Peace in the Midst of Peril

Title: Peace in the Midst of Peril

Bible Book: Psalms 23 : 5

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Jesus as Shepherd; Provisions from God; Pease of God; Protection



Psalm 23:5

The task of the shepherd is to feed the sheep. In order to do this he must find suitable land, tableland. On finding such a place the shepherd would literally prepare it for his sheep to feed. If there were stones he'd remove them. If there were thorns he'd gather them up. If there were holes he'd level the land. If he saw a viper hole he'd pour in hog's oil so the snake couldn't slither up and harm the sheep. While all these things now lurked nearby or under their feet the sheep could graze in peace because the shepherd had prepared the visit.

I. The Shepherd Preceded Them, vs. 5

A. The Presence of the Lord, vs. 5

Thou... vs. 5. This word is so important! This simple word is the essence of the whole psalm. The Lord is my shepherd - Thou. The person never changes; if the Lord is your Shepherd then the Thou of verse 5 is God Himself! As a gracious host God provides all that we need! Look at Psalm 78:19-

29. This not only answers the question but it makes it clear that a miracle like this can only come from Thou O Lord. Listen to me! If the Lord is your Shepherd He is present at ever interval of your life! He provides your every need! Not only do we see the presence of the Lord, we also see the preparation of the Lord.

B. The Preparation of the Lord, vs. 5

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mind enemies... vs. 5.

This simply says God will prepare the place for the feast. Look at Romans 8:35-39.

Now notice verse 37, “Nay.” This is a resounding NO because it is God who prepares the way.

It's interesting to note the verse says in the presence of mine enemies. What do you see here? Look closely. If the Lord is your Shepherd, He provides in the presence of mine enemies. Don't blame your enemies for your failure. God shows us clearly that He stands in defiance to them. If your table is not prepared it is not because of your enemies; it's because of your Shepherd. When the Lord is your Shepherd your table will be lovingly and carefully provided by God!

A drop of water cannot put out a great fire just because its nature is contrary to the fire, nor can your enemies prevent God's blessing. The greater force will always prevail.

Notice 1 John 4:4. The word “them” is “them” enemies.

Not only do we see the shepherd preceded them, but also the shepherd positioned them.

II. The Shepherd Positioned Them, vs. 5.

A. Our Position, vs. 5.

“...thou anointest my head with oil...” vs. 5

Not only does God precede them and prepare them, He also positions them.

To anoint was to show special favor to a guest at a banquet. It was also used to bring healing to wounds. Oil brings healing and shows a special love. That can only be the position of someone very special such as a father's love for his children.

Notice 1 Samuel 16:13. This symbolizes how special this anointing was.

Christ has promised that if He is our Shepherd, He will anoint our heads with oil. By this we take on the position of someone very special to God!

In Luke 7:46 Jesus is anointed by an unknown woman as an act of honor and dignity. Now in the 23rd Psalm He promises to anoint us! We not only see our position, but we also see …

B. Our Possessions, vs. 5.

“ cup runneth over” vs. 5

The overflowing cup speaks of abundance. Notice John 10:10 that we are told when the Lord is our Shepherd we never have to worry about possessions. This so simply illustrates the idea of more than you need.

Some say God will supply your needs not your wants, but my verse says my cup runneth over because The Lord is my shepherd!

Charles Spurgeon put it this way, "Abundance with redundance.”


Is the Lord your Shepherd? If He is, then He has preceded you to make safe the place in which you dwell. He has anointed you as a special person and is blessing you abundantly.

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