Nothing Else Can Be Done

Title: Nothing Else Can Be Done

Bible Book: Hebrews 10 : 18

Author: William F. Harrell

Subject: Judgment; Salvation; Death; Forgiveness; Resurrection



There are times when we hear the words, "There is nothing else that can be done." Usually that is what is said when a physician has done everything medically possible to treat a condition and extend the life of a person and when that treatment does not work. These words can be very disheartening. How sad to hear, "Nothing else can be done". They bring sadness and a sense of hopelessness and helplessness.

But, I want to point out a passage of scripture to you, which basically says the same thing, and yet it brings hope, life, assurance and completeness. The passage is found in Hebrews 10:18. We are actually going to visit Chapter 9 and 10 this morning but we are going to do it in a precise way that is going to highlight the marvelous nature of God's redemptive work for us.

The people of the world do not understand what we mean when we say that they need to be "saved." "Saved from what?" is their question. And they would say, So, if I get saved what does that mean to me? How does it work? What benefits does it carry? What can I expect?" And they will probably have a very convoluted idea of the answer to all of those questions.

There are a couple of verses in Chapter 9 and in Chapter 10 that tell us some very specific things and you will miss them if you are not careful.

I. The Appointment

Hebrews 9:27, "And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment."

 A. Death is Coming To Everyone

1. Your Death is Already Set

2. You will die physically one day. You cannot avoid your death.

C. You Will Die Only One Time

It will only happen to you once and only once. There is a theological reason for fact that you can die only once. You see, Jesus could only die once for our sins.

This verse speaks of finality. You see Jesus died once time for your sins and offers you to chance to receive what He has done for you. Now listen closely to all that I am saying. Jesus came in human form and die once. You, too, can only die ONCE!

Everything that Jesus came to do in saving our souls was bound up in that one time - His death at Calvary. Scripture says in verse 28 that He can appear more than once and He will, but he can die only once. Here is a truth - if Jesus Christ saves you, you too will only die once.

Another truth emerges from our knowledge of God's Word. When the Lord Jesus is involved in your life, then you, too, will come back the second time the resurrection); and you, like Him, will never see death again! With Jesus, eternal life follows the resurrection.

II. The Forgiveness

Now, here is another truth found in Hebrews 10:17 and 18. God says He will remember our sins no more. When we receive Him, He promises to cleanse us FOREVER. Now isn't that great! "NO MORE." You should experience and feel the forgiveness that He gives the saved. The One (Jesus) who was offended has forgiven the offense and has forgotten it.

You see, since Jesus has died for ours sins, and did so once and for all, There Is Nothing Else That Can Be Done! Verse 18 harkens back to Hebrews 9:27. In fact the two verses taken together tell us this: Since Jesus can only die once, (9:27) there is "nothing else that can be done." It is over - it is complete - it is lasting - liberating - it is God-honoring - it is life changing - it is forever. Hebrews 10:14 speaks of the fact that those who are saved are "perfected forever!" How long? Forever!!!

III. The Judgment

There is another aspect of Hebrews 9:27 that we must not forget. Indeed,we cannot forget or ignore this truth. After death, there is a judgment waiting. Now, I know that the modern world scoffs at the idea of judgment.

A. The World says that there is no God

Their thinking is there is no God and we got here by biological and chemical means. It was all a great cosmic accident.

B. The World says - No God, No Standard

Since there is no God, according to worldly thinking, then no one has set a standard and no one has been offended. They posit that since no one is offended, we need not repent of anything? They say that sin is a farce and is no more than a human idea. then

C. The World says - No God, No Standard - No Judgment

Let me assure you of some truths.

1. There is a God.

2. He is offended by sin.

3. He is going to bring judgment on sin.

4. He is willing to forgive our sins

If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9. So, when Jesus has forgiven us of our sins and they are covered by His blood, "There is nothing else that can be done."

IV. The Decision

You may think that that is nothing anyone can do for you. You feel hopeless. But, according to God's Word, I assure you that if you will accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord, you can know that nothing else needs to be done. You can know four important things.

1. First, your sins are forgiven. You will only die once.

2. You will be resurrected.

3. You will never have to worry about your past, your present or the future.

And all this is true because, "There Is Nothing Else That Can Be Done." Jesus has already taken care of it for you!

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