No Greater Joy

Title: No Greater Joy

Bible Book: 3 John 1 : 3

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Living; Joy



It's interesting to note that even before the days of phones and email, Christians kept in contact with one another. There were good reports as well as some that disappointed the listener. This text gives us the idea that whenever any traveler spoke of Gaius, it was a good report. There's no greater joy than spiritual prosperity, but spiritual prosperity doesn't just come to us, it's developed within us.  

I. The Sound Of His Spiritual Prosperity vs. 3

A. There Are Sounds Of Rejoicing vs. 3

For I rejoiced greatly, vs. 3.

Good reports are good times for rejoicing. Does the success of someone else bring you joy?  Most of us have a hard time celebrating at someone else's success - this ought not to be. Notice that John says he rejoiced not just in his heart but publicly. This is in the epistolary aorist, meaning he didn't just write about his joy - it was emotionally expressed!

Not only do we see the sounds of rejoicing but also:

B. The Sounds Of Reunion vs. 3

"when the brethren came..." vs. 3.

This is a genitive absolute - it means that Gaius wasn't the 'brethren' he was referring to - it was others in the ministry - 'brethren' in this text is plural - it was lots of the brethren - they kept coming.

There's nothing as important as fellowship with the saints. We can all remember when we were involved in some sort of fellowship - we felt closer together. The brethren should meet together, eat together, work together, play together. This all makes for good sounds - it's good for our spiritual prosperity!

Not only do we see the sounds of his spiritual prosperity but also:

II. The Source Of His Spiritual Prosperity vs. 3

A. The Truth Had Affected Him Internally vs. 3

"the truth that is in thee..." vs. 3.

You can take it to the bank - whatever is inside of a person will come out of that person. Gaius is being credited here with having the truth - not just on his lips but in his life, in his heart. Truth within the heart will affect every aspect of your life. The point being made here is that the brethren were telling John that Gaius' thoughts - his mental state - had been affected by the truth. This was reflected in the things he said - he didn't say mean things to people - he didn't lie about people - he didn't spread gossip about people - he didn't whisper. The truth controlled his tongue.

Not only do we see the truth had affected him internally but also:

B. The Truth Had Affected Him Externally vs. 3

"as thou walkest in the truth." vs. 3.

It not only affected his mouth but also his movement. Notice vs. 9, "I wrote unto the church: but Diotrephes, who loveth to have the preeminence among them, receiveth us not."

The word "thou" is used in contrast to Diotrephes. Gaius didn't boast of the truth as so many do today. He put into practice what he knew - he read his bible - he obeyed it. Gaius' life expressed the truth he loved. He adorned the doctrine he loved. Everybody knew it about him because they saw it from him. People know if you live what you claim to believe. Gaius was truly an example to us all!

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