Nothing New

Title: Nothing New

Bible Book: 2 John 2 : 1-5

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Living; Christian Love



Sometimes we get the feeling that the bible is full of new stuff. However, if you stop and think about it you know its not! As a matter of fact, the bible isn't even filled with hard stuff. It's just stuff we ought to have been doing all our lives. It's filled with things that will sweeten and enrich our lives. Let me show you again why I believe the lady originally referred to in verse 1 is the church.

I. John Declares A Request, Vs. 5

A. Check Our Bible, Vs. 5

And now I beseech thee, lady, not as though I wrote a new commandment... vs. 5. Listen! What John is about to explain to the church isn't something new! I don't know why preachers have to preach on the subject of love like its something new. Check your bible. Go back to the beginning of time, read Exodus 20:3-17. Each of these commandments are expressions of love. The word "love" is used 281 times in the bible. The subject of love isn't new! Not only are we asked to check our bible, notice we're also asked to check our beginning.

B. Check Our Beginning, Vs. 5

"we had from the beginning..." vs. 5. The beginning of what? The beginning of our relationship to Christ. You know what I've noticed? When people first get saved they want to start getting right with each other, I did, my wife did, Paul did, the Gaderene demonic did, Matthew did, Zacchaeus did.

Didn't you? John knew this was an important step in becoming a Christian. What's the point? John is clarifying the point that a commitment to God and to stand fast in His word will insist that we love one another. Listen closely here! Moving away from the truth will move you away from love, away from

Godly love. John knew if the church wouldn't deny the truth it wouldn't be long before they would accept the fact that we're commanded to love. Not only do we see that John declares a request but also John divulges a revelation.

II. John Divulges A Revelation, Vs. 5

A. What We're To Express, Vs. 5

"that we love..." vs. 5. I find it very inappropriate for John to be writing to a lady about love. Think about it! If I could read something into this in our day of promiscuity what do you think would have been thought in John's day? John says if we check our source and if we check our spirit then we'll find a command from God to love. What is love? It's an expression of mutual respect, concern and results of one's life. In other words, it wants the best for someone else. You see - and listen closely - FOR GOD SO LOVED...HE GAVE... Yea, that's it! Love compels you to make someone else's life better, happier, longer and worth living! Not only do we see what we're to express but also to whom we're to express it.

B. To Whom We're To Express It, Vs. 5

" another." vs. 5. What do you notice here? The phrase one another leaves no one out! We're not to love some of the people some of the time. We're to love all of the people all of the time!

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