Kingdom Pioneers (An Outline)

Title: Kingdom Pioneers (An Outline)

Bible Book: Romans 15 : 18-22

Author: Ron Hale

Subject: Missions; Kingdom People; Evangelism; Church Growth


[Editor's Note: This is a brief outline but can be useful for developing a sermon on missions and evangelism.]

Pioneers never quit - they cross vast oceans, forge raging rivers, conquer rugged mountain ranges, hack through dense jungles, and open up new worlds to future settlers. Settlers have a desire to settle down, stay awhile, to build something lasting. The Kingdom needs both kinds of people in reaching, teaching, winning, and discipling the lost. However, as America finds herself in a post- Christian environment, we need more Kingdom Pioneers!

Kingdom Pioneers blaze new trails for the Lord into:

i. New Lands
ii. New Languages
iii. New Listeners

The Apostle Paul was a Kingdom Pioneer and so can you … if … you focus on:

I. New Frontiers to Explore

“so that from Jerusalem and round about to Illyricum I have fully preached the gospel of Christ”. v.19

The U.S.A. has counties, cities, and towns without a Southern Baptist Church – are you ready to explore? Will you start a Bible Study in pioneer territory? Will you be a part of a mission team? Paul traveled over 1,500 miles by foot in v. 19, how far will you be willing to travel?

II. New Foundations to Establish

“And so I have made it my aim to preach the gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I should build on another man’s foundation”. v.20

Your church was started by Kingdom Pioneers as they laid the foundation of faith in your community. Where are the new foundations to be laid in your community for new ministries, missions, and meetings?

III. New Faces to Evangelize

“but as it is written: ‘To whom He was not announced, they shall see; and those who have not heard shall understand.’ For this reason I also have been much hindered from coming to you.” vv 21,22

The Apostle Paul always put first things first. He was focused on reaching just “one more”. When you think of the lostness of our community, what faces come to your mind and heart?

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