Motivated Ministry

Title: Motivated Ministry

Bible Book: 2 Kings 7 : 3-4

Author: David Hammonds

Subject: Motivation; Ministry; Enthusiasm



2 Kings 7:3-4, “Now there were four men with leprosy at the entrance of the city gate. They said to each other, ‘Why stay here until we die? If we say, “We'll go into the city”-- the famine is there, and we will die. And if we stay here, we will die. So let's go over to the camp of the Arameans and surrender. If they spare us, we live; if they kill us, then we die.’" (NIV

A life changed by God is a wonderful thing to behold. From humble beginnings in Alabama, Millard Fuller rose to become a young, self-made millionaire. A graduate of Auburn University in Auburn, Alabama and the University of Alabama Law School at Tuscaloosa, he and a college friend began a marketing firm while still in school. Fuller's business expertise and entrepreneurial drive made him a millionaire at age 29. But as the business prospered, his health, integrity and marriage suffered. These crises prompted Fuller to re-evaluate his values and direction. His "soul-searching" led to reconciliation with his wife and to a renewal of his Christian commitment. The Fullers then took a drastic step: they decided to sell all of their possessions, give the money to the poor, and begin searching for a new focus for their lives. This search led them to Koinonia Farm, a Christian community located near Americus, Georgia, where people were looking for practical ways to apply Christ's teachings.

God calls us to serve by moving our hearts to people rather than things. Men like John Knox were  men stirred by the love of their country. Knox said, “Give me Scotland, or I die.” There are many in the ministry today because their lives meant nothing until it was involved in ministry. Let’s see how these four lepers were motivated to ministry.

I. Catastrophe Moved Them

What does it take to move the average Christian? Where are the Good Samaritans? merica continues to manifest the results of its culture of death. In this case it shows, once again, that life made in God's image is worthless.

Christopher Sercye, 15, was playing basketball with some friends in the early evening in May when gang members popped out of a car and shot him. Twice. His friends carried him 100 yards toward Chicago's Ravenswood Hospital. Thinking they had moved him close enough, one of them ran into the emergency room for help. Workers said that the hospital's policy required them to remain inside; an ambulance would have to deliver the boy. Finally an angry policeman grabbed a wheelchair and brought Christopher in. He died an hour later. According to an incredulous police officer, James Maurer, "There were people standing outside there, their own employees standing out there having a smoke while this kid is laying in the alley." Christian, do you think you will escape guilt and judgment because you are too indolent and uncaring to walk 35 feet to a neighbor's front door and offer them Jesus' gift of eternal life? (Source: WORLD, May 30, 1998, p.8.)

A. God Always Sends Events Into Our Live To Stir Us

Why does God allow storms?

  1. To Chasten For Sin
  2. To Teach Us New Things
  3. To Draw Us To Him
B. Not All Storms Are Of God

Origin of storms

  1. Hellish In Origin
  2. Human in Origin
  3. Heavenly in Origin

II. Coming To Themselves Motivated Them

The prodigal came to himself. Adam came to himself. Here are some places that may motivate us.

A. Point Of Despair

Like Jacob who fled to Haran.

B. Point Of Dilemma

Like John on the Isle of Patmos.

C. Point Of Decision

Like Paul on the Damascus Road.

Here are some statistics that are moving:

  • 9 out of 10 American adults cannot accurately define the meaning of "The Great Commission." 7 out of 10 American adults have no clue what the term "John 3:16" means.
  • 2 out of 3 American adults do not know what John 3:16 says.
  • 31% of American adults have no idea what the word "gospel” means.
  • Only 4% of American adults can correctly define the meaning of three fundamental terms: the gospel, John 3:16 and the great commission.

More adults are capable of accurately naming the top-rated prime-time television shows, of identifying the lead characters in the godfather and of accurately recalling the advertising themes of American express or united airlines than are able to accurately state the essence of the Christian faith.

Nor is the problem only with our evangelistic methods. Christian education, that ministry which we traditionally define as "discipleship" is likewise ineffective today. Barna notes that the "born again" segment of Christendom do not fare much better.

  • 8 out of 10 Christians do not know the meaning of the great commission. 5 out of 10 do not know the contents of John 3:16.
  • 4 out of 10 do not know what "the gospel" means.

Barna dryly notes, "These proportions amount to something less than a ringing endorsement of the depth of knowledge of the central principles and truths of the Christian faith among those who are the most avid adherents of the faith."

We must be motivated by the fact that we know the Truth. Keeping it to ourselves is not good. Christians awake. Come to your senses. God will work when we go.

III. Conviction Mobilized Them

As they recognized what God had done for them they recognized their need to help the city. Note what they became.

A. Men With A Mission

“We aren’t doing right” They saw they were the ones to go tell. If every Christian witnessed like you do, would anyone ever know your church is concerned about them? (Zingers p.349)

B. Men With A Ministry

“Let’s go tell the city” Something is fishy if we are not fishing for men. Zingers p. 347

C.Men With A Message

“What has happened to us”? The only way to get others to God is first to get to Him Yourself. (Zingers. P 349)

Think of people that were motivated to reach others.

Rick Godwin. Rick Godwin belonged to a rock and roll band in the sixties. They recorded such hits as “Double Shot Of My Baby’s Love.” Rick is now a pastor in Texas. He saw the need of the human heart and loves lost souls.

Vestal Goodman. Vestal cared for a neighbor named Rambo. The Rambo’s also became great gospel recording artists.

Personal. My roommate in the Air Force attempted suicide by taking 18 sleeping pills. At the age of 18 he had ruined his life with hallucinogenic drugs. He screamed for them to let him die. He wanted out. God spoke to my heart with a calling to young people.

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