My Kind Of Christian  

Title: My Kind Of Christian

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 7

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Growth; Growth



It is amazing to realize when we stop and think about it how Christians develop. Take for instance two people sit in the same Sunday School class, sing in the same choir, listen to the same music, hear the same sermons, and attend the same services yet one is caustic, arrogant and narrow minded while the other is loving, open minded, comforting and helpful! What makes the difference? I truly believe it's all based on our desire not to hear or serve God but rather to be like Him! Notice how Paul exhorts Philemon.

I. Rejoicing in His Presence, vs. 7.

A. Philemon's Affect Towards People, vs. 7.

...we have great joy... vs. 7. Notice right off that Paul doesn't say you make me happy; he says "we have great joy". Do you know people that affect you that way? People you can't wait to see. Paul is reminding Philemon of what a strong testimony he has among the saints "we". He's saying that it's not been my experience to see you cruel, caustic or critical towards others. Paul's trusting in his heart that this situation with Onesimus won't bring out a side of Philemon he hasn't seen before. Not only do we see Philemon effect towards people but also Philemon's effort towards people.

B. Philemon's Effort Towards People, vs. 7.

...consolation in thy love... vs. 7. Consolation is an interesting word. It means to feel confident that our love is so mutual and strong that I can tell you the truth without offending you! That sort of reputation doesn't come naturally, it's earned through discipline! Philemon had disciplined himself to be a help to people whenever it lay within his power. Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it. Proverbs 3:27. Philemon not only knew this verse, he practiced it and everyone knew it! It took work, commitment and discipline but he did it for the Lord's sake! Not only do we see that there was rejoicing in his presence but also there was refreshing in his presence.

II. Refreshing in His Presence, vs. 7.

A. An Inner Closeness, vs. 7.

...the bowels of the saints... vs. 7. Philemon knew how to comfort people. It was good to be where he was because he was the guy that always had the right words, the right touch and the right thing that you needed at the right time. That does something to your insides that can only be wrought by God's Holy Spirit. Do people know God's in you or do they think the devils got the bigger piece of your heart? Are they just not sure who'll jump out next? Not Philemon; he was truly God's man and a man of God. You felt close to Philemon inwardly. Not only was there an inner closeness also there was an outer closeness.

B. An Outer Closeness, vs. 7., vs. 7. A term of endearment. A fellow believer. The term brother doesn't mean we go to the same church or we like each other; it shows a blood relationship! How were Paul, Philemon and Onesimus brothers? By the blood of Jesus Christ! We need to be reminded sometimes that we're brothers and that we serve the same God. We're on the same team! You didn't just feel close to Philemon inwardly but outwardly also because he could be trusted to love you as Christ loved His church. What a Christian testimony Philemon had! Would he lose it over this runaway slave? Would he sacrifice his testimony over something? This would be a huge problem! I'm always amazed at the people who claim to be part of God's family yet lose their Christian testimony over some small thing that God doesn't even care about! Jesus didn't die for classrooms, carpet, paint or material things; He died for the souls of men!

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