Jesus’ Homecoming

Title: Jesus' Homecoming

Bible Book: Luke 4 : 14-30

Author: William R. Shively

Subject: Homecoming; Jesus; Grace, Day of



Nazareth was the "hometown" of Jesus Christ. The people of Nazareth must have been looking forward to the day when Jesus would return home. They knew Him as the son of Joseph and Mary. (v. 22) They had heard of the testimony of John the Baptist and about the miracles Jesus had performed in other places.



In Luke 4:1-13, we read of the power He exhibited against the temptation of the devil. In every attempt of Satan, Jesus defeated him with the power of God's Word. Jesus proved His deity.

B. POWER EXPLAINED. (v. 1, 14)

Jesus' power is explained in verse 1 and 14. In verse one, Jesus was full of the Holy Ghost and was led by the Holy Spirit. In verse 14, Jesus returned from the temptation in the power of the Spirit. While Jesus was God in a human body, He carried on His ministry in the power of Holy Spirit.



Jesus had made Himself a name throughout the entire region. He taught in the synagogues. The people gave Him honor and praise. At this point in Jesus' ministry, He was "being glorified by all."


Most of the people in Nazareth had already heard of the marvelous signs and wonders He had performed in other places. They had heard how Jesus turned the water into wine at the wedding feast some 10 miles down the road in Cana. There were reports of Jesus healing people. Jesus of Nazareth was the subject of conversations all over the region. His popularity continued to increase. The people of Nazareth were expecting and hoping to see Jesus do some remarkable miracles in His hometown.


Jesus attended the synagogue, as was His custom. When Jesus lived in Nazareth growing up, He would have gone to the synagogue to hear the Word of God read and expounded. He wanted to be among people who prayed and praised the Lord. We honor God when we go to the house of God and worship.

A. HIS TEXT. (v. 17)

In that day, a man in the congregation would be asked to read from the Torah. He would proceed to share from the text. Jesus was asked to read, so He took the book from the attendant of the synagogue. Jesus stood to read the Word of God. After finding His place in the book, Jesus read Isaiah 61:1-2.


After Jesus finished His reading, He handed the book back to the servant and sat down. He was now ready to begin His teaching. The rabbis always sat when they taught. The people understood when Jesus was seated that He was going to teach them the Scriptures. Jesus began to explain what He had read in the hearing of the people. His teaching was anointed by the Holy Spirit.

1) His words were profound. (v. 21)

The religious leaders considered Jesus as being unlearned because He was not trained in one of their schools. Jesus was more than qualified to speak for He was full of the Holy Spirit. Everyone was interested in what Jesus would say. His first statement was profound. "This day is this scripture fulfilled in your ears."

Jesus was proclaiming to the people that He was the promised Messiah.

2) His words were comforting. (v. 18-19)

Jesus explained the purpose of His mission. He came to bring blessings to God's people. The verses that Jesus read explained His ministry.

a) Preach the gospel to the poor: Jesus blesses! He brings good news to the poor. The poor are often more open to the gospel. The gospel is good news to those who know of their spiritual poverty.

b) Heal the brokenhearted: Jesus cares! He has good news for the brokenhearted. Only Jesus can heal those who have broken hearts. No one understands like Jesus. He can speak words of comfort to the bereaved, lift up the down trodden, and comfort the hurting.

c) Preach deliverance to the captives: Jesus delivers! Satan binds God's people and desires to keep them captive. Sin enslaves but Jesus has come to set the captive free.

d) Recovery of sight to the blind: Jesus heals! Satan and sin blinds us. Jesus came to heal our spiritual and moral blindness.

d) Set at liberty those who are bruised: Jesus frees! Satan is come to bruise and bind God's people. He oppresses the people of God. Jesus brings liberty to the oppressed.

e) Preach the acceptable year of the Lord. Jesus saves! Today is the day of salvation. This is the day of grace. The "whosoever will" may come to God and drink the living water freely. (Rev. 22:17) Someday, all of God's children will be gathered to their eternal home in heaven.

3) His words were gracious. (v. 22)

Notice the reaction of the people to Jesus' words. They were witnesses to the "gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth." John wrote that "grace and truth came by Jesus Christ." (John 1:17) It is understandable why His words were gracious. The psalmist wrote, "Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips." (Ps. 45:2)

4) His words were confrontational. (v. 28-29)

Jesus disturbed the Jews for not performing miracles in his home town. According to Mark's account of Jesus' visit to His hometown, He could do no mighty works. The reason was because of the people's unbelief. He only healed a few sick folks. (Mark 6:5-6)

In verse 21, Jesus made the Jews angry by proclaiming Himself as the Messiah. In verses 25-27, Jesus infuriated the Jews by reminding them of God's grace to Gentiles. His words were infuriating to the Jews.


Jesus came to the poor, the oppressed, the blind, and the captives to set them free. The rest of the gospel of Luke is the record of Jesus meeting the deepest needs of man until His journey ended on a cross in Jerusalem. On the cross, Jesus made it possible for sinners to be saved. His work continues from heaven as He intercedes for us. Jesus wants to be involved in the everyday experiences of each of us.

Jesus quoted only part of Isaiah 61:2. The verse reads from Isaiah: " To proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD, and the day of vengeance of our God; to comfort all that mourn." That day in the synagogue in Nazareth, Jesus made no mention of "the day of vengeance of our God." God's vengeance will be poured out in judgment on unbelievers when Jesus returns the second time. Jesus came the first time to save sinners. This is "the acceptable year of the LORD." We are living in the day of grace.

We will be going home very soon. All God's children will be gathered home in Heaven. We will see Jesus, our Savior, and we will live with Him forever. Our Heavenly Father will greet us. Just imagine the welcome you will receive when you reach that golden shore.


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