Love One Another

Title: Love One Another

Bible Book: 1 John 3 : 11-18

Author: Billy E. Dickerson, Jr.

Subject: Love; Christian Love



Reading the Book of I John is like looking into a spiritual mirror. It helps me to see and know the truth about myself! It helps me to KNOW whether or not I am genuinely saved. One way that I can text my own salvation is the love test. True believers will always express genuine love toward one another.

I. Do I Love All Of My Brothers/Sisters In Christ?

This is a question that all Christians should ask. And, we should ask it often. There are times when we are frustrated and disappointed in one another, but that should never diminish our love.

A. The Definition Of Love

Some Christians will speak of loving but acting in unloving ways. We must divine Christian love God’s way. God uses the word, “agape,” to describe the love we are to have for each other. The Greek word, “agage,” speaks of the kind of love that God shows to us. We are to love in the same way.

B. The Dimension Of Love

Note verse 11. Here God’s Word says love, “one another.” Why Did Cain Murder His Brother Abel?

1. Because Of His Heritage

Note verse 12. It points out that he was “of the wicked one.”

2. Because Of His Hatred

Verse 15 points out what the wicked one does in human hearts. Hatred and murder are the same before God! If we hate in our heart, it is the equivalent of murder in God’s eyes.

II. How Do I Love All Of My Brothers/Sisters In Christ?

I’m to love them as Christ does! He loves my brothers/sisters in Christ – so should I! His love is unconditional and that is the way I am to love. We can see three things about Christ’s love.

A. His Love Was Voluntary

Verse 16 tells us that, “He laid down His life.” We must get the focus off of ourselves if we are to love as Jesus loves!

B. His Love Was Vicarious

Verse 16 also points out that he died “for us.” That means that He died “in the place of,” which was a substitutionary death. We deserved to be judged by God, but Jesus loved us so much He died in our place. That is the kind of love we are to show. We don’t love Christians because they meet every condition to deserve our love, but because we have been loved when we didn’t deserve it – and, we are to love others in the same manner!

C. His Love Was Victorious

Verse 16 tells us that He “laid down” His life. It was a “once and for all” action on His part. Love wins the victory. This is how the world will know that we are His disciples – when we love one another.

This is what brings victory to our witness and work for Christ!


How Am I To Love?

A. I’m To Love By Sacrificing

Verse 16 makes it clear that real love between Christians is sacrificial. After all, that is the way Christ loved and loves us.

B. I’m To Love By Sharing

Verses 17 and 18 point out that I must SHOW this love by sharing. Real love is more than words – it is a love of action! John 3:16 points out that God so loved that He gave. He did not give His leftovers but, rather, He gave the best heaven had to give. That is exactly what we are to do. We are to give the best we have toward each other!

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