Loving Service

Title: Loving Service

Bible Book: 3 John 1 : 6

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Living; Christian Service



So often we find ourselves with a good heart and certainly good intentions doing God's work as part of our job or because we think no one else will do it. I believe God loves a cheerful giver - as a matter of fact, we can proof text that in II Corinthians 9:7, "Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." That means God loves to see someone give of their time, talent and treasure. Each are meaningful to God and will rate His approval and blessings. John says in his letter to Gaius the word is out, your generous treatment of God's people is known beyond the limits of your own front door! Notice how John continues to edify the evidence of God in Gaius.

I. It Was Of A Goodly Sort, Vs. 6

A. What They Were Saying, Vs. 6

"Which have borne witness..." vs. 6. Sometimes we think it isn't important what we say, but I declare  to you what we say is one of the most important ministries in our church. If you badmouth the church people will never get close enough to find out what's inside. If you speak good of its people will come to see what's going on! People were saying good things about Gaius. Not only do we see what they were saying but also what they were seeing.

B. What They Were Seeing, Vs. 6

"...before the church..." vs. 6. It wasn't just idle talk around a plate of waffles, it was in the hallways of the church. Often hallways are filled with complaining Christians! Listen! Those people weren't ashamed or too prideful to say they had a good man among them. So often our problem is we're afraid to say that we love our staff. That they're men and women of God! It never ceases to amaze me that out of the people of God you so often help few have no heartfelt gratitude and loyalty to those who helped them.

Charles Stanley in a message once spoke sharply about loyalty. Today we hear too much of the "to thine own self be true" and "every man for himself" attitude. These people loved Gaius, they were saying it and people could see it. It's just good to love one another, to forgive one another, to help one another, to pray for one another, to build one another up. We not only see that Gaius works were of   a goodly sort but also it was a godly sort.

II. It Was Of A Godly Sort, Vs. 6

A. We See God In His Hand, Vs. 6

"...whom if thou bring forward on their journey..." vs. 6. Gaius provided people with food, money and arrangements as they served the Lord. Do you know what that is - it's the hand of God reaching out through Gaius. How many times in answer to prayer have the saints seen the hand of God! I remember a pastor friend saying as they began a new work, "I always believed in angels but I didn't expect them to be fat and bald." We can all be an angel to someone, an answer to prayer or the hand of God. Gaius made sure they made it all the way. Gaius depended on God to make it happen. Not only do we see God in his hand but also God in his heart.

B. We See God In His Heart, Vs. 6

"...after a godly sort, thou shalt do well..." vs. 6. This verse indicates that Gaius had one more thing going for him - a prayer life. ...after a godly sort... means in the will of God, under God's direction. The power behind Gaius' ministry wasn't his resources or even his want to. It was God's leading. I  believe we could all provide a loving service for some saint of God if we'd simply seek God in prayer. Ask Him today, "God, whose life do you want me to touch that I might reflect Your hand and Your heart?"

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