Title: My Redeemer Lives

Bible Book: Job 19 : 21-27

Author: James William Mercer

Subject: Lord's Supper; Resurrection



The character of our text this morning suffered more than any human in Bible history. We are all tempted to believe like the old Black spiritual, “Nobody knows the trouble I seen…” We are convinced that nobody has suffered the things we have had to endure. When you get in that frame of mind you need to fall back upon Job and the enduring faith that delivered him through one disaster after another. We shall see that he was kept by the knowledge that God was still God.

Job wants us to see his dependence upon God in every area of life. From the good times through the bad, he knows God is there for him. The key verse of this passage is verse 25, “For I know that my Redeemer lives." It would seem that this verse contradicts what Job has just said, but there is more under the surface. Job, driven to desperation, fell back upon the truth and justice of God. He declared that he should be vindicated somehow or other, and even if he died the truth would clear him of any scandal upon his name. He was driven by his solemn assurance in the justice and faithfulness of God to believe in a redeemer who would one day set things straight.

This verse makes several assertions which still hold true for the believer. First it speaks of

I. Permanent Provisions

A. Never Alone

Job had been deserted by everyone except these three we loosely identify as his friends. His children had been killed in a disastrous earthquake. His wife deserted him in the darkest hour of his misery. His servants had taken the opportunity of his misfortune to seek employment elsewhere. Earlier chapters tell us that those townspeople who had once been friends now laughed at his troubles. Even the children teased him and threw rocks at him.

The only human companionship he had left were Eliphaz, Zophar, and Bildad. These men who had once been friends were now Job's tormentors. They came to badger Job with unfounded accusations, not to bring comfort. At a time when he most needed a friend's support, these three only added to his misery. But contrary to what they believed Job was not alone.

He had a redeemer. The Hebrew word can be translated in three different ways. It can mean Kinsman or nearest relative. No family member is closer to us than the Lord Jesus Christ. At this point Job did not have a family, but he had His God. Job was looking forward in time to the Lord Jesus Christ who voluntarily became the older brother of all who would believe on Him. Because of our trust in Jesus, we can call God our Father. We are adopted into the family of God. Our earthly family might embarrass us; they might even desert us in our hour of greatest need, but not Jesus. According to Hebrews 2:11, Jesus is not ashamed to call us family. Even after the majority of the apostles had forsaken Him at the cross Jesus called them His brothers. Matt.28:10 Paul asked the question in Romans 8:35 "Who can separate us from Christ's love?" The answer that loudly resounds is "Nothing or no one." He chose us as a member of His family and we will never be separated from our kinsman.

The word can also mean vindicator. This is not a word which we use much anymore. It has the basic meaning of acquittal in a courtroom. All the false charges against Job would be set aside. His innocence would be declared to all. The vindicator is the defense lawyer who clears his client of any guilt. Jesus is our vindicator. His life, death, and resurrection enables God to declare all believers "not guilty." Job was a righteous man. All the sins these friends were accusing him of had no basis in fact. He knew that his vindicator would clear him of the charges. On the other hand we are guilty and God knows it. By taking the penalty upon Himself, Jesus has declared us "not guilty." The charges against our name have been cleared. Thus the word used by the KJV comes closest to the meaning of Job.

B. Not Another

The redeemer is the one who has paid the price for a slave’s freedom, one who has paid the ransom for a kidnapped victim. Those of a certain generation remember the Redemption Center where you brought your green stamps or your gold stamps to redeem them for items of your choosing. You saved your stamps until you had enough to purchase the toaster or iron or golf clubs that you wanted. Jesus is our redemption center. Faith in His sacrifice allows us to collect the prize of salvation. "For you are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's." I Corinthians 6:20

By faith Job declares "Although all the evidence points in another direction, I know that my redeemer lives." He might question everything else, but of this he was certain. It was faith in God which gave him that certainty. Faith provides the evidence we need even when all the outward signs oppose that conclusion. Faith substantiates the promises of God. Job's trials could not make him doubt. His trust in the Redeemer was a source of deliverance greater than all his difficulties.
These are some…

II. Powerful Promises

A. Faith Provides

In that same vein of faith Job declares, "Let me die and rot and putrefy in the grave. Better yet, let the fire consume my body, or the sea swallow it, or wild beasts devour it, yet it shall be restored to me when I see God."

Job's faith laughs at the impossibilities and will not talk of the difficulties. Faith is not mere conjecture, a bare possibility or even a probability, it is certain unchangeable truth. Job had hoped before, now he was convinced. "I know that my redeemer lives."

Faith provides a certainty that can’t be found anywhere else. The word “But” indicates that what is coming is in contrast, set over and against all of the arguments that have gone before. All their dialogue over suffering, sin, blessing and curse by God is to be seen as empty and futile in light of the statement that is about to follow. All of Job’s accusations against God are contradicted by what follows. Job says ‘But, this I know’. I cannot answer all your questions. I cannot defend myself against all your accusations and arguments. I cannot justify myself in your eyes but this I know. Not this I think, or this I believe, but this I know. It is said with emphatic certainty. Without a hint of doubt or disbelief but certain assurance that what is being spoken is the eternal truth.

In the midst of despair, in the midst of loss, in the midst of personal pain and suffering Job speaks with hope and assurance. Job looks not at the past, nor at the present but he looks to the future and confidently states ‘I know my Redeemer lives.’

Break it down and you will discover how convinced Job is. ‘I’ reveals a settled personal conviction. ‘I, yes I, know.’ Here is personal knowledge of what he is speaking about. Not ‘we’, not ‘you’ but ‘I’. This is personal knowledge gained from a living relationship with God.

‘Know’ = knowledge, not speculation. To know something is to understand, to be acquainted with, to declare, to teach and to learn. All of these Job could say about his redeemer.

‘My Redeemer’ = again it is personal. My redeemer – mine personally. Intimate personal knowledge. My redeemer speaks of a personal relationship and that is the vital key to understanding this statement. My redeemer has made

B. Full Payment

This morning as we share in the fellowship around the table of our Lord we are to be reminded of the sacrifice made on our behalf by the God of love. If we are sure about anything, let it be concerning the Redeemer. If we cling with tenacity to any truth, let it be our Redeemer's resurrection and life. Jesus declared, "Because I live, you shall live also."

The Apostle Paul towards the end of his life was giving final instructions to Timothy. Paul was in jail facing certain death. He could have speculated on the time he was losing, the mission of evangelism being curtailed, the prospect of execution. But that is not what he says.

I am not ashamed; for I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day.

Like Paul and Job we need not worry about the future, for it is in the hands of God. What better place for our trust to be than in the one who gave His life on Calvary. Place your trust in the ever faithful God.

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