In God’s Waiting Room

Title: In God's Waiting Room

Bible Book: Job 1 : 13-22

Author: Jackie Kay

Subject: Patience; Trust; Faith; Waiting



The most famous man on earth; extremely wealthy; the best of the best. But Job lost it all. Not only did he lose everything he was surrounded by carnal, judgmental friends...even his wife urged him to curse God and die (She was the first Mrs. Kavorkian). Job found himself in God’s waiting room.

Some of you can identify with Job. You are waiting to hear from God!

I. The Difficulties Of The Waiting Room

It is hard to wait! We all want God to give us!

A. You Can’t See What Is Going On In The Waiting Room

Faith is believing God is at work even when we can’t see His hand. Note Psalm 46

B. You Do Not Understand All That Is Going On In The Waiting Room

It doesn’t necessarily mean that you are not spiritual or that something is terribly wrong, although that may be the case with some. God chose not to explain the "whys" of the waiting room to Job.

C. You Can’t Control What Is Going On In The Waiting Room

No circumstance is ever out of the bounds of His control. God often permits us to be in situations that require that we look to Him and depend on Him. Self sufficiency is an enemy of faith.

D. You Can’t Dictate The Timing In The Waiting Room

The waiting room is a place of delay...sometimes for an extended time. We must remember that God is never late. God’s greatest work in and through you

may be "soon."

E. The Waiting Room Is Usually Not A Very Comfortable Place

The greatest truths in life are often learned in the difficult and dark places.

F. The Waiting Room Is Often A Place Of Worry And Anxiety

"Worry" is convinced that God does not care or is not able.

II. The Directions For The Waiting Room

God gave directions for the waiting room.

A. Trust The One Who Is In Charge!

Job 13:15, "Though the Lord slay me, still will I trust him." Job 42:2,"I know that thou canst do every thing..."

Job 41:33," Upon the earth there is none like Him."

Psalm 46:1, "God is our refuge..." Active, "...and strength..." Able, "...a very present help in trouble..." Available!

B. Stay Close To The One Who Is In Charge!

Job 42:5, "I have heard of thee by the hearing of the ear: but now my eye seeth thee." Don’t desert the waiting room. That is where you are most likely to hear from God. Illus. Elijah at Cherith.

C. Pray To The One Who Is In Charge!

Job 42:1-5a. God does not do His deepest work in the shallowest part of our lives. Get alone with God for a time of reflection, evaluation, correction, and dedication.

D. Be Still And Wait On The One In Charge!

Psalm 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." Literally, "Let your hands hang down." We want to do something. God may need to do something in you before He does something special for you or through you.

E. Anticipate The Response From One In Charge!

Note God’s response, Job 42:10, "And the Lord turned the captivity of Job..."

Psalm 46:10, "I will be exalted among the heathen. I will be exalted in the earth." God did not leave Job in the waiting room.

III. The Discoveries In The Waiting Room.

Job discovered...

A. A New Perspective

"And it was so, that after the Lord had spoken these words to Job... Note Romans 5:3-5, and 8:18. God gave Job a new perspective, one he would never have had if he had abandoned the waiting room.

B. A New Provision

Job 42:10, "And the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before..." In God’s waiting room Paul found Joy, Phil.1:4, Purpose, Phil. 3:14, Peace, Phil. 4:7, Power, Phil. 4:13, and Plenty, Phil. 4:19.

C. A New Proximity

(Nearness to God), Job 42:5, "...but now...mine eye seeth thee..." The difficulties of the waiting room drove Job to the very feet of God where he discovered a new nearness, a new intimacy, a new dimension of his relationship with God he would have never known otherwise.

As an expectant father I spent many hours in a waiting room, not knowing all that was going on, not understanding it all, not being able to control it all, and pacing the floor with worry. I trusted the doctor, stayed close, prayed, and waited, anticipating an announcement. When our babies were born, the  joy eclipsed all the difficulties of the waiting room (and the delivery room). If you find yourself in God’s waiting room... Trust Him, Stay Close, Pray, Be Still, and get ready for some wonderful discoveries.

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