Oh Love Of God

Title: Oh Love Of God

Bible Book: Romans 8 : 35-39

Author: David E. Owen

Subject: Love of God; God's Love



The songwriter declared God’s love in an unparalleled way as he wrote, “Oh love of God, how rich and pure, how measureless and strong. It shall forever more endure the saints’ and angels’ song!” However, centuries before these words expressed the superlative nature of God’s love, the words of the Apostle Paul articulated the strong nature of God’s love in Christ.

I. The Conquering of His Love

In a very picturesque way one commentator noted “that the apostle says not ‘What,’ but ‘Who;’ just as if all creatures, and all afflictions, were so many gladiators taking arms against the Christians.”

A. The Surety of Adversity

In order to present the surety of adversity, verse 36 presents the words of Psalm 44:22. Yes, “we are killed all the day long.” Yes, we do face the gladiators of verse 35. But can they separate us from the love of Christ?

B. The Solace of an Answer

Verse 37 presents the solace of an answer. “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.” Love is such a capable conqueror that it removes all of the life from these opponents, and makes them nothing more than inanimate “things” (vs. 37).

II.The Confidence of His Love

A. His Unwavering Confidence

Just as Paul expresses a certainty about adversity in the lives of believers, he also expresses his unwavering confidence about God’s affection towards us. I love the words of Matthew Henry  regarding Paul’s statement; “I am persuaded” (vs. 38), which, by the way, the Latin Vulgate renders “I am certain."]

B. His Unconditional Confidence

Henry said, “It denotes a full, and strong, and affectionate persuasion, arising from the experience of the strength and sweetness of the divine love. And here he enumerates all those things which might be supposed likely to separate between Christ and believers, and concludes that it could not be done.” Paul’s was an unconditional confidence that knew that no pressure and no power could ever wedge us apart from God’s love.

III. The Constancy of His Love

In order to convey to his reader the constancy of God’s love, Paul lists some all-encompassing terms to magnify what will not separate us from the love of God. One commentator wrote, “The indefinite expressions are meant to denote all that can be thought of, and are only a rhetorical paraphrase of the conception of all-ness.” While the terms enumerated in verses 38 and 39 may or may not be rhetorical, they are certainly revealing.

A. God’s Love Will Not Flee from the Threat af any Enemy

Because Paul mentions “angels, principalities, powers” and “any other creature” we know that God’s love will not flee from the threat of any enemy. God’s love is constant!

B. God’s Love Will Not Fail in the Midst of any Experience

Then, because Paul mentions “death, life, things present, things to come, height, and depth” we know that God’s love will not fail in the midst of any experience.

Our modern culture and society has determined that “Love conquers all” and “Love is enough” or “Love is all we need.” It may surprise you that I agree with all of these conclusions. However, the force of these statements cannot be applied to sensual love, or juvenile love, or parental love, or  even marital love. The strongest, most enduring love is “the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (vs. 39).

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