How To Pray For Missionaries And Our Mission Teams

Title: How To Pray For Missionaries And Our Mission Teams

Bible Book: Matthew 28 : 18-20

Author: Ron Hale

Subject: Pray; Missions; Prayer; Evangelism



The Great Commission commands us to go into every nook and cranny of human existence; to the:

  1. Highways & hedges
  2. Rural and urban
  3. Suburban sprawls, to decaying parts of inner cities
  4. Rich and poor
  5. Uppermost to guttermost
  6. Glitzy and glamorous to the forgotten
  7. Some bodies and nobodies
  8. Gated communities to ghettos Why?

Because there is one living and true God and He is the God of history and the creator of the universe. Our God commands us to take this glorious gospel to the ends of the earth.

Missionaries and mission teams are the key to reaching all the families of earth. Our prayers are critical and crucial in winning the world to Christ. How can we be more effective in praying for missionaries and the teams we send out?

I. Pray That Closed Doors (Hearts) Would Be Opened To

A. The Word

“And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains.” (Colossians 4:3 NIV)

Paul was in prison, but he knew that His God was big enough to open doors of opportunity so that the gospel could be preached clearly and plainly. Paul was always enlisting prayer partners for ministry. As our team goes to Thailand, pray that hearts would be open to the Word.

II. Pray For A Victorious Vocabulary (Boldness Of Speech)

“Pray also for me, that whenever I open my mouth, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel.” Ephesians 6:19

Paul would soon face the highest officials in Rome in his trial and he wanted to stand bolding in declaring his faith. He saw this as another opportunity to spread the gospel. Pray for our missionaries and those we send to be bold as they share the gospel.

III. Pray For The Free Flow Of God’s Truth

“Finally, Brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.” (2 Thessalonians 3:1 NIV)

Paul reminds us that we never reach a place in our Christian service where we progress beyond the need of prayer. Paul prayed for the message to spread. The Greek word means to run. The image is of the brush fires in Southern California running up and down the hills and valleys. Surgeon said, “You cannot tell how much God’s servants are helped by the prayers of his people. The strongest man in Israel will be better for the prayers of the weakest Saints in Zion.”

IV. Pray For God’s Protection

“And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men …..” 2 Thessalonians 3:3-3 NIV)

The word “evil” describes active hatred. It should be no surprise that there is a real Evil One and he seeks to steal, kill, and destroy. The Evil One will use people to hinder and destroy God’s work.

Satan will seek to steal the testimony of Believers, rendering them ineffective. Pray for spiritual, physical, and emotional protection.

V. Pray For Understanding And Cooperation Among Believers

“Pray that I may be rescued fro the unbelievers in Judea and that my service in Jerusalem may be acceptable to the saints there.” (Romans 15:31 NIV)

The Jewish leaders viewed Paul as a traitor, troublemaker, and Theological turn-coat. They hated their former “golden boy”. This was enough to contend with, but Paul was also viewed suspiciously by the leaders of the Christian movement. Why? Paul was once the persecutor of the church. Now, he needed their partnership and they needed him. Our missionaries are often misunderstood my even their own families and the people they are trying to reach. Pray for cooperation among all Believers as the gospel is spread.

VI. Pray For Personal Revival And Refreshment

“So that by God’s will I may come to you with joy and together with you be refreshed. The God of peace be with you all. Amen.” Romans 15:32

He almost died at sea and he arrived in chains, but Paul joyfully made it to Rome to preach the gospel. Living in God’s gave Paul a sense of peace and power. In the thick of battle, this Apostle found personal revival and spiritual refreshment. Pray that our missionaries and mission teams with experience revival.

VII. Pray For God To Make A Way

“And I pray that now at last by God’s will the way may be opened for me to come to you.” (Romans 1:10)

Many Believers use the excuse of the lack of money for not going “On Mission” with God. To use this excuse without serious prayer shows a shameful lack of faith. God will make a way if it’s His will. We must trust Him!


Hopefully these seven handles will help us get a grip on praying for our missionaries and the mission teams we sent out. We will never stand taller as a church, as we bow and kneel in prayer for those going into the battle front of reaching the lost around the world.

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