firm belief, it is to move when the time is right. Ask God, "When is the best time for me to begin singing in the choir, teaching the Bible at my church, serving in extended session with the children, helping the ushering, aiding the sound controls and video, working with children, helping with the bus ministry, going to the nursing home to visit, joining with the ladies ministry, or serving on a committee, and perhaps volunteering my time somewhere.

When you sense this what you should do - THEN MOVE! So often God tugs at our heart but we resist! Resolve not to resist God's Spirit moving in your life this year. Be determined to move when the time is right, but also be determined to stay when the place is right.

B. Be Determined To Stay When The Place Is Right, Vs. 1
"...there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem," vs. 1.

Notice where they stopped - Jerusalem - five miles from where Jesus was born. What does that tell us?

When you arrive where God has called you, you may have a bit farther to go to get in the middle of His will. Don't give up because you're five miles away from the greatest event of your life - or for that matter, in history.

Listen! It may not seem right or feel exactly right but give it time! These wise men stayed and found Christ. Where did they find Him? Playing on the floor! It didn't look right, it didn't seem right, it didn't feel right. But it was!

Too often, for whatever reason, we don't stay where God has called us and I'll tell you today, if you don't stay you'll miss a great event God has planned for your life.

We need not only to be interested in God and inquisitive about God, but we also need to be indwelt with God.

III. Be Indwelt With God, Vs. 11

A. The Person They Planned On Worshipping, Vs. 11
"...and fell down and worshipped him," vs. 11.

A New Year resolution, that will help us do all we want to do is to resolve to worship Christ our Lord. Folks, just like anything else you resolve to do it won't be easy for some of us. I believe a taste of God will change your heart. Notice the person they planned on not worshipping.

B. The Person They Planned On NOT Worshipping, Vs. 12
"...they departed into their own country another way," vs. 12.

Are you taken by this thought? We should be! A little time with Jesus will help you lose interest in the world! That's why it has to be consistent - every week, three or four hours a week, bible study and prayer at home. Let me draw a simple, yet profound, conclusion.

We all have 24 hours in a day. The more time you spend with God, the less time you'll spend in the world. The more time you spend without God, the more time you'll spend in the world. These are all simple, yet practical New Year resolutions. Will you commit to any?

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