It Is Deja Vu All Over Again

Title: It Is Deja Vu All Over Again

Bible Book: Luke 5 : 1-11

Author: Vince Hefner

Subject: Backsliding; Regression; Unfaithfulness; Renewal; Revival



Déjà vu means something already seen, or something overly or unpleasantly familiar. The Scripture passages I am using today tell us something has happened at:

The same Place - the Sea of Galilee

To same People - the Disciples

In same Profession - Fishing

With same Payoff - No Fish

There is only one difference in the latter experience and the former one. What is the difference? Time has passed. In fact, 3 1/2 years of time have transpired. After the death of Jesus on the Cross, Simon Peter went back to his nets and back to fishing. Just think of what had happened to Peter because of his relationship to Jesus.

1. He had changed from being a regular fisherman to being a fisher of men.

He had learned from Jesus that it was his blessings and duty to leave his nets and fish for souls. But, he regressed. He went back to the nets, boats and sea.

2. Simon Peter knew he had a heavenly destination, a place to belong

3. Simon Peter knew he had a earthy progression and a purpose to accomplish

We see this in his tenacity as a disciple during his time with Christ.

But, Simon Peter went back to where he had started - he backslid - he went back to his fishing nets and boats.

I. Backsliding Can Occur In The Best Christians

Just think about it - backsliding can happen regardless of the things you have seen, learned and done.

A. Regardless of the Events you have Experienced

Just think of all the experiences Peter had witnessed and been part of. He had seen Jesus feed the 5,000, heal the sick, walk on water, and had even been present at the Transfiguration of Jesus. Even after all these amazing experiences, Peter was capable of backsliding. No matter what you have done for Christ, or have seen Him do, you must guard against falling back into the life you knew before you were saved.

B. Regardless of the Exposure you have Encountered

Simon Peter had wonderful encounters with Christ. He had even seen Moses and Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration, but it didn't keep him from backsliding. Great moments of glory and worship do not protect us from falling away from our true devotion to Jesus. Being faithful in a moment by moment requirement.

C. Regardless of the Examples you have Examined

Peter had put his foot in his mouth more than once, and he had been rebuked by the Lord. Not only that, but he had seen others rebuked by the Lord. He had heard Christ clearly prophesy what was going to occur. But after all he had examined and seen, he went back to his nets. No matter how much Bible study you have taken part in and how much warning you have heard, it is still possible to slip back into old habits and ways that are not of God.

Note something else about backsliding ...

II. Backsliding Can Obstruct Our Witness To Others

A. Watching our Walk

Other disciples and people knew that Peter was in the inner circle of our Lord. When he went back his fishing, others surely followed him. Our backsliding affects those who are watching our behavior. People who see us backslide are more likely to do the same. We can be a positive example for Christ when we are serving Him faithfully, but we can become a terrible example when we fail Him. We must guard against allowing our lives to influence others in negative ways regarding a steadfast Christian life.

B. Hearing our Talk

The disciples had heard Peter say that he was willing to die with Christ. Now they hear him saying that he is going back to his old profession - fishing! People are listening to us. When we backslide, our words can lead others to follow.

C. Feeling our Spirit

Just as a spirit of devotion and tenacity can influence people, a spirit of regret or regression can influence them in the opposite way.

Just as a spirit of devotion and dedication can spur people to godly behavior, a spirit of regression and backsliding can also pull people downward and away from faithfulness to the Lord. A positive spirit is catching and contagious - and so is a negative spirit or a backsliding example!

III. Backsliding Is Obvious When We Regress Spiritually

There are ways in which our backsliding is obvious to others. Think of a few of them with me.

A. When we Look Back Instead of Forward

Peter looked back to his former life and that led him back to his fishing boat. It is obvious that Simon Peter had taken his eyes of his calling and his Lord. Remember, we are always pointing people to Christ or away from Christ. The focus we have will affect the focus or others. If I'm looking toward my Lord and following Him, others are more likely to follow Him as well; however, if I turn my focus away from Christ, I'm more likely to change the focus or other Christians around me.

B. When we are Discouraged

A discouraged spirit tells others that you do not trust the Lord. Simon Peter became discouraged and it led to backsliding. A discouraged Christian is either backsliding or about to backslide. Many people feel like giving up on service for God, because the world is always enticing us to do so. No additional discouragement is necessary to get people to backslide, certainly the discouragement of a well-known Christian falling away is a terrible distraction from faithfulness to Jesus. It would be hard to find someone with more influence than Peter had at the time we are reading about in the scripture today. Don't ever let the devil use you to discourage others form service to Christ.

C. When we act in our own Best Interest

When Peter went back to his nets, he was acting selfishly. He was doing what he wanted instead of what God wanted him to do. Selfishness causes many Christians to fail the Lord and backslide.

1. People who are selfish with money will not tithe or give appropriate offerings.

2. People who are selfish with time will not attend or serve the Lord.

3. People who are selfish with feelings will "blow up" and become angry with other believers or the church.

Selfishness is the root cause of much backsliding in the life of a believer.

D. When we Judge the Blessings of Others

Our risen Lord called Peter back to a right relationship. But even then Simon Peter was worrying about the blessings that Jesus might give to the Apostle John. We must put aside all aspects of comparison with self and othe believers. We are to obey God's call on ourf lives regardless of what others may be doing. Some may get more attention and credit, but we are never to seek that for ourselves. We are called to serve God, whether anyone sees our service is God's business. Peter had to overcome comparing himself with what Jesus might do with another discisple.

IV. Backsliding Can Be Overcome When We Are Ready

How do we overcome backsliding? There are four things we must do.

A. Recognize Our Condition

You can't overcome backsliding unless you recognize that you have regressed in your spiritual life.

B. Repent of Our Condition

We have to return to the Lord, admit our condition and renew our love for Him.

C. Return to the Work of Christ

Jesus told Peter to feed the sheep. He was telling Simon Peter to get back to what he was supposed to be doing. Some sitting here today have called a "time out" from dedicated service and decided to let others do the work. Each of us must rededicate ourselves to God's service and do that over and over again. We must return to the work God would have us do.

D. Rejoice With Thankfulness

Backsliders to do live in joy or gratitude. When we get back to divine place we belong, our place of faithfulness with and to the Lord, we will be filled with a joy unspeakable and full of glory! You will never experience that joy as long as you are in the place of backsliding.


Are you as dedicated today as you have been in the past? God has changed, why have you changed? It is time to return to Christ and rededicate ourselves to His service. Some of us are serving, but it is a good thing to come to the Lord and ask Him to help us, empower us and protect us from the enemy who is always working to discouarge us. Let's do that right now.

God is ready to bless us when we are ready to be blessed!

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